Chapter 2:

My name is Kurogane Kazuo...

Hai to yuki (ash and snow)

The sun could barely make it to the surface through the clouds, providing little light to the landscape, showing the sight of a ruined London, almost destroyed, with half its buildings gone and the other severely damaged.

Fortunately for some people there were rare cases of buildings still in good shape. One of those, a big old Victorian style library with pale red and white colours was the destination of our protagonist. The decorations of the outside were refined arches, pointy ends and in general over-saturated forms with more dark tones. He arrived at the door and entered the house. Shaking off the remaining ash of his coat he moved on to the living room. The furniture itself didn't really fit. It looked like not everything belonged to the same place and somehow ended up there. The boy left the box on a table and stared outside through the window for a moment.

The streets, and everything in general was covered by a layers of ashes that looked like snow. As it was winter already. It's usually like this he thought, just a gray wasteland full of ash and death… He was starting to feel gloomy, remembering things that shouldn't be remembered and he just left the window, stopping the storm of feelings that was about to begin.

Then he went to the bathroom for a moment and stopped on the sink looking to himself at the mirror. The water started to flow as he used it to wash his face for a moment before changing his attention to the mirror once again. He saw his face, his pale skin and his blue eyes, well… His blue eye. With his hand touched the scar that covered his right eye, slowly. Again, trying to stop his mind from bringing back those bitter memories. He then saw his hair, noticing how long it had grown this months. He decided to brush it and then leave it with a long ponytail.

After some time, he continued his way through the house, passing the kitchen, garden and any other location worth mentioning. He did so until he arrived to one room in particular, one that was shooting steam in great amounts, making the temperature in there really high. He went in, closing the door and staring for a moment at the whole place. It was truly impressive to look at, steam powered machines filled the room in all kinds of ways, ovens, tailors, chemistry sets, there was a machine for every possible function. It was by all means, a great laboratory.

"Home sweet home..." Said the boy stretching out his body 

He went to a chimney where he made a shadow that looked like flames before it consumed itself making a lot of heat in the process putting a tank of water instantly boiling. Without wasting a moment the silver haired reached a drawer and opened it. It revealed a metal case covered in dirt and rust but still closed. He then grabbed the key in his pocket, making sure that in fact the shape matches. 

With care he opened the case and as he did it, from inside of the case a light rushed out to his eyes, making him go blind for a moment, but after a while, it stopped shining and the boy could clearly see what it was.

It was a piece of stone, one with a rainbow pattern and a crystal texture. Next to it was resting a sheet of paper with something written on it. He took it out of the case and started reading it. His facial expression, happy at first, began to change as he continued reading, until some tears dropped.

 Cleaning them with his arm he just left the note with a smile and grabbed the stone, looking at it. He placed it on the table, where he had every possible tool he could need. He was going to study that stone and unveil all its secrets.

Three days passed, everything was a mess in the laboratory. Tools, glass and any available chemical were all over the floor. On a chair, the silver haired boy was sitting looking directly at the stone, sweaty, tired but yet with a smile, he had something, and he knew what he had to do…

He got up and began making all the necessary preparations in order to do it. He ate, took a shower and grabbed all the equipment he thought may be useful. As he felt ready he went through the door into the snowy landscape. With a backpack, his coat and sword he walked down the rain of ash, while he walked he was only thinking about that note…

"If you're reading this that means Im already dead, I don't have much time, they are going to find us any minute. I really hope whoever is reading this is my son but if you're not, please use this for making things right. This is the result of my 6 year investigation. It may be the key for a cure…. So please… Be careful"

"A cure… As if it was possible… But if there is a chance it's this, in this moment..." Thought the boy while he climbed a pile of rubble just to stand there looking at something in the distance…

"I'm going to cure you all… Just wait for it" He yelled but got not clear answer

He couldn't obtain anything else than grunts and vile looks, he was not surprised, he was talking to a herd of monsters. This particular one looked like a pack of wolves, only bigger, more powerful and full of anger. They also looked rather human, with arms instead of paws, giant horns and an even longer mouth full of sharp teeth stained by blood.

With a jump he got down the pile of rubble and walked towards the beasts. His eyes meeted with the stare of one of the wolves. A white one, with a mantle of flames all over her body, her eyes were amber colored, they were fixated on the silver haired but in a rather pitiful way, as if they were telling him to go back, to save himself. Those eyes made him smile, in a confident way. They were full of power yet he could feel kindness in them, something oddly strange.

"I like the way you look at me… I will start with you… Sorry for using you as a testing dummy… But I hope it works so… Don't resist too much because I don't know what I am doing..."

He left the backpack on the floor, and so he did with his coat and sword, standing only with a black flamboyant suit vest with some purple rhinestones, a white shirt and pants of the same set as the vest. He began to untie the shirt on his wrists as he walked to the wolf. The wolf, looked at him one more time roaring at him.

"I guess you're not gonna just sit quietly through this… Fine then, have it your way..."

The exchange of glances lasted only a moment before everything started…The wolf began moving forward just to see how the silver haired boy banished in front of her eyes, reappearing just before her face landing a punch directly, sending her flying. The beast, shaking her head in an attempt to recover from the impact, looked to the boy, who was standing a few metres away, with his fingers crosed, surrounded by shadows spinning around him.

“Binding of the shadow… Slave to darkness!”

The shadows that were around him rapidly went towards the wolf becoming black chains that tied her up, locking her arms, her legs, making any movement imposible. They even covered her eyes and mouth.

“Now… Don't resist and make this easy… Otherwise we are gonna get hurt…”

The silver haired boy approached the beast with his hands in his pockets, taking out the stone, getting it close to its fur. As the stone touched the skin of the wolf it began to shine quite intensely, but just for a brief moment before stopping.

“Okay… That was actually more than I was hoping for a first try… But it needs something more… Lets try something else”

The silver haired went back searching for his things while the wolf was tied down. She began to move a bit, not enough to make the silver haired worry. Moments later some light began to shine through the shadows, until the chains break setting free the beast that with a roar made the silver hair boy turn around just before the giant claws of the wolf landed on his chest slashing through his flesh and making him fly towards a building crashing against it.He was confused, almost passing out, but he held himself. He looked down, examining the wound on his chest. It looked terrible, pouring out blood like a fountain.

“Great…”  Seeing the wound, he covered it with shadows for a moment. Then, this banished expeling lots of  heat. Enough to cauterize the injury screaming a lot in the process. After that, using the rest of his vest and shirt he managed to make a shabby bandage

“Oh my god… This hurts like hell… And this shit is not going to hold up for long… I will have to head back or…”

Before finishing that sentence he saw the stone, laying under the wolf's paw, he also saw how the wolf was reaching down to eat it.

“Oh no you little shit… Give it back!!”

Rushing towards her, he threw another punch moving the beast back and grabbing the stone but she was not impressed and they stared at each other for another moment before starting to exchange blows. The fight took off, their fists clashed and they began to move. The speed they had was incredible, dodging and blocking the respective hits they were so close in their physical capabilities. The street suffered the consequences, some buildings collapsed, the ground cracked and the sky turned grey preparing a huge storm.

In one moment the wolf spitted a ball of fire directly to the silver haired but he, using his shadows he made a wall blocking the flames. They went to the sides of the wall, weakening it, near breaking. But in the end, resisted the hit. The wolf jumped with her claws ready, throwing a cut through the wall crossing it, preparing the next one in order to finish the fight.

Both of them then noticed something, the stone was in the air, the silver haired must have dropped it unintentionally as he dodged the attack of the wolf. The two jumped right to get it. The sky broke and began to rain.

The sound of the rain couldn't hide the grunts of the two, fighting over the stone, it was in the mouth of the wolf but she couldn't swallow because the boy was holding onto it with his hands, securing her jaws with his feet. The wall of shadows became another group of chains grabbing the beast. She was not giving up, and began to crawl, trying to free herself.

“Just stop moving!! I'm trying to help you!! Is it that hard to understand?!”

The silver haired using his legs opened the mouth of the wolf freeing the stone, regaining it. 

“Fine!! If you want to eat it so bad here you have it!!!”

As he said so he introduced the stone in her throat almost like a punch letting it inside and then jumping away right where his things layed grabbing his sword. 

“If this doesn't work I will just cut you open…”

The rain falls on the two of them. Their breath was agitated, tense and nervous. Both waiting for something to happen even though it didn't seem that way. The boy took out the sword and looked down at the beast when five minutes passed and in that moment the wolf dropped to the ground and began to convulse. He thought of getting close but decided to look for the moment.

Light shone off the beast, covering up her entire body and with a powerful column of fire that rose towards the sky. The fire then began to extinguish and the figure of a young woman could be seen.

She had red hair and was covered by a cloak of flames. The silver haired was stunned, not exactly sure of what to do he runned to help her. He arrived and tested if she had a pulse. She had, and also she was breathing. She started to open her eyes seeing the man that was taking care of her and said.

“Who… Are you…?”

“My name is Kurogane Kazuo… Don't worry, I'm a doctor”