Chapter 33:

Let's return home.


“Can you be a little more quiet?” Yui’s mother said quietly, she was a bit angry but couldn’t speak louder “me and honey just put the baby to sleep.”

“So sorry mrs. Takashima” Nakata kned in place.

“Nakata is that you?” Yui’s mother was shocked “what happened to you?”

“It’s a truly long and bizarre story” Nakata laughed nervously and scratched his head.

“It’s not the time now” Aku took out a blue tie from her pocket “Takashima, you don’t need to be perfect.”

She dropped the blue tie and a second before it touched the floor she catched it using a green-azure tie she pulled out of her pocket.

Yui looked at the ties and his eyes opened bigly, he started to sweat and pat aggressively.

“I don’t want it” he said quietly “I DON’T WANT IT” this time he screamed loudly “I don’t know what, I don’t know what I want, I want to become better, I want to be happy” He catched his hair “WHY CAN’T I BE BOTH?!”

“I can teach you how to fight just please don’t leave me” Minato said, he tried to keep on quiet after Yui spoke so loudly “you didn’t killed me because you thought I was useful, I never thought I was useful before so you have no idea what that means to me, if you leave me to be like this I will forgot I’m not useless.”

“So tell me I’m not useless, tell me not everyone are perfect” Yui kept crying “comfort me, I commend.”

“It’s getting boring” Nakata approached Yui and gave him a kick that made him lose his consciousness.

“Thank you a lot mrs Takashima, we will be heading away now” Nakata waved friendly.

“Come back whenever you want” Yui’s mother waved friendly back to Nakata like nothing happened.

“I guess it’s a way” Kimori said to himself.

“Now we need to catch a train” Aku said while exiting through the door.

“Are you really going to act like what Nakata did is fine?” Kimori asked Aku.

“I think it is” Aku walked fastly “we need to let him rest so he can climb back.”

“What happened anyway?” Kimori was still confused.

“Takashima understood that I changed him and he didn’t liked it” Aku didn’t completely understand too “he thought if we will meet him less he could escape and return back, I can’t allow it, until we made him a better person I’m not going to let him be a boring jerk again.”

“The train station is over there right?” Eda pointed at a gate made from bricks.

The train station is surprisingly close to Yui’s former house so they didn’t need to walk for a long time.

“I am going to buy us tickets back so please wait for me here” Aku walked to the ticket stand slowly.

“From where Yui and Aku get their money” a question appeared in Minato’s mind.

“Isn’t it obvious?” Eda moved in place, it’s something he does when he is waiting for someone “stealing from passing by peoples.”

“I didn’t know Yui was a thief” Minato looked at unconscious Yui on Nakata’s back “and we used this money too all along…”

“I’m back” Aku waved with six tickets in her hand “let’s go to the train platform.”

Everyone nodded in agreement and started to walk to the train platform.

“Isn’t that our train?” Eda pointed at a train that just closed its doors and started to move slowly.

“ehhhh….” Aku’s face was unexplainable “it is…” her voice was much lower than usual.

“We missed the train, suckes” Nakata sighed in disappointment and kicked the floor.

“So.. what should we do?” Kimori spinned around himself.

“The next train is supposed to come an hour from now” Minato pointed at a board with the train's schedule written on it hanging from the ceiling.

“Meow” a little white cat approached the bunch “pet me Aku! do it!”

“What?” she noticed a black heart on his chest “Fuyuki is that you?”

“Who is Fuyuki? I’m a cat meow” he started to lick himself.

“Cats are not talking on earth” Aku lifted Fuyuki, he was very furry and cute in this form.

“What is it?” Kimori noticed Aku picking something from the ground.

“It’s Fuyuki” Aku lifted him in the upper part so the bottom part fell showing how long his body was.

“I’m a cat meow” Fuyuki said monotonically.

“Why are you here?” Kimori tilted his head.

“I've been spying on Aku for years” he said and soon after licked his paw.

“You did what?!” Aku looked at him angrily.

“Cough cough I said nothing I’m a cat” he scratched Aku and ran away quickly.

“It was a close one” Fuyuki said to himself when he was far enough “they almost noticed I’m Fuyuki.”

“Aren’t you going to run after him?” Kimori said to Aku which looked furious .

“I would be running after him” Aku’s expression changed in a second, now instead of angry she was full of happiness and cuddled herself “but his face is so adorable!!”

Fuyuki heard the thing Aku said, his hearing was far inhumane with this body, he ran back there.

“Give me a hug you adorable thing” Aku’s affection for cats is huge.

“Give me your blood and in exchange I give you a hug, I smell you have some dripping from the scratch I did before.”

“Worth” Aku gave her hand to Fuyuki and he smiled widely showing two cat fangs.

“Um guys” Minato said uncomfortably “where did Eda go?”