Chapter 8:

Chapter 8: Face of Horror

Destruction Of Balance

Oji's face went from satanic laughter to a countenance of trepidation, as if he had seen a killer ghost ready to stalk him and transfix him in the most brutal way possible.

" You made a dreadful mistake pummeling me into the table with the medical supplies," I said while smiling in relief.

" When the anesthesia fell on me, I tried to bolt to you and pierce you with this, however, you bashed me away," I explain.

" So what I decided to do was to trigger you and bring you to me to make my job easier, and funny enough, you were as brainless as I expected and fell for it, you foolish idiot," I say while smiling like a devil who had just heard the screams of a victim in agony, who he had just crucified.

Oji tried to whack me with his fists in anger but I dodged with adroitness and ease.

" Man you are too easy to predict, you are just a beast with muscle and no brain," I say while licking the blood dripping from my nose.

" Any last words," I ask while tilting my head and staring at him by widening my eyes?

Oji started to panic and started threatening me.

" If you kill me, the other organizations will hunt you down like a dog and you are too weak to extricate yourself from them," he says while trying to save himself.

He starts to become drowsy as he tries to prevent it and keep his eyes open but struggle to do so.

" But don't all the organizations hate each other and steal things from each other," I inquire with visible confusion on my face.

" We made a peace treaty so no organizations fight against each other and in that treaty, it says if any of the leaders like me get killed we will find out who did it and get rid of them," he says while struggling to talk.

" They will come and hunt you down," he says while smiling creepily.

Oji goes into sleep without him even noticing as I get a scalpel nearby and quickly slit his throat in one swipe. The blood drips down his throat like it was a waterfall with great force and even falls onto Riku's hand as I fall onto the floor in exhaustion and pain. As soon as I slit his throat his watch start to beep. I close my eyes once again as I fall once again into the ends of oblivion.

??? POV

It was a dark room. In the middle of this room was a round, circular table with 7 people around it.

The man at the far front of the table started to speak and broke the silence of the room.

" Oji is dead," he utters with his deep voice and a breath that smelled of strong tobacco.

The others start to speak at once

" Where did it happen and who," they all ask anxiously?

The far frontman started to speak again.

" We are tracking that down, we will find out and hunt that person to the ends of the world and if I find out one of you people did this, it will not end well for either of you."

The man at the back started to speak also.

" I ain't surprised he died first, that man was way too weak and overconfident, probably was stupid and got himself killed," he says in a high pitched voice.

Once again silence crept over and took over this mysterious room with peculiar people.

Riku POV

I open my eyes later to see myself on a bed with a group of people around me and one seems to look like a doctor and next to me on a bed nearby I see Meishu wide awake.

" You woke up!" Meishu Shouts.

" Thank you so much for saving this place by defeating him," he says with a wide bright smile.

" How did you demolish him, I thought you just got your powers and did not know how to use them," he asks me with confusion?

I explain everything that happens and how I defeat him.

" Oh so you got lucky kid," he asks me?

" Yea," I answer.

I try to get up but the pain creeps out to my chest and I scream with agony.

" Kid, it will take 6 months for you to recover," the doctor says.

" But I need to go and find my parent," I say

Meishu interrupts me and says, " Kid take a rest for 6 months, then I will train you for a few months, and then you can leave."

" You can not always rely on luck to win, kid," he said

" The outside is too dangerous for you to live unless you are strong," he says.

" I will teach you different forms of martial arts and also how to control your power and how to summon it," he answers.

" But-," I say before Meishu cuts me down

" No buts kid," he says.

" Kid it's gonna be hard work but it will help you survive and find your parents faster," he says.

" 6 months to recover and 6 months to train," he says.

12 Months Later...