Chapter 16:

A Secure Base...


The gentleness of the plush mattress beneath him makes for a pleasing start to his morning as Yuuto opens his eyes underneath the awakening sun. Blinking a few times, Yuuto groans away his tiredness as he rests on his stomach - his hands beneath the velvety pillow under his head. For a minute, he can hear the birds chirping the neighborhood awake, and the boisterous - yet somehow calming - street noise mumbles against his ears.

His surroundings set him up for a relaxing day, and he basks in the serene atmosphere for one last gluttonous moment. That is, right before two sets of hastened footsteps surge down the hallway behind his closed door. Yuuto’s eyes shoot open at the noise, and he snaps his head towards the doorway of his room.

The door handle twists, and the wooden door swings open swiftly. There, two twin girls clad in pink and purple pajamas stand with bright, toothless smiles. “Yuuto!” They cheer, giddily running over to their tired brother - who starts rising out of his previous position. “Emi, Ami,” Yuuto greets tiredly, “Is mom still sleeping?”

The two girls nod eagerly, purely excited to see their brother so early in the day. Yuuto smiles tenderly, rubbing the tops of their respective bed-heads, “Then you know the rules. You have to be quiet until she wakes up, okay?” The twins mutter in agreement, shamefully apologetic that they forgot the rules.

Looking to the two girls in front of him, Yuuto grins at their innocent faces. Then, an idea pops into his mind, and a mischievous smirk fades onto his sleepy features. In an instant, Yuuto grabs his two sisters and flings them over his shoulders. Standing from his low bed, he runs out of his bedroom and down the hallway.

Emi and Ami’s giggles ring next to Yuuto’s ears as he glides his sock-clad feet into the kitchen. He places the two girls onto the kitchen counter, and ushers his index finger to his lips - motioning for them to stay quiet. They eagerly nod their heads in compliance, with their fists balled up in excitement.

Stepping away from the now filled counter, Yuuto makes his way to the fridge. Opening up the closed door, he pulls out a cold carton of fresh eggs. Setting the container down, Yuuto’s cellphone begins to ring in his pocket. Scrunching his eyebrows together in confusion, he shuts the door and pulls out his phone - a brush of icy air wafts over his front.

Niko’s name is displayed on the screen, and Yuuto is brought on by even more confusion at the call. “Niko?” Yuuto answers, disorientedly, in a quiet tone, “What are you doing up this early? The clock hasn’t even hit double digits yet, you know.” No sounds of annoyance come from Niko’s end, which only further befuddles the still tired Yuuto in the kitchen.

“Yuuto, something’s wrong,” Niko states seriously, his tone awake and alert, “Junko’s been gone ever since the night of our last mission. She didn’t even tell me she was leaving… I-I don’t know what to do…” Yuuto’s eyes widen gradually at Niko’s words, and his gaze drags upon his content little sisters sitting upon the countertop.

“Alright, calm down, Niko,” Yuuto assures in a comforting tone - his voice light and airy, “We both know Junko, there’s a good reason for all of this. I’ll come pick you up, and we’ll head to HQ, okay? Hey, she might even be there now, you know.” An anxious sigh heaves over the line from Niko’s end, and Yuuto awaits his response.

After a moment’s contemplation, Niko replies, “Okay, I’ll get ready. Thanks, Yuuto.” Yuuto smiles softly at Niko’s consent, and finishes the conversation before hanging up his phone. Sighing a breath of his own, Yuuto carries himself back in front of Emi and Ami. The two girls look up to their brother, and they notice an apologetic look of disappointment on his face.

“What’s wrong, Yuuto?” Emi asks, placing her now limp hands in her lap. Yuuto draws his lips in, and places his hands back on top of their heads. “I’m sorry, you guys,” He apologizes sincerely, “I have to go to work right now, so I can’t make breakfast. I’ll wake mom up, okay?” Emi and Ami’s faces fall into dismay, but understandingly nod their heads.

“It’s okay,” Ami recognizes, “You work so much so we have money to pay our bills. We understand, Yuuto!” Ami optimistically inputs, trying to make her brother feel better about the situation. Yuuto breathes a chuckle and removes his hands from their heads. Hurriedly, he turns on his feet and walks to his mother’s bedroom - where deep, roaring snores emit.

Placing his palm on the cold door knob, Yuuto twists the door open. Strings of light from the hall lay upon the still furniture within her bedroom, before Yuuto pushes the door open enough to file himself through. Walking to his mother’s bedside, light creaks within the floorboards touch the soles of his feet. He reaches his sleeping mother, and places his soft hands on her left arm.

“Mom…” Yuuto says lowly, shaking the limp extremity awake, “Mom…” His mother slowly awakens, and her eyes recognize her son’s silhouette gleaming in front of the light. Scrunching her sluggish features inward, she grows confused at her surroundings. “Yuuto,” She begins, her tone drowsy, “Why am I awake?”

“I’m sorry, Mom. I have to go to work now, and the girls are awake. Can you watch them until I get back?” Yuuto says with a faint and hopeful voice, keeping his hands on his mother’s arm. “You have to go to work this early in the morning? You’ve never gone this early before, are you lying to me?”

Yuuto’s hand drops from her arm, and he raises them both in a defensive position. “No, not at all, I promise!” He objects, his voice not raising above a certain volume, “I’ll try to be back to cook dinner for you guys, so can you please watch them until then?” The woman sighs as she sits herself up and out of her messy bed. Bringing her fingers to the bridge of her nose, she squints the sleep out of her eyes.

The warm light from the hall reflects upon her ebony skin, and a golden brown shine surfaces upon her aging face and arms. “If Botan were still here, this wouldn’t be a problem,” She says, as her eyes drift to the shadowy altar facing her bed. Yuuto flicks his own gaze to the memorial structure, and instantly brings his eyes back down at the sight. “I know,” He replies solemnly, “I know…”

Roughly an hour later, Yuuto, Ren and Niko heave up the old, wooden staircase leading to their headquarters. “I’m just so stupid,” Niko voices his thoughts from behind the two men in front, “What kind of brother am I? Does she hate me that much? I just don’t understand…”

“Niko, I promise you did nothing wrong,” Ren assures, turning his head and torso to look at his friend as he ascends the stairs, “Even if you did, it was probably just some big misunderstanding. I mean, she didn’t tell any of us about it, either. If anything, we’re all to blame.”

The jingling of Yuuto’s keys sings against the cement walls before it reaches Niko and Ren’s ears. Fiddling amongst the multitude of keys, his fingers find the correct one as he pushes it into the lock. “Just take a deep breath, Niko,” Yuuto comforts the anxious boy, as he places his right hip on the door, “Everything will be just fine.”

Thrusting the side of his body into the door, Yuuto pushes forward and swings the metal door open. Inserting himself into the room, part of Yuuto expects a joyous Junko to be sitting on the couch - gossiping with Kagome. However, the chance of this person’s intrusion - who sits stoically on the sole couch of the apartment - was never even considered in Yuuto’s hopeful mind.

Mamoru Fukumoto - presented in a dressy shirt with dark slacks, and beige overcoat slung over his lap - positions himself in the immediate line of sight of the three entering boys. He sits perched upon the gray couch; his left leg thrown over right, and his arms rest crossed - all beside a comfortable Jiro relaxing to his right. Behind the couch, an awkward and anxious Kagome stands with her eyes trained upon the approaching boys.

Yuuto’s expression immediately drops, and his heart - along with his footsteps - halt in their position. Flicking his gaze to the uncomfortable woman behind the unpredicted occurrence, Kagome shakes her head and raises her hands in an agreeable, confused manner. Niko and Ren maneuver around the frozen boy, and stand at his sides. Matching their sights to that of Yuuto’s, their own eyes land upon the intruder.

“Dad?” Niko asks confusedly, slight fear lacing his words, “What… What are you doing here?”

Mamoru twists his neck so his eyes set upon the three men. Dragging his eyes carefully over each individual, Mamoru’s face remains stoic. “I’m sure you're curious about Junko's situation, are you not?” He asks, rather passive aggressively. He was always one to get straight to the point - never beating around any bush.

Niko’s eyes widen, and nods his head eagerly at the topic. Ren, to Yuuto’s left, is also visibly longing for an explanation. “Yesterday morning, she was wounded outside of work. She’s been staying in hospice since then. No need to worry, but she’ll be out of contact for a few days,” Mamoru informs, with no remorse or sympathy etching his statements. Niko’s hands begin to tremble at his sides, and he clutches them into fists.

Before he gets the chance to speak up, Ren interjects immediately, “Where is she?!” He frets, panic lining his voice, “What do you mean ‘wounded’? How badly is she hurt?!” Mamoru’s eyes thin out a fraction at Ren’s nervous outburst, and he stands from his seated position next to Jiro. Picking the jacket off of his lap, Mamoru swings it over his right shoulder.

It feels as if all of the attention in the world is drawn upon this aging man, and the tension in the open apartment weighs upon the shoulders of all who fill it.

“She’s under good care, I assure you,” Mamoru vaguely responds, dragging his fingers through his thinning hair, “As for the Task Force, the safety of Tokyo will continue to remain a top priority - even with a setback such as this. Therefore, Jiro will be appointed temporary Lieutenant in the meantime.”

All of the eyes surrounding Mamoru open in shock at the new proposal, and the individuals look between one another as they revel amid the news. Niko seems especially affected by the declaration, as he steps forward in question. “So, does that mean that I can be a part of the team now?” He asks, hope clearly noticeable in his tone, “Since Jiro has to move up, I’ll fill in his spot?”

Mamoru blinks heavily as he brings his left hand to his face. Glancing at the time, he shoves his free hand into his front pocket. Darting his eyes to his son, Mamoru’s face remains neutral despite the obvious hope and vulnerability Niko currently presents himself with. “That’s not up to me, that’s up to your Lieutenant” He denies, beginning to walk over to the three men.

“But if it were up to me, it would still be a no.”

Mamoru squeezes himself past Yuuto and Niko’s shoulders as he brushes against their sides in a brute manner. Niko’s eyes lost all hope and glimmer they were just previously filled with, and his mind fogs over in doubt and self-hatred. His being there means nothing to the surrounding individuals - he’ll never be good enough, even when they need someone to step up.

“Leave Junko and I alone until she comes back,” Mamoru states in a commanding tone, “She’ll recover faster without any disturbances.” Groping the metal door, Mamoru pulls the weighted entryway aside as he steps through - not saying goodbye to any of his officers, or to his son. The metal shuts behind him, and the muted clamor fades after the metal collides with the doorframe.

The overwhelming silence suffocates the remaining officers, as well as Niko, who stand frozen within the confines of the apartment. Kagome brings one hand to her pounding heart in her chest, and rests the other on the side of her face. Her breathing uneven, the wetness of the oxygen hitches in her throat.

“Junko’s gone?” Kagome’s voice breathes out against the silence, and it floats around the room, “And she’s… hurt?!” Ren joins Kagome in a mild fit of fear and panic, bringing both of his hands to his face. “Oh god…” He mumbles, with his hands muffling his anxious voice. Jiro stands from the couch, and conjures something to say to his rightfully worried friends.

“Alright, guys, let’s not panic now-”
Would you shut up, for fuck’s sake?!

Jiro’s confused eyes snap to the objection, and he witnesses a clearly agitated Niko standing defensively in his previous spot. His eyebrows are drawn, and a deep scowl rests on his angered features. “You don’t seem the slightest bit worried about my sister’s wellbeing - and I’m sure that has everything to do with that dumb, new, meaningless title Mamoru just gave you, doesn’t it?”

Jiro’s hands drop from their raised position, and form a cross on his chest. “Excuse me?” Jiro asks with offense and disbelief, “I’m trying to calm everyone down, and be sane with this whole, stupid mess! It seems to me that your little attitude is coming from your denial onto the squadron, once again.”

“Cut it out, you guys!” A frustrated Yuuto interjects the childish argument, “This is no time for petty remarks or stupid disagreements! We all just need to relax, and process all of this as a team.” Jiro and Niko drop their passive aggressive conversation as they comply with Yuuto’s proposal. Ren and Kagome, however, remain panic-stricken and beyond worried over Junko.

Shaking his head slowly, Ren’s eyes peel open wide as his mind races with thoughts of his Lieutenant. “I couldn’t protect her,” He whispers to himself, but due to Niko and Yuuto’s closeness - and the commendable silence in the room - they overhear his mumbling, “I promised her I would, and I didn’t. I let her down. After everything she’s done for me, I couldn't even keep her safe.”

Yuuto looks to his left, and a sympathetic look crosses his face as he places a hand on Ren’s stiff shoulder. “Ren…” Yuuto says softly, indirectly telling his friend that he is here, right by his side. The individuals know of Ren’s past with Junko - and they fully understand the protective nature he has towards her. Their relationship was built on security and trust - they always had each other’s back, through thick and thin.