Chapter 14:

Summer Traing Camp Part 3 (Taiki)

Special Fighting Club

The next morning I get ready and leave the boy´s room before anyone else.
“Where are you going?” Kei asks yawning.
“Apologizing.” I answer, making my way to the girl´s room.
“Do you know what time it is?” Leiko asks tired.
I nod. “Is Takara here, I need to talk to her.”
“Depends, do you want to continue your fight?” Nami comes to the door too.
I shake my head. “The opposite, I need to apologize.”
“Because you messed up?” Leiko asks.
I nod. “Because I messed up and said hurtful things.”
They go back inside, pulling Takara out with them seconds later. She doesn´t look pleased but comes with me.

We sit on the grass outside. Takara begins to pick flowers again and puts them in a bowl.
“What are you doing?” I ask.
“Picking flowers for a tea.”
“Déjà-vu.” I laugh.
“What do you want from me?” The tone in her voice is very hurt.
“I’m sorry for everything I said, well not everything but I definitely went too far.” I turn to her. “I´m worried about you, but I realized that there´re just some things you don´t say. I swear I didn´t mean it.”
“You don´t really like me, do you?” She asks, seemingly holding back tears.
“I do! Takara you´re the most important person in my life! I love you way too much to have meant those things. You´re my only sister, I wouldn´t want to live without you.”
Now she turns to me. “We´re growing apart and I don´t like that.” She says.
“Taiki, I want to stay like this for ever but that´s not realistic.” She takes a deep breath. “Please stop putting me over yourself, trying to copy me just to please me.”
“How am I copying you?”
“Watermelon flavored candy.” She says dryly.
“But I thought you liked those.”
“I do, but you hate watermelon. You can´t even eat a real one without gaging.”
I blush. “Ok, I´ll try to be more Taiki and less Takara.” I smile.
She nods. “About the doctor situation…”
“I actually have an idea with that.”
“How about we make a deal? If you go to a doctor and we end this fight with a trust experiment.”
“Trust experiment?”
“We´ll dye our hair, you choose my color and I choose yours.”
“I´m in.” Kei sits with us.
Takara smiles.
“We´re sorry that we dragged you into our argument!” Takara and I say simultaneously.
“It´s fine, just don´t do it again. I really don´t like the arguing twins, I want my idiot twins back.” He says smiling.

We tell Manami-san, who agrees to dive us.
Takara´s holding my hand on one side and Kei´s hand on the other while the doctor tells his diagnosis.
After that our next stop is a hair salon.
Takara not only get her hair dyed but also cut.
I´m next hoping Takara and Kei won´t use this opportunity to make me look ridiculous. I see the hair stylist come to me with multiple pots of color and lose faith.
Kei gets his heir bleached, while Takara and I wait. Takara falls asleep on my shoulder and Kei sleeps calmly while his hair is getting lighter and lighter. I shake Takara awake. “I have an idea.” I mumble.

We come back after lunchtime. Jinpachi is the first who runs towards us. He smiles at Takara. “I like your hair.” She went from super long white hair to a short bob in blue, her favorite color.
She smiles. “Thanks.”
“We´re in partner look now.” Jinpachi adds showing his own blue streaks.
I rip my hat off, that not only me but Kei too have been wearing because, well we got weird colors. I show the blue in my hair. “Seems like we´re also in partner look.”
Jinpachi falls to the ground laughing. The others, who´re slowly arriving to, show a mixture of laughter, amusement and confusion.
“Now you only need a red nose and the clown look is perfect!” Jinpachi continues to laugh.
My hair went from white to rainbow colored, all seven colors.
Kei starts giggling behind me too. I turn around. “Thin ice.” I tell him and pull his hat off.
Kei went from black to neon pink.
“What happened to you?” Akito asks with a tone between laughing and worry.
“This is what happens when you fall asleep at the hair stylist with two stupid idiots around!” He sound quite upset.
“At least it´s going to grow out fast.” Takara and I tell him.
Manami-san comes towards us now, putting a hand on Takara´s shoulder. “Takara wants to tell our team what the doctor said.”

Takara holds my hand tightly as she stands in front of the team. “So the doctor said that I have a meniscal tear. He recommends a surgery but I want to compete with you guy. I´m going to get physio therapy from Manami-san and I´ll probably won´t be able to fight every round, so I´m counting on you.” She smiles slightly. “I´ll work hard to be able to compete with you as your captain as much as possible, but I also have to listen to my knee.”
“You´ll be training with us again?” Leiko asks.
Takara nods. “But I´ll have a lighter version of your training.” She points at her knee brace. “And I won´t be getting rid of this for a while.”
The whole team shouts a “Kyoto-Nami Fight!” cheer.
“Yeah!” Takara shouts back.
I smile at her.

So our training continues now with Takara back to fire everyone up.
“She´s doing better.” Jinpachi pants after practice.
I smile. “She sure is now she doesn´t need you to cheer her up anymore.”
He smiles back. “Oh, so it´s not weird anymore if I start fliting?”
I stare at him. “If you want to flirt with this face too.” I point at my face.
“Good thing I´m Bi.” I says while running towards Takara.
I sand there frozen.
“Well that didn’t go as planned.” Kei laughs.
“Just you wait you bastard! You won´t get my sister!” I start running towards them too, hearing Kei laughing behind my back.

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