Chapter 12:

Interlude II

I am a God, But I Accidentally Summoned Myself into My Own World as a Human Being!

The Alliance Army returned from the battlefield, tired and beaten.  Of a headcount of almost twenty-four thousand at the start, only a quarter remain.

“How many men do we have left?" Valerie inquired to her soldiers.

“Around three thousand more or less, captain.”

“How many are injured?”

“Around a third.” 

Valerie's forehead creased.  “Separate the count into those that can still fight and those who can’t.”

“Yes, Captain.” The soldier saluted, then solemnly left the tent. 

Valerie turned her focus to another soldier in attendance, “What about our artillery?”

“Due to a massive loss of manpower, we’ve had to a leave a lot behind.”

“How many do we have left?”

“We’re still looking into it.”

Valerie restrained herself from sighing in front of her subordinates despite the frustration. She took note of how she will try to release the stress later. Something that will help lessen the visible effect of tiredness and uneasiness from her face. “Alright, I want a definite number in the next report.”

“Yes, Captain.” Once again, the soldier saluted, then headed out of the tent.

“The rest of you are dismissed. I need some time to think.”

The remaining soldiers saluted in unison before finally leaving their captain. Valerie slumped down the chair. It has been an exhausting week for her and her soldiers. She thought of how to also increase the moral of the army to get through this and finish their tasks.

“At least you still have more soldiers than us. Cheer up.”

A man flapped open the entrance of the tent and slipped in. It was Frederick.

“How many on your side?”

“We’re still doing a headcount, but it seems bleak. Probably twenty five hundred at most.”

Valerie closed her eyes for a moment. “Sorry for your loss.”

The mood inside the tent fell into solemnness.

Frederick sat down the stool beside the captain's table. “It’s no problem. I already knew this outcome was going to happen. It’s what we signed up for.”

“Yup, totally signed up to be cannon fodder. Do you want anything to drink?” Valerie offered Frederick her canteen.

“It’s alright. I have my own.” Frederick pulled out a canteen from his satchel.

“Great. Well, here’s to the heroes defeating the demon lord.” Valerie raised her drink.

“Here’s to us surviving.” Frederick raised his.

“Heh, cheers to that.”


The two drank up.

Cali Maki