Chapter 2:

7 Years Ago, The life she had ...


7 years ago, Tokyo… The place was a big mart, brimming with the activity of many people. Among them, a girl caught the attention of this boy’s eye. She looked very weird. Her dressing was strange on a whole different scale. Her eyes viewed the world as if there were no humans there at all, and she was there, all alone. This thought gave Jasper a chill but also a reason to spy this girl a bit more. He kept observing her a bit more, and then slowly realized, she picked up a chocolate and put in her personal bag, then she did the same with another, and another. “Shoplifting” this girl was a thief, she dared to do this in broad day light so boldly without a care. He got infuriated and rushed to her, held her hand with a jerk and pushed her forward, in a low voice he said, “Don’t you have any shame?” …. The girl was blanked faced, “Wow, what an ikkemen. (handsome man), wait, he is holding my hand, uwaaaaa, how lucky I am, Nishimiya, what did you do to turn your tables suddenly, are you looking that good today that hot men come and hold your hands? Wait, what if he has ill intents, oh no, I might not be able to resist, but he doesn’t look evil.” Her thought generator’s voice was the only thing she heard, the words of the man were turned deaf folded. She kept staring at him while talking to her herself in her brain.

To this jasper got even more pissed and took the chocolates out from her bag. “Is this guy stealing from me? wait, why is no one doing anything? I am being robbed in daylight… god, and here I thought I finally attracted a handsome man, he had to turn out a thief.” She didn’t resist at all. Jasper was shocked at this weird girl. ‘What was going through her mind.’ He put the chocolates back to where she picked them from. Nishimiya looked at him, and finally said, “what a nice thief you are, stealing to only put it back.” “so she speaks” said jasper. “and wait, what…. Meeee, a thief, excuse me little girl, I am a ‘to be cop’, stealing is the last thing I would ever do.” The word cop alerted Nishimiya. She backed off. “Whaaat? Seriously. Being a thief didn’t startle you but now being a cop scared you.” “You know, bad guys are the good guys, and good guys are the bad guys.” She said. “Which stupid philosopher said that”, jasper asked. “The one whose chocolates she rightfully deserved and you took and put them back.” Jasper couldn’t help but laugh on this one. Nishimiya pouted and took her chocolates back. “For being a regular here, the manager has allowed me to take 3 sneakers every Wednesday of the week for free, and today so happens to be that day…” Jasper was confused. What stupid store would make an offer like that. He took her by the hand, and went to the manager’s office to clear the milk and waters. But the manager told the same story and then sweat marks could be seen clear on this so called young ikkemen’s forehead.

It was a sneaker of apology that they both are together, and the weird looking cloths that brought them close to each other. Eventually the anime virus transferred from Nishimiya to Jasper as well, and they both enjoyed a lot. Of course this is a story where after the silly first encounter the tragic loner girl who lost her parents while she was young and had turned into a room shut in, falls in love with the hot shot boy who was good at what he does and was going to become a police officer, and was also in love with the girl. These stories need know introductions, they are the dreams and wishes of almost ever teen that craves for love. And so this love story eventually presumed successful and our happy lead couple soon officially started dating and 3 years later, after Nishimiya graduated her university and Jasper, his cop training school, they married off with the consent of their families (In Jasper’s case only) and started living of on their own. It was a happy life they had started. Nishimiya finally living under the same roof with a handsome guy who loved her and Jasper always enjoying the idiotic Nishimiya who in many situations would get still starring into the void as if searching for life’s meaning, when now he had actually learned, she was just crap talking in her own mind. They were living the idealistic romantic comedy life a couple in twenties would imagine to live, but these idealistic times were short. Cause real life. And if we spend too much time on how lovey dovey they were, the time of sadness would be hard to bear with. It was an ordinary day that came, which did not result into an ordinary situation.


It was a Sunday and as usual, like every Sunday, both of them were hanging out. They had a fun day, it was still a while to dark, and they had planes to reach home, prepare a candlelight dinner and then watch a movie, like every weekend. But this time on their way, they were on a retro-looking bike, they saw a man being beaten by a bunch of people, while others kept staring not doing anything. Jasper could not believe his eyes, he stopped the bike, asked her to wait, and quickly rushed off in the middle of the crowd. The people tried to stop him but he showed his badge and lashed at the guy right in front of him, in anger and punched him in the face multiple times. The situation soon changed though. The others grabbed Jasper and pinned him down. They were almost 7 guys. They all started giving him a brutal beating. They kicked and punched him, Nishimiya lashed out to the men and begged them but they just pushed her aside. Jasper got angry but he was really wounded, and unlike in movies, despite being a cop, handling 7 men was too much for a boy in his twenties. He couldn’t even have got up while his love of life got shrugged away. He felt really hopeless. Then the guy who was apparently their boss, and who happened to be the one that Jasper punched several times, got up and said, “This is the punishment one receives when they mess in the matters of those to who he has nothing to do with.” He took his knife out. Nishimiya quickly ran out of the crowd. The guy was about to stab Jasper right in public when a gunshot was heard. After the gunshot, the crowd who was already on their edge and had felt that they were forced to watch all this dispersed without care. It was Nishimiya, she used the official gun of Jasper from the bike and shot the man who was about to stab the beaten and weakened Jasper. The boy she shot was also a teen slightly older than Jasper. Seeing their leader getting shot the other hooligans backed away too but with cold eyes that said, you will pay for what you did. Nishimiya managed to save Jasper for the moment but an official investigation went underway. The boy killed was apparently the son of the Yakuza gang lord who also controlled the local police and city mafia. He was a man of power and influence but in this case, nothing illegal was to be done. No influence was to be made, it was done by proper law. A civilian used the gun of a police officer to shoot another civilian. That is what they published in the newspaper. Despite the situations, the law does not allows it and hence Nishimiya was sentenced to a prison of 10 years followed by death row, and Jasper was removed from the force for letting his gun waver to the hands of his girlfriend and for creating a public scene and meddling between third party instigators and involving the public to be in danger. The guy the yakuza were beating was apparently one of their own who had done corruption and illegal stashing of drugs against their code and was being punished by the yakuza law; by being tortured in front of the public and then being cut off his pinkie finger but Jasper meddled in. Nothing wrong was actually going on but Jasper’s sense of Justice and Nishimiya’s love got both of them destroyed.

Sadly, the story did not end here.… While in prison, one-day Nishimiya was called. She was taken to a big mansion. It was the house of the Yakuza gang lord. When she reached there, she saw Jasper beaten so bad that his eyes had all swelled up, and was unable to even stand. He was crying. She couldn’t control it. Despite the harshness of the prison that had killed her jolly and cheerful optimistic side she still moved to tears when she saw the man she loved in this state and all due to her mistake, she couldn’t ever forgive herself and she knew Jasper thought the same as well. She cried and begged so much but all that old man said was, “I suffer daily with the thought that my son is no longer with me. His picture on my walls reminds me of him every single time, I lost my heir, my future, you will suffer the same fate., lose your love and future.” With that, he shot Jasper right in front of her. His body fell down, eyes opened, staring at Nishimiya. Eyes filled with regret, but love too. Blood drenched the carpet and the old man got up, while the only sound that was heard was of her screams. Which distanced into the deepest parts and hallways of the mansion. She had left her soul there, with the dead flesh of his loved one, who she led onto…. Only her body was taken back to the prison.

Nishimiya could not have withstood that tragedy. It was too much for her mind, she would scream in prison daily, and daily. And eventually, she went crazy and was moved to the official police psych prison, where she spent the last 8 years and 364 days to date.