Chapter 4:

Vampire: The Night Shift 1.4

Vampire: The Night Shift

Case File: The Tainted Nature.

11.20 P.M


A Vampire Den is a place for vampires to gather and socialize or deal with business. Usually, there are more than five in every city. However, finding one is extremely hard because each Den was designed to hide in plain sight. They hid as a nightclub or sometimes as a library, yes, a library. It’s not surprising since most people don’t really know what goes under those places.

Anyway, Azy’s favorite spot is one of the hottest nightclubs in the city. He’s actually a frequent customer there. That’s where he usually spent his time during vacations. It’s a good place to hook up with mortals, vampires, other nightly creatures, or even lycans on an occasion.

Layla raised her eyebrow at Azy as she walked beside him. “I don’t mean to be rude, Azy, but why are we after these poachers again? Based on the files, they are pretty small-time in comparison to other gangs.”

“We don’t choose the case we got, Layla. Every one of them is important.” They have been walking past three blocks by now.

“But, mythical creatures are just like animals, right? Shouldn’t an officer investigate this case instead of us? Or is it because of me?”

“No, no, and no. Mythical creatures are not the same as wild animals. True it may be that some aren’t as intelligent as us, but a few of them have a basic understanding and emotions as us. Like a mermaid that I used to know. She saved me despite who I am. Sure, I couldn't communicate with her well at the time, but for a glimpse of a second, I was able to understand her. And to answer your last question. No. I don’t look down on you because you’re a fragile creature. I know what your kind is capable of. The reason I picked this case isn’t that I want to keep you safe. It’s because I can’t stand looking at once a majestic creature being treated like that. Did that answer all your doubts?”

“Yes. Sorry I doubted you.”

“Don’t be sorry. You have the right to.”

“So, where are we going?”

“To my favorite nightclub.” Azy raised his finger and stopped. Then he pointed at the chic building across the street. “That file Antonio gave us doesn’t have the information I needed. So, we are meeting a friend of mine. He might clue us in where their base is.”

Layla turned her gaze at the building. A large Cambion bouncer guarded the front entrance, keeping his gaze on the clipboard in his hand while making sure only a selected type of customer can come in, and it seems a ton of people are trying to get in. Those who were selected were mostly beautiful and alluring kinds of people, but sometimes wealth was taken into accounts.

“Not the kind of place I would go,” grumbled Layla.

“Not surprising at all. I mean look at you.” Azy noticed the glare coming from Layla.

“What do you mean by that?” She narrowed her eyes at the nervous vampire.

“Uhm, I mean you’re the studious kind, not the kind that goes wild on a Saturday night.”

“I’m pretty sure you meant sometime else.”

Azy jogged away from her. “I can’t hear you! The music is too loud!”

Layla caught up to him. “I don’t understand why you parked all the way there instead of here. There are a ton of open spots near the nightclub.”

“There’s no way I’m going to park my lady near a work site.”

Three pretty women in scantily tight outfits perked up in joy when they saw Azy walk up to the bouncer. So much joy that they left their dates just to greet the Vampire. “Darling Azy, is that you?” called out Stephanie. The woman with blond hair and a slender body.

“Stephanie, Jasmine, and Lara?” said Azy in pleasant surprise as he turned to face the three women.

“Hey baby, I thought you’re working today?” asked Jasmine. The short woman with dark hair and a bit of oomph to her body.

“Actually, I am.” He opened his arms to wrap his arms around the three women.

Lara, the woman with purple hair and an athletic body, had her gaze on Azy’s partner. She bit her bottom lips as she drilled her lustful eyes into Layla. “Who is this sweet little cherry?”

Azy glanced at Layla. “My new partner…”

“What?” said the women in unison with widened eyes. A loud burst of laughter escaped them as Azy sighed loudly with droopy shoulders.

“Are you serious, Baby?” asked Jasmine.

“Yes. Laugh all you want.” Azy pouted.

“Darling, we’re not making fun of you. We’re just surprised, that’s all. Come here you. Let me make you feel better.” Stephanie pulled Azy’s head into her bosom and gently patted his head.

“She isn’t that bad. I would like to gobble her up if she gives me the chance,” said Lara while keeping her gaze on Layla. She gave Layla a racy smirk and caused the receiver to blush slightly.

Layla coughed to interrupt whatever is happening. “Azy, don’t we have work to do?”

Still, in Stephanie’s bosom, Azy reluctantly pulled away and sighed. “You’re right. She and I have work to do.”

The woman let out a disappointed moan. Stephanie wrapped herself around Azy’s arm. “Darling, could you help us get in? We didn’t expect tonight to have so many people here.”

“Easy enough.” Azy turned to the Cambion. “Will you do me a solid, Joe?”

“No problem, Mr. Azriel.” The Cambion lifted the red ropes for the group.

The dates with the three women earlier spoked up their discontent. “What? You're letting that traitor in just like that, and what the hell? You three were supposed to be our dates!”

“Sorry, guys. We just can’t resist ourselves when we saw Azy. He’s different, you know?” said Stephanie before she and her friends entered the nightclub. “Thank you again for the help, Darling.”

“Screw those whores. Let’s get out of here.” The discontent dates left the line.

Azy and Layla left the street and into the deafening club. The nightclub was surprisingly normal for a Vampire Den, modern architecture with sharp and smooth decorations. Neon light changed color in an interval while the floor was fogged with a smoke machine. It was to be expected, so it can hide in plain view. High-beat music played at a blasting volume. The music was designed to be loud, so it would deafen the inhibition and anxiety of its occupants. Inside here everyone is a nobody, only a personification of their desires.

The Vampire gestured to Layla to follow him, and they made their way to the stairs that were guarded with another Cambion Bouncer. She let both of them in without a single glance. It was to be expected, Azy had been a regular here since he came to this city and a close friend to the owner.

Azy stopped himself along with Layla at the front of the soundproof double door. “Look, inside there isn’t our jurisdiction, so do not interfere unless your life is at harm, am I clear?”

Layla straightened her back, then nodded her head.


They walked through the double door and were greeted by a different kind of room, unlike the club downstairs. Instead of a bold and loud interior with a bit of modern decoration, the room inside resembled a classy lounge. A jazz band played on the stage beside the high-class bar.

The posh clients spent their time in several groups, most are vampires while a few are mixes of mortals, lycans, and any sort of species. Each group was in some kind of activity ranging from casual to sensual interactions.

However, Layla spotted something amiss among one of the groups in the corner. A woman with a distressed look on her face made eye contact with Layla. She was being drained by a group of vampires, but not a single person paid attention to it.

Layla remembered Azy’s warning, but the tears running down the woman’s cheek were painful to watch. It’s obvious the woman being drained doesn’t want to be here. Layla tossed aside the warning and stepped forward. Immediately, she was stopped by Azy. He looked at her with narrowed eyes, then slowly shook his head.


Azy pulled her closer, so his whispers can be heard. “No one comes here unwilling. That’s the rule, but once you’re inside, there’s no turning back.”

Despite her reluctance, Azy pulled her along toward the door. What waited for them in the other room was a small private lounge far from prying eyes. Except it wasn’t surprising to find such a room in this club except for the moaning red-haired lycan on top of a vampire’s lap. She was half transformed, a few of her human features had slightly altered, the furry arms and legs along with a bushy tail and twitching wolf ears were obvious.

The vampire on other hand had a dark crew cut and slightly tanned skin. His elongated tongue resembles a snake tongue right down to the fork. It was long enough to slither down the Lycan’s belly and into her black panty. Yet, the tongue wasn’t the only striking feature about the vampire, his left arm was a prosthetic.

Azy coughed loudly to announce his presence.

The Vampire’s tongue quickly slithered back into his mount and left the Lycan panting for air. “The Crimson Lord?”

Azy sighed as he casually took a seat on the sofa across from him. Layla was hesitant because she was still stunned by the sight, but eventually, she regained her senses and took a seat beside Azy, then kept her gaze away from the perverted scene.

“I don't know why you kept insisting on calling me that. Anyway, I’m sorry for this unexpected visit, Sabuk.”

“Anything for the Crimson Lord. Maze, would you be darling and grab us a fresh bottle of refreshment for me and Azriel. While a regular for his…”

“Oh, her name is Layla, and she is my new partner.” Azy gestured to the woman beside him.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Sabuk.” Layla slightly bowed her head.

“A regular for his… Partner? Excuse me, but am I hearing that right?” Even Sabuk was surprised by the notion of Partner. The Lycan gathered her strength and left his laps, then toward the door to grab refreshments.

“I know. I know. Damn it. Can we just skip the theatrics?”

“I apologize for my outburst, but the mere notion of you taking a partner is just very odd.”

“It wasn’t by choice.” Azy slightly shook his head.

The atmosphere inside the room darkened, especially around Sabuk. “Outrageous, how dare those mortals?! I will massacre their entire bloodline for what they did to you.”

Azy waved his hand. “Please don’t do that, Sabuk.”

“If that is your wish, then I shall abide by it. On the next topic, aren’t you supposed to be on duty today?”

“I am, that’s why I’m here.”

Sabuk leaned back with a frown. “If you’re planning to take me down for whatever reason it is, I have to warn you that I’m not going to take it without giving a fight even if I owe you my life.”

Layla raised her hand. “Uhm, why do you think that exactly?”

“Oh, you see my Vampire’s House deals in information trading, espionage, black market trades, and sometimes assassination. Wait, I shouldn't tell you that…” Sabuk shrugged. “Just forget about the last three.”

“That’s going to take me a while to process that. Anyway, what is a Vampire’s House?”

“It’s like a clan. Usually, on top of the hierarchy is a Lord, he or she is in charge of ruling over her or his spawns. It’s like a family tree except more streamlined, only a Lord can change a mortal into a Vampire. By the way, my Lord is Lady Lilian, she rules over the Serpentine Eye which I belong to.”

“How does she hold domain over other vampires?”

“Well, a spawn such as me is bound to Lady Lilian. Her orders are absolute, and no matter what, I have to follow them. It’s like a code in our genes.”

“How is Lady Lilian?” asked Azy.

Sabuk let out a heavy sigh while rubbing the bridge of his nose. “Those online games.... it had a grip on her. I doubt she will come out of her room until the next decade or so.”

“Bound…” Layla turned to Azy. “Are you bound to someone?”

“I was… a long time ago.” Something slightly changed in Azy’s expression, a subtle tinge of sadness and longing glimmering in his gaze before returning to normal.

“Lord Azriel…” Sabuk looked at Azy with worry but shook his head when he saw his hardened gaze. Sabuk turned to Layla. “Shall we move on?”

“O-Okay, uhm, how does a vampire become unbound?”

“Oh, simple. Usually, by death, or the death of the Lord which the next oldest vampire will take over, or by a rare chance, a Lord unbound the spawn by his own free will. That last one is quite the myth. No Lord will ever do that except for Lord Azriel. Vampires are prone to have an obsessive tendency, they would prefer death rather than giving up.”

“You kept calling Azy: a Lord, does that mean he was a Vampire’s Lord?”

Sabuk’s smile grew wide with excitement. “He was! He used to rule the Sanguine Blade. Oh, the war. It was an honor to have the chance to fight side by side with you, Lord Azriel. I’m eternally grateful to you for saving my life.” He bowed his head with respect while holding his prosthetic arm.

“It’s a long time ago. Hmm, do you miss the war?” asked Azy.

“Not one bit, but it does have a few good memories.”

Sabuk and Azy shared a smile as they recalled a few of those fond pasts. Until they were interrupted by the knock of the door. The Lycan from earlier, now prim and proper brought another woman along with a bottle of champagne. Layla’s eyes widened when she realized that it was the same woman from earlier except she was gagged.

“It seems our fresh refreshment has arrived, Lord Azriel. Come cattle, serve your blood to our esteemed guests.”

“Cattle?” muttered Layla. Her forehead furrowed with intense anger.

He grabbed the woman’s arm with enough strength that she let out a painful but muffled groan. He forced her to kneel beside the coffee table. “Excuse me, I didn't hear that quite well?” said Sabuk as he looked at Layla with a clear innocent gaze.

Layla was about to interfere when Azy narrowed his eyes on her. Then the warning he gave her back at the precinct played like a broken record inside her head.

Yes, she had fooled herself by thinking that Sabuk was a normal human like her. How could she not? He acted like one. He was friendly. He treated her with respect. Every question she asked was answered with enthusiasm, but Sabuk wasn’t a human. He is a Vampire. A blood-sucking monster who viewed humans as nothing more than food.

“I can’t...” Layla whispered under her breath. Her narrowed eyes stayed at the puffed-eyed woman, her grip around her handgun tightened.

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