Chapter 2:

Winds Of Change pt2


The meteors kept crashing, breaking houses, smashing cars, killing people. Chaos ruled the streets, not because of the accidents and the screaming of the running people; it's what they were running from. Fiendish creatures with different shapes and sizes. They looked like they would be chasing you in a nightmare. Where did they come from? It's the meteors. They weren't flaming rocks; no, they were the fiends themselves engulfed in flames and covered by stones falling from the sky. Not much time has passed, and the streets reeked of blood, these monsters were eating the humans alive, and those who weren't eaten were just killed. It was a frightening sight, and invasion but these weren't aliens.

The students in the class couldn't see the entire chaos outside, for only a couple of them landed on campus.

The Teacher in Max's class, while panicking: Nobody goes out! Everyone stay inside! It's safer here! I repeat, nobody goes out.

Tom looking through the window: What in the fuck is going on, man!

He expected an answer from Max, but he didn't get one, because Max already left the class.

Tom: Oh no! No, no, no, no! He was worried, yet he knew that his friend could handle his own, so he thought maybe staying to help keep everyone in the class would be the right thing to do.

The university news club warned the students from the speakers in the halls: Everybody, stay inside. We're shutting all the exits; no one must go out right now, so please stay in your classrooms.

The scene outside just got more chaotic; now the police forces are out, shouting the monsters. But not enough; some of them are getting hurt and killed by the bullets, others aren't even flinching.

This went on for over an hour. Complete chaos, the streets were painted red with both sides' blood.

The ground began to tremble, and a bright green light started coming from the direction of the Blue Lagoon University. In the middle of the campus, surrounded by dead monsters, Max was holding a small green translucent orb and trying to push it into the ground. He was screaming because of the pain; the ball seemed to emit a massive surge of energy in response to his actions.

It's finally underground, the green glowing stopped, and everything got quiet. A small smile was drawn on Max's face, for he knew what was about to come...An enormous shockwave of green energy came out of the cracks in the ground above the orb. The shockwave kept going further and further away from campus, and every time it came in contact with a monster, it instantly burnt it to a crisp, in some cases leaving only ashes behind. After a bit of time, the shockwaves formed a dome covering almost half of the city. Max tried to keep his eyes open and get up, but he collapsed. The blast was too much for him to shake off and get up.

Everything seemed clear now, no more screaming outside of the university. Some students wanted to see what happened; others were still afraid and didn't risk it. Tom was one of the few who got out. He just wanted to see where his friend went. To Tom's surprise, Max was out there lying on the ground a couple of meters away from the hallway door. He rushed to check on him.

Tom shouting: Max! Max! Hey Buddy, wake up! Hoping that he isn't heavily wounded. After reaching his friend, he was terrified by the missing arm, but the sound of his surprisingly normal heartbeat calmed him down. He picked him up and headed for the infirmary inside.

A few hours later

Max opened his eyes from the pain in his arm. His hand is growing back, but the pain is from the skin being torn apart for the bones to grow back. It won't take long before his arm is back, but it won't be easy. He got up from the bed. Looked around, but no one else was in the room with him, and it was fairly quiet outside. He didn't fail; the dome didn't collapse after setting it up. That's at least what he hoped the silence meant. Stood up and went for the door handle, the hallways were empty, but some noise echoed in from the outside. Dawdling toward the outside, and to his surprise, hundreds of people were gathered outside. Some were sitting alone in quiet, others started talking to themselves from the fear and terror that entered their hearts, others were talking about aliens, some called it god's punishment. The good thing to Max was that the police forces gathered people from the outside on campus, so there are responsible people to look after the masses, and they weren't just controlled by their fear.

Tom, who was patiently waiting for Max to get out: Max! His eyes filled with tears of joy, yo man! You scared the fuck outta me!

Max: Tom, how long was I?...

Tom: 2 hours, give or take.

Max: Damn! What's up with everybody? Why are they outside?

Tom: The army is here, and they wanted everybody outside for questioning.

Max: And?

Tom: Well, they wanted to put guards in the infirmary with you, but we talked them out of it!

Max: We?

Tom: Yea! Come on, everyone is worried sick about you; they are over there.

Max, while walking with Tom: And how did you convince them?

Tom: The army? I told them, what if you were a danger and woke up to find guns pointed at your head? Wouldn't that make you cause more trouble?

Max: Smart.

Tom: Yea, thank me later.

Max: Thanks.

Tom: Hey everybody, look who's finally up! Said Tom to the group of people standing in front of them.

Emily jumped at Max, hugging the air out of his lungs.

Max: OW! OW! Don't squeeze too hard; all my bones are still aching!

Emily: Oh my! Thank god you're okay; you nearly gave me a heart attack. How? What happened?

Max: It's a messy story. I'll explain it to you later. What's important now is that you are all safe, he said while looking at his close ones.

Manly voice from behind Max: Max Whaite! You're finally up on your feet.

Max turned around, looked at the man, and said: I am, Lieutenant?

The Man: It's Commander, Commander Ross. I believe we need to talk.

Max let go of Emiley: We do.

Commander Ross: Perhaps somewhere more private.

Emily: Wait…

Max: It's okay!

Cara: Max! You're…

Max trying to keep a smile on his face: Don't worry, I'll be right back. We're all on the same side anyway.

With soldiers surrounding him, he walked with the commander towards a small tent next to the pillar of green light emitting from the orb. The crowd of people kept staring at Max. Some knew who he was and looked out of concern for him. Others were bothered by his missing arm, how he was being led. He looked like some sort of a criminal to them.

They entered the tent.

Ross: Take a seat.

Max sat down facing the commander from the other side of the table in the center of the tent. Ross kept looking at Max as if scanning him or proving that he isn't intimidated by his regenerating forearm.

Ross: Well, let's start slow from the beginning and pick up the pace from there?

