Chapter 21:
Reverie's End: Blades of Malice
Seasons of Ethos:
There are 360 days in a year.
There are 12 months with 30 days each.
Each month consists of 5 weeks with 6 days per week. Each day is 24 hours.
The 12 months start with "1st Darkness" and end with "2nd Light".
1st Darkness: 8 hours of light only.
2nd Darkness: 4 hours of light only. Very dangerous months; high crime rates and depression during these times. Staying indoors is recommended. A bit cold.
1st Flame: hot weather (75 F).
2nd Flame: really hot weather (100 F). Flame mana restores light during these months. People can die from heat stroke. Volcanoes might erupt. Drought.
1st Water: rains a little.
2nd Water: rains a lot. Water cools people off but rivers tend to flood during this time. Tides can erode coastal areas.
1st Forest: harvest.
2nd Forest: really good harvest. Some areas experience earthquakes. A bit warm.
1st Wind: windy.
2nd Wind: very windy. Dangerous; hurricanes and tornadoes can occur. Slightly chilly.
1st Light: 16 hours of light.
2nd Light: 20 hours of light. Good vacation months. Hard for some to fall asleep. A bit warm.
Languages of Ethos:
The common tongue of Western Ethos is known as Thorian. It is generally learned as a 2nd language in Eastern Ethos. There are a few older languages that are still around as well.
Karsi: The main language of Minas, but also spoken in West Valis by the elite.
Aegean: Main language of Gaia. Very common in Aegis and Brywood. Spoken by the elite in East Valis. Can be found in parts of Shima as well.
Zalar: Main language of Ramah indigenous people. It is very difficult to learn.
Siril: Main language of Charon.
Old Siril: Some of the elite in Charon can speak this ancient variant. Only useful for ancient texts.
Ethorian Measurements:
Hex: 25 miles in length.
Penta: ¼ mile.
Skar: 12 feet
Tria: 1.5 feet
Lia: 1.5 inches
Dot: 4 mm
Main Character Statistics
Lita: Age: 37, height: 5'7, weight: 118 lbs.
Will: Age: 18, height: 6'2, weight: 204 lbs.
Dart: Age: 19, height: 5'6, weight: 122 lbs.
Ordalia: Age: 27, height: 5'5, weight: 115 lbs.
Gin: Age: 21(?), height: 6'5, weight: 255 lbs.
Beowulf: Age: 32, height: 6'0, weight: 247 lbs.
Miri: Age: 19, height: 5'3, weight: 135 lbs.
Amalia: Age: 15, height: 5'4, weight: 107 lbs.
Sinister Man: Age: 30(?), height: 5'11, weight: 208 lbs.
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