Chapter 1:

#1: Revelation

The Pink Witch

A long time ago, in the time of kings and queens and enchanted castles , in the time of fairy godmothers and wars by reigns, there was a time of magic, where everything was and was not and where fairies were loved and witches hated.

Not all witches were bad and not all cursed others but, to maintain their reputation they were always very bitter.

They live separated from others, in a world of their own, full of stones and crystals.

By day there were sparkles of precious stones and at night the black was broken by the glow of the moonlight.

It was a world of their own, an untouchable kingdom where no one dared to enter, for in the enchanted kingdoms it would be better don’t look for them.

But the kingdom of witches was very similar to the neighboring kingdom of fairies, kings and queens.

They too had their king and queen, whom they blindly obeyed whether they thought good or bad their decisions.

Is in this same kingdom that something is about to happen, something that it will only be possible on the day that the Sun and the Moon fall asleep.

This day has come, without light or darkness, and the witches king and queen were presented with the long-awaited offspring.

All in kingdom wondered how the new being would be and they know for sure, it would come full of power.

On the night that 13 falling stars were seen in the sky, the desired baby was born.

The Moon was filled with a wonderful glow and the Earth shivered by the baby’s cry.

In the kingdom there was a feast for 13 days and 13 nights, until the time to show the descendent.

The silence was absurd around so much wizards and witches, until the king appears in the window.

The king show up an icy, cold look, almost petrified. At his side, the queen tried at all costs to contain the tears, because witches shouldn't cry.

The king announced that the child was a girl and show her up to the crowd.

A huge scream of admiration was heard but at the same time a sharp silence covered the kingdom.

A huge change in the kingdom was about to begin... 

Real Aire
Joe Gold