Chapter 24:


Cafe Eris

hey guys! it’s me Maruto Kuzumaki!

today is the day i prove my worth to the whole village! café eris is hosting a competishun and i will be participating of course because how could the main character not participate? a very nice man paid for me, so i needed to prove to him that he did not waste his money. i’m gonna show everyone how strong i am!

the funny man before me just finished his song, so it was my turn to face today’s ultimate boss! In today’s challenge, the ultimate boss was the stage! mr. Santa patted me on the shoulder when it was my turn to challenge the boss. i nodded really serious. i had to show him how strong i was! i needed to prove to him i, Maruto Kuzumaki, was worthy of the cookie he gave me!!!

I got up from my chair and marched toward the big scary stage. The lights were shining very brightly onto it, maybe i shouldve brought my sunglasses! How could a shadow ninja come to battle unprepared? Would i come out of today’s challenge alive? I gulped. MASUKE and kakura weren’t here. I was alone! Well, dunadéé and my mommy and papa are here too, but a true shadow master can defeat bosses without the help of grownups! i’m a big boy!

My legs felt like strawberry jello as i walked closer to the stage. Did you know I LOVE strawberry jello? its so yummy! I ate some for breakfast today… oh no! Maybe thats why my legs are all shaky!

how did the challengers before me defeat this monster with such ease? well, i guess the comeedyanman didnt. He ran away! It was a bit sad. which is actually funny because he is supposed to be a comedieman! ...I mean, comideean?

so i walked up to stand and carefully got on top. okay, first step done! you got this, Maruto. this may be one of the scariest bosses you've faced, but nothing is too strong for Maruto Kuzumaki!

i looked around the crowd and i could barely see anyones faces! it looked like a sea of darkness... as a shadow master, i should be happy with this! but for some reason, i felt even more scared.

when i looked up, i was blinded by the light of 1000 suns! (well, mommy told me theyre called stage lights, but that doesn't sound cool enough.) i squinted and my eyes teared up! it burnsssss! i kept rubbing my eyes, but i think it only made it worse. no! how am i supposed to carry on!

the noise from the sea of darkness got a little louder, and i was starting to panic. was it getting ready to attack??? how could i face it? im at a disadvantage, im wounded!

i had to open my eyes.

with the will of the most powerful shadow master, i snapped my eyes open. at first, i couldn't see anything. i was really worried at first, but i remember my papa saying that its normal when you rub your eyes alot.

when i could finally see clearly, the sea of darkness had somehow disappeared! it was replaced by lots and lots and lots of people looking at me! this was wayyy scarier than its last form. is this the boss's second form? just how many forms does it have?

i started to panick. what was i supposed to do now? it was watching me from everywhere!

my eyes started to hurt, and i could feel tears.

NO! I cannot let the monster see my weakness!

i just need something... a distraction!! and i need it fast!!

i looked around the room, trying to use my super vision. i couldnt see anything. was i really about to admit defeat in café eris? in front of mr. Santa? in front of the nice man who paid for me? in front of the lady who was kinda scary but ended up being nice?

no. i must search harder.


i continued to look harder, and i saw a faniliar face! my supervision was working!

i looked even harder at the two faces, and i realized they were my parents and dunadéé! they smiled and waved at me from their seats.

i was so happy, they were my distraction! they are the key to defeating this boss!

"hi guys!!! look at me, im on the stage!!" i waved my hand and jumped up and down to grab their attention.

the sea of darkness/lots of lots of lots of people started to laugh... wait, theyre cheering too! its working!!! ive gained the advantage!

i laughed. i always talk about the power of friendship, but today, all i needed was the power of family.

maybe sometimes its okay to get help fron grown ups.

suddenly, mr. santa came up to the stage and moved the microphone machine down so i could reach it.

"just a little help from good ole santa, here you go!" he whispered to me.

oh yeah! i was here to sing!

i whispered a small thank you back and he walked away.

i grabbed the microphone and took a deeo breath.

"um... hello everybody! i am maruto kuzumaki, the shadow master! i am here to defeat the ultimate boss through the power of song!"

the sea of darkness/lots and lot and lots of people cheered for me. this was so cool! i had tamed the beast already!

"i am going to sing me and my friend's theme song, "SUNLIGHT. my friend kakura made it!"

i was about to begin, but i stopped.

i had to say one more thing.

"uhm... i want to thank my family for helping me in todays challenge." i stepped away from the microphone and bowed as deep as i could.

a true shadow master could not work without the help from his family, after all. i needed to say thank you because if i dont, then thats rude. and if im rude, that makes me a bad guy. and bad guys cant become the Bokage!

now, i could start.







i was breathing a lot when i was finished. singing is hard to do!

the crowd cheered super duper loud once i was done! i smiled a bunch and bowed for them. i said thank you and hoped off the stage.

i cant believe i just defeated one of the scariest bosses of all time! i ran to my parents and dundaéé and gave them all hugs.

“without you guys, i would have ran away like the comeedyman guy! thank you!”

“Hey buddy, you did so well! We're so proud of you!” my papa told me. it made me so happy!

i was the last person to face the boss, so we had to wait a little bit to see who defeated the boss the best. apparently mr. santa would tell us!

it felt like the longest time, but finalllyy mr. Santa walked onto the stage.

he gave everyone a big grin. “And now for the results! The competition this year was very difficult to judge, so we decided to give away three awards instead of one! Third place gets 5 free drinks, second place gets 10, and first place gets free drinks for the whole year!”

woah. the challenge rewards are so big! i crossed my fingers and chanted in my head, “pleasebemepleasebemepleasebeme”

mr scanta continued. “In third place, we have… Drumroll please…”

the sea of darkness/lots and lots and lots of people began to make a thunder noise.

“Pimmy Park! Congratulations, beautiful lady! Your singing was angelic!”

the pretty lady walked onto the stage and said thank you. she had some weird red dots on the top of her shirt. blood!!! she was fighting the stage monster too so it makes sense. but i’m so good that i didnt get hurt like her.

“Next up, in second place, we have… Drumroll please… Coco-chan! Good job, you beautiful boy!” mr. santa winked at the cool guy when he came up onto the stage. the cool guy said thank you and walked back to his chair where- wait, thats the lady who wished me good luck! even thought the cool guy was walking towards her, she was looking at me! she waved at me and gave me a smile. she looked really happy. the cool guy looked kinda confused.

“And finally, in first place, winning the hearts of everyone in the audience…”

i scrunched up my face and crossed my fingers.

“Congratulations to Maruto Kuzumaki!”

OH MY GOD! THATS ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!1!1

i ran up the stage and gave mr. santa a ginormus hug. the audience was super loud but they cheered for me! they all went like “raAAAaaahhhhhhHHHH” and “wOOOoooHooooOOO”!

i look at my family and they all look happy for me. wow!!! this is so fun!!!

i grabbed the microphone and yelled “THANK YOU EVERYONE!!!! AND THANK YOU TO THE GUY WHO PAID FOR ME” everyone laughed.

scanta crouched down and whispered in my ear, “tell your parents to see me after the show! I’ll give them your free pass.”

“thank you mr. santa!”

“No problem, kid. You deserve it!”

i jumped off the stage, but i had one more person to say thank you to.

i walked up to the cool guy and the nice lady beside him. maybe she’s his mommy! Hmm… maybe not though. shes too short to be a mommy.

the cool guy gave me a smile then looked to the lady. “was this who you had your bets on?”

she looked at him with a very scary expression but didnt say anything.

she looked back to me and i gulped. was she mad?????


“Uhm…!” i fidgeted nervously… the cool guy was so much cooler up close! and the lady wsa kinda scary. but i have to say thank you!

she lowered her bug eyed sunglasses, “WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR.” the cool guy nudged her but she kept looking at me.

“I w-wanted to say thank you! you told me good luck the other day… and i- uh- maybe that was why i won… so i w-wanted to show you that i am strong…! Yeah!”

the cool guy laughed a little bit, but the lady smiled a very very tiny smile. Even though it was so small, it made me happy!

the smile quickly disappeared though. “WHATEVER. GO BACK TO YOUR PARENTS, KID. I GOT MY OWN BRAT TO TAKE CARE OF.”

the cool guy looked a little angry. Eek… i dont wanna get in the middle of this! it feels like a level 4 challenge, i haven’t trained enough for this!

i bowed and said thank you one last time before running back to my family.

“we got your prize from mr. Scanta. let’s head back in the car, sweetie. you’ve had a very busy day.”

“okay, mom!”

dunadaee was looking at me in shock. once we all got in the car and started driving home, she asked me, “why were you talking to Coco-chan and his mom? Do you even know how famous they are?”

so she is his mom.

“i dont know... i…” it was hard to say words. i was so sleepy.

this shadow master needed a nap.