Chapter 42:

The Wolf and His City of Rats

The Wolf Among Rats (Old)

There’s no love between the two armies as the Solaris army floods into the city. But there’s also no hatred between them either. They all trade suspicious glances, but nothing more. Alister and his children were the first to enter. Alister strode in on his giant horse, with an annoyingly wide grin on his face. As he approached me, he whistled. “It would appear we’ve had a change of plans! I must say, I’m enjoying this plan much better. How ever did you accomplish it so fast?”

“Trial by combat. Did the undead not attack you?”

Aroura answers for him. “No. Although we’ve seen animated corpses, they took no hostile actions against us.”

Prince Zachery imitates his father’s hearty laugh. “Maybe Leonhart realizes his situation and gave up!”

I sincerely hope he’s joking. If not, he’s a bigger fool that I thought. His brother berates him before any I have a chance to. While they continue bickering, I turn back to Aroura and Alister and ask, “What now? Are we to storm the castle?”

Alister shoots his fist into the air. “First we eat! Who wants to storm on an empty stomach?”
Oh, but we’re fine marching with only a single break to eat? He dismount his horse and orders a nearby knight to guide it to shelter. He turned to me as he began walking away. “I think I’ll mingle around for a bit. It’s been so long since I’ve last been here. I want to see what Leonhart’s done with the place.”

The princes and an absurd amount of knights follow him like ducklings. Aroura stays behind with me. She dismounts her horse and asks one of the remaining knights to take it to the stables. She turns to me, but quickly glances away as though she’s afraid to look at me. She forces herself to keep her alluring smile on her face as she nervously says, “I’m elated to find you alive and well.”

It would seem that her act is faltering. I smile back anyway and return the pleasantry. “Same here. I was just about to retrieve Cloudrea. Would you like to join me?”

She nods and follows me through the streets. For now she’s not speaking. I glance over at her while we travel. It seems like she’s just hiding behind her hair and fiddling with her hands. Excellent. This gives me time to flesh out my plans for her. If she’s trying to win my affection, for now she’ll believe that she’s succeed. I can use that to get her to preform almost anything. I can keep her from speaking as much by letting her believe her shy-lovestruck act is what I prefer.
I wonder how far she’s willing to take her performance. I have a feeling that I- What was that?

My heart starts to fill my ears like a distant drum and whispers infiltrate my head. The words are almost legible. A warning?
Yes Desh, I know. I’ve not forgotten your warnings.
The warning only grows louder. Can he not hear my thoughts? I’ll just ignore them then. The beating, the whispers, the shadows, more beating, more whispers-

“Are you alright?” They disperse. The world regains its normal colour. All I can hear is distant city rabble and my footsteps.

Right, I need to respond. “Yes. Yes, I’m fine. Just lost in thought.”

“It looked as though you were in immense pain.”

“It… It did?” It didn’t feel painful. She forces concern onto her face.
“I assure you I’m fine. Must just be a strange habit I’ve never noticed.”

That excuse didn’t satisfy her. “If there’s something troubling you, it’s wise to discuss it so that we may resolve the issue before you must undertake such a momentous task.”

I snap back, “I said-!”
Calm down. Don’t lose your temper over this, what are you doing? I recover shortly after by saying, “I’m sorry. I really am fine. Just restless is all. Leonhart somehow managed to subjugate an entire city-state so I’m… Nervous to fight him.”
That seems like an adequate excuse.

She tried to put as much optimism into her next words as possible. “You need not fret so much. You’re the hero of Solaris! I’m certain you can best him!”

I give her an empty smile and stay silent. She quickly loses her enthusiasm and looks for something to lighten the mood. I have no doubts I can defeat Leonhart, but I wanted to end the conversation. My temper is unpredictable at the moment and I can’t figure out why.
I don’t have time to dwell on that, because I’ve reached Cloudrea’s hiding spot. I call out to her, but there’s no answer. A faint, but familiar aroma fills my nose. Blood. Blood!?

My sword clatters on the ground as I dash back to behind the counter from where the smell was coming from! No body. A bloody dagger. And a piece of parchment paper. I hastily unfold it and read,
‘Found your little slave! Little bitch stabbed me! Calm down, she’s alive. And if you want her to stay like that, visit Lichking Leonhart. As soon as you read this would be preferable. Come alone please. Your weapons are fine, but they won’t be needed.’

My hand instinctively crushes the paper. A black mist already swirls around me. It only grows thicker with each enraged breath. That slimy Cur! How in the name of the Lords did he know about Cloudrea!? I’ll kill him! I’ll slaughter him! I’ll rip that mut to shreds! I turn to leave. Aroura stares at me horrified. Her eyes dart back and forth from the counter, to the exit, and me. She’s attempting to say something but failing horribly.
Without a word, my sword re-enters my hand and I clamber up to the rooftops. Aroura cries out my name from bellow, but I ignore her and jump from building to building towards the castle.

I’ve been an idiot! Bringing her into the city!? What the fuck was I thinking!? You’re so stupid!
It doesn’t matter. We’ll tear that worthless cur apart and get her back.
What if she’s already dead?
He wouldn’t do that. He needs leverage over you.
He better hope he’s smart enough to do that.

The castle becomes ever more clear as I get closer. It sits in the centre of the city, elevated so that nearby buildings look puny in comparison. It would look like a tabby cat next to Alister’s castle, but it looks much more defensive. Thicker walls, more archer towers, and no obnoxious inner towers. Metal spikes rise out of the outer wall as thought they mean to intimidate me. The banners taunt me by flapping in the wind, displaying Leonhart’s boar.

The gates open, inviting the walking massacre that awaits them.
This is a trap. Slow down.
I know, I’ll smash it. I land in front of the gate like a storm cloud crashing to the Earth. As I sling the shield off my back and into my hand, the whispers rouse up in my mind. Another warning? “I know Desh!”
They only grow louder and louder. I’m going to smash that wolf if he doesn’t shut up! I take a step towards the gate, ignoring the warning.

Desh’s voices ring clearly in my mind, once. “Death magic.”
I’ll be sure to avoid his spells then.

The guards at the gate bow and chant, “Please refrain from violence-“
The back of my sword smashes his helmet against the wall. The knight on the other side attempts to ready his poleaxe but fails. His head is smashed against the gate wall. I walk into the large courtyard expecting a fight, but all the guards stand aside.
They wander from the various building in the courtyard like they’re villagers going about their business. It pricks my nerves to no end. Why are they so damn calm!?
I told you, it’s a trap.
Silence! I have more important things to worry about! I blast through the yard, leaving small craters from each foot fall. A mere second before I reach the front door, it opens and I fly through the building unhindered. The doors are left wide open so I’m lead straight to Leonhart.

Across a long extravagant hallway, a long extravagant throne room, on a large extravagant throne sits the giant pile of shit responsible for all this. A decrepit old man in velvety green robes with a staff made of bone. Each step throws me towards him with incredible speed, but it feels as though time has slowed.
I watch his vile smile creep on his miserable face and his disgusting hand stroke Cloudrea’s hair. Tears stream down her face as she stifles sobs and pleads me to turn away. Her head rapidly shakes back and forth as she watches me rush towards her. I will save you. I promise.

As my foot finally lands in the throne room, blood explodes out of every surface of my body. Blood launches out of my mouth, blasts out of my face, and pours from my skin. My next step throws my limp body across the floor. My weapons clatter off into the corners as my body violently rolls and slides across the floor. A river of blood trails behind me to my eventual stop.

Quick, healing. The image of a cloud slowly revealing the full Moon passes through my mind and the mana in my core rumbles. But nothing happens. Desh’s healing doesn’t work!? My vision slowly fades, but I can’t stop here! Fairy grown flowers bloom in my mind and my core rumbles again. Yet… I still lie cold on his floor.

I can’t… Stop here… My hand slowly drags itself towards my body so I can push myself up. “Still alive? I put enough magic into that trap to fell an ogre. Just what are you? Not that I mind, of course. Now I have someone to talk to! Besides, the ritual will work better with you alive.”
His annoyingly old voice assaults my ears. He taps me with his boney staff until he reaches my belt. He groans as he collects the soul sphere out of my bag. “You even filled it up with superb souls for me. Could this day get any better?”

He orders his servant around and I hear a scuffling near me. My head slowly turns to find Cloudrea crawling towards me, her face full of tears. On her hands and knees, she bows over and over, letting her streams of tears pour onto the floor. Between sobs and wails she chants ‘I’m sorry’ over and over.

Leonhart steps in front of me and bends over to look at her. Don’t you dare touch her! He lightly taps her head with his staff. “What are you doing? Stop that, it’s obscene… Oh, whatever, I suppose it’s fine.”
He walks off to where I can't see him. "It's a good thing I was watching you through my spirit sentinels. You know, all those ghosts your dog friend saw? They were speaking to me! I figured out your plan, saw your transformation, found your little slave because of them. They're really quite convenient."
The spirits were talking to him? Just how many does he have? "And now that I have my orb back, I can kill all the traitors in my city, trap them in with my undead, and gain even more power! You've really done me quite a few favours you know?"

I've played right into his hand. I've been an idiot. I can't believe how idiotic I've been! But if I can save her... I look to Cloudrea, who keeps bowing and apologizing. In a scratchy mess, I manage to get out, “We’re… Leaving… Promise…”

Her eyes only redouble in tears and each sob turns into a wail. Though the edges if my vision are mostly darkness, I watch Leonhart stop and look at me. “You can speak? Impossible, you should be-“
He turns my head with his staff, but I fight back! “You’re regenerating. We’ll need to do this quickly then, hurry up!”

Whispers circulate in my mind. Again? Now? The millions of voices pound my head again and again and again and again until they eventually become words. Desh’s thoughts still beat against my skull and echo in the nothingness, but I can hear him. “Kar listen, we don’t have much time.”
What’s going on?
“Blood allows the flow of mana, and right now thee have insufficient blood. Enough of this, I can save us.”
“Allow me control of thee.”

My weakened body is hoisted up by spiked chains that pierce my wrists and stretch my arms to their limits. Desh’s words each bang against my head like hammers. “Thou require blood to function, but I don’t. Grant me control of thy flesh and I can manifest my spirit form. I would permanently become one with thy body and mind, allowing me access at all times.”
He would be able to directly control me? Is there any alternative?
“Yes, but they require time, which we don’t have. I understand thy hesitation, but we don’t have a choice. I will save us.”

My blood drips into a magic circle below, causing the circle to light up with red energy. The light flows around the room in pulses like a heart. “I need thee to speak the words of an old prayer. It will bind us as one. It was often- I digress. Repeat after me.”

Each word Desh speaks is in the ancient language, but I manage to repeat the sounds however painful they may be. My mana core burns like a fire, scorching my insides, but if it will save Cloudrea. I’ll do anything. I barely hear Leonhart shouting in the background. “Quickly, quickly! Cut him up! Keep him bleeding! Stop his spell!”
Shortly after, blades begin tearing at my flesh! But her wails are vastly more painful! I will save us. I’ll save us all.

I can no longer see or hear anything through my blinding pain. Between the repeated blade cuts, to the fire in my core, to the pounding of Desh’s voices. Until I’ve finally reached the final word of Desh’s prayer. With every last drop of my strength, through every single bit of pain, I shout out, “Kar’Desh!”

I erupt in pale white light, flooding the entire room in my magic. My bones shatter and reform within my own body, my skin tears apart and reforms. I can do nothing but scream.

Until it’s done. I can’t move my arms. I can’t move my legs. I can’t even breathe or look around. It’s as though I’m watching the world through someone else’s eyes. But they’re mine own eyes. Then my head looks down to reveal my bulky wolf-like body. The thorned chains that tied me up earlier remain on my wrists, but they’ve been freed from their anchor. Shadowy patterns decorate my fur and dance for their freedom. It’s finally mine. Freedom is finally mine.

My back flares in pain! No time to revel. This cur needs to learn his place. I shall rip out his gullet! I jump to the side and fall to the ground ready to pounce! All the while, my miasma flows from me like a fountain. I lunge forward and slash at the whelp, casting countless crescent blades. Pillars of bone erupt from the ground, catching my blades, but getting demolished in the process!
As I fling myself towards him, spines erupt from the ground and impale every part of me! I smash the bones and throw myself to the celling while the mongrel slams his staff on the ground, instantly filling the room with deadly toxins. In an instant, he starts spewing a steady stream of pure death magic. Filthy mut!

Even to me, death magic is lethal, so I drop into his mist of toxins. A bark from me, blasts the toxins away! I howl and summon the spirits of my pack! Werewolves manifest as dark figures around me and we charge into his death mist! We spread out and surround Leonhart, each of us throwing crescent blades as we approach! He slams his staff into the ground once more. The knell of a grand bell ring, and pulses of death magic ripple through the air tossing aside my magic like waves in a still pond!
Another knell! Another ripple and spinal spikes crash through the floor and rip at my feet! But that’s all he’ll get.

I pounce him and pin him to the ground! My claws butcher his flesh, as I giddily toss his guts into the air! This is exhilarating! Euphoric! The delicious aroma of his delectable blood blesses my nose! The feeling of my claws eviscerating flesh! A hunt! After so long!
His body regains its dead flesh through the passive healing from death magic! Entertain me whelp! More! More!
I can’t stand it anymore! I require a taste! My jaws clench around his throat and tear! The luscious taste! I need more! Another piece! Another! Another!

Something is attempting to drag me away!? No! I must have more! My arms push me away and my legs refuse to listen! What are thou doing!?
He’s dead! We’re done!
This is the least thou may allow of me! I have given thee everything! Allow me to hunt!
The ‘hunt’ is over! Enough! I scan the room. Corpses everywhere… Blood is splattered all over the walls and bones cover the floor. Where is-
It matters not! Relinquish control!

“Cloudrah!” No response. Where is she!? I forcefully drag my body away from Leonhart while Desh screams in response. My body, bit by bit, falls apart and reverts back to my elven form. Bones hammer back to their original shape and my skin carves itself back to just skin. I shout out in pain as I crawl through the countless bones. Where is she, where is she, where is she!?

She would have been… There! A small body lays in the corner of the room, facing away from me. No… No, no, no, no, NO! I clamber through the bones towards the body! I turn her over… Cloudrea’s silver eyes stare at me… Lifeless… “Cloudrea!”
Healing! I need healing! I try Desh’s technique! Nothing! I summon the healing orbs! They just float around! What the fuck are you doing!? Heal her! Heal her! Why aren’t you doing anything!? “Cloudrea! Cloudrea! Wake up!”

I shake her body while trying Desh’s magic again! Still nothing! “Please! Please Cloudrea, just… Just please…”

Desh’s voices offer as much sympathy as they can. “Kar’Desh. She’s dead.”