Chapter 22:
Secrets of Loenhess
//the three head down the hall to the secret room.
//They manage to keep clear of the Simetra as they close in on the holding room. Art stops them just short of the next corner.
Art: Okay, the room is just around the corner.
//Hana and Aiya peer around the corner.
Hana: Okay Art, which door is it?
Art: Third door on the left.
//they pull back from the corner and Aiya turns to Art.
Aiya: Art, is there an empty room nearby?
Art: Yes, about halfway back down the hall is a cleaning supply room.
Aiya turns toward Hana: Okay Sis it’s your turn.
Hana: Turn for what?
//Aiya nods her head at Art.
Aiya (whispers to Hana): … and be careful he has a very hard head.
Hana: Oh, got ya… but I’m just using the taser.
Aiya: Huh, why didn’t I think of that? (softly) You’ll be safe now, Sweet dreams Art, and thank you .
//Hana leaves with Art and heads down the hall. She arrives back in a minute without him.
Hana: That’s done, and I was gentle. So, what’s the plan now?
Aiya: We need a distraction, but what…
Hana: I’ll handle this Sis. I have a plan.
//Hana suddenly walks around the corner and straight up to the Simetras guarding the door.
Hana: Hello fellas, you’re looking quite bored…. I know, how about an old-fashioned game of tag.
//Hana then slaps one of the Simetra across the face.
Hana: Tag your it!
Aiya to herself: You call that a plan!
//Hana then sprints down the hall with the Simetra in hot in pursuit…
//As soon as they leave Aiya races toward the door and tries to open it. Of course, it’s a secured entrance.
Aiya: Dang it! Mika I need….
//Suddenly the door clicks and come slightly ajar.
Mika: Roger that!
Aiya: Thank you!
//Aiya races in through the door but comes to a skidding halt. She looks up to see three other Simetra waiting for her. She quickly scans the room and notices behind the Simetra are three glass cylinders filled with some kind of liquid and what appears to be unconscious children inside.
Aiya gulps hard: This must be the right place! I need to save these children!
//The Simetra draw their swords and Aiya does as well and braces herself for their attack…
Aiya: Okay fellas, I don’t want to hurt you, so let’s talk about this…. I guess not.
//Meanwhile outside the room Hana is still being chased by the Simetra herself who are closing in quickly. But Hana has a plan…
//Hana suddenly slides down on her knees and slams her stick into the ground to stop her momentum. As the Simetra go racing by Hana hops up from her knees, throws an orb up into the air and bats it with her stick at them. The Simetra realize that that have run past Hana and stop and just as they turn around the orb opens and spreads out into and electrical taser net (the same net the girls intended to use on the brother sister duo). The Simetra are unable to evade the taser net as it wraps securely around them and immobilizes them. Hana knowing that that the netting will only hold them for a couple of seconds quickly races over to them and places two taser stun grenades down the opening near their neck. The light of the taser grenade goes off and the Simetra are renders unconscious.
//Hana drops to her knees in exhaustion and exhales deeply.
Hana: I got to get back to Aiya and help her….
//Hana slams down her stick to help herself up and then races back toward the door of the holding room.
//Meanwhile back inside the room Aiya has braced herself for the attack of the Simetra. They run straight at Aiya and simultaneously swing their swords at her. Aiya manages to block the swings, but it knocks her back a couple of feet. They repeat this again, and Aiya is knocked back again. They quickly do it again and this time Aiya is slammed hard back into a wall and drops her sword. Now defenseless, the Simetra approach Aiya and swing at her again, but their swings are blocked by Hana who has come to the rescue. Hana then puts all she has into a back kick which sends the Simetra back a couple of feet.
Hana snickers: Are you okay lil sis?
//Hana extends her hand down to help Aiya up.
Aiya takes Hana’s hand and rises back to her feet: Yes, I am now!
//Aiya picks up her sword and stands next to Hana. Hana then removes her long coat to reveal a bow and arrows. The tips of the arrows are armed with the magnetic taser stun grenades. They both nod to each other and brace themselves for the next wave of attacks. The Simetra have recovered and picked up their swords and are preparing for the girls to attack. It seems the tide has turned a little now with the girl’s newfound confidence and they appear to be the aggressors now.
//Aiya runs toward the Simetra and then goes into several one-handed cartwheels followed a summersault over one of the Simetra. As she crosses over the Simetra she landed several hard blows to his head which momentarily stuns him and he falls to his knees. Hana then draws her bow and launches an arrow which pierces his armor and attaches to his back. The taser ignites and renders the Simetra unconscious.
//The remaining two Simetra are now at Aiya’s back, and one starts toward her and begins to swing his sword down at her. Aiya arches backwards and blocks the swing of the Simetra. Hana then pulls out another arrow and launches it into the back of the Simetra. However, Aiya notices the arrow did not fully pierce the armor, so she quickly gets up and kicks the arrow in further. With the kick the arrow pierces the armor, and the Simetra stumbles forward, and as the light of the taser goes off he falls unconscious to the ground.
//The last Simetra is now surrounded by the girls. Hana has run out of taser arrows, so she puts her bow down. Hana has two more taser stun grenades, and hands one to Aiya.
Aiya speaking to the last Simetra: Can we talk about this. We don’t want to hurt you
//The Simetra just lets out a loud growling noise.
Hana: I guess that means no?
Aiya: Okay then, let’s do this!
//The girls nod at each other then run at the Simetra, Hana goes high with a kick to the chest and Aiya goes low from the back with a leg sweep and the helmet of the Simetra comes off to reveal a very child like face.
//The girls are stunned to see this site. However, Aiya quickly seizes the opportunity while the helmet is off to drop a stun grenade down his back and covers her eyes as the light goes of and the Simetra instantly goes unconscious.
//Aiya and Hana fall to their knees.
Aiya exhausted: Damn them, that is just so heart breaking. I’ve never seen one without it’s helmet. How could they!
//Hana put her hand on Aiya’s shoulder and props herself to her feet. She reaches down to give Aiya a hand up.
Hana: Let’s get these kids home where they belong.
//Aiya stands up and takes a deep breath. She stares at the three children inside the glass cylinders and tears run down her cheek.
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