Chapter 41:
Reverie's End: Blades of Malice
Seasons of Ethos:
There are 360 days in a year. There are 12 months with 30 days each. Each month consists of 5 weeks with 6 days per week. Each day is 24 hours. The 12 months start with "1st Darkness" and end with "2nd Light".
1st Darkness: 8 hours of light only.
2nd Darkness: 4 hours of light only. Very dangerous months; high crime rates and depression during these times. Staying indoors is recommended. A bit cold.
1st Flame: hot weather (75˚ F).
2nd Flame: really hot weather (100˚ F). Flame mana restores light during these months. People can die from heat stroke. Volcanoes might erupt. Drought.
1st Water: rains a little.
2nd Water: rains a lot. Water cools people off but rivers tend to flood during this time. Tides can erode coastal areas.
1st Forest: harvest.
2nd Forest: really good harvest. Some areas experience earthquakes. A bit warm.
1st Wind: windy.
2nd Wind: very windy. Dangerous; hurricanes and tornadoes can occur. Slightly chilly.
1st Light: 16 hours of light.
2nd Light: 20 hours of light. Good vacation months. Hard for some to fall asleep. A bit warm.
Languages of Ethos:
The common tongue of Western Ethos is known as Thorian. It is generally learned as a 2nd language in Eastern Ethos. There are a few older languages that are still around as well.
Karsi: The main language of Minas, but also spoken in West Valis by the elite.
Aegean: Main language of Gaea. Very common in Aegis and Brywood. Spoken by the elite in East Valis. Can be found in parts of Shima as well.
Zalar: Main language of Ramah indigenous people. It is very difficult to learn.
Siril: Main language of Charon.
Old Siril: Some of the elite in Charon can speak this ancient variant. Only useful for ancient texts.
A Few Kingdoms of Ethos:
Shima (located in the northwest). This kingdom has hard-working individuals that focus on manual labor, logging, and mining. Fishing is popular too. Technology is not very advanced. Chakra Castle was the old capital and it got moved to Balassar after the war. Lake Balassar is a popular tourist spot with many visitors every year. Shima's landscape is mostly plains and forests. The sea of traitors is to the east, famous for having criminals thrown off board ships. The southernmost region in Shima is called the Lavender Valley. To the north of Shima is the Kildar mountain range that is covered in ice. People either own land or work the land. It is a feudal society with many poor and few wealthy. It is a quiet land with plenty of space and a low population density. Shima Kingdom founded in the year 876. Total Population: 560,000. 6% Non-human. Total Land: 280,000 sq.miles. Capital city is Balassar with a population of 100,000 people. The natives are mostly olive-skinned.
East Valis (located in north central Ethos). Covered by mountains, but still has plenty of inhabitable land. Both West and East Valis have a strong military and relatively decent level of technology. However, the war has caused the countries to weaken. The capital is now in the Golden City; this gives the government access to many ancient texts. East Valis values scholarly activity, magic, and the Shining Light religion. A high level of technology and architectural innovation can be found in the Golden City. Has a famous Magic academy known for producing many famous mages. East Valians generally have an arrogant and proud attitude (especially those from the capital). There are many old families of nobility. The capital is crowded with the poor as is common for large cities in Ethos. Original Valis Kingdom founded in the year 926. Total Population: 2.8 million. 5% Non-human. Total Land (includes uninhabitable mountainous regions): 625,000 sq.miles. Capital is Golden City with a population of 325,000 people. The people in the west are usually olive-skinned and those in the east are fair-skinned.
Charon (Located in south central Ethos). Has a diverse topography. Mountains and plains in the west. The Graylands are to the south and the island of Gamma is to the east. The Nyr lands are the easternmost border. The sea of Alon is to the north. The western lands have been neglected for most of the Gamma dynasty's rule. Gamma has stayed out of wars which is why it has survived so long. Gamma has access to some of the oldest texts available. High level of technology and civilization, especially on Gamma Island where the capital is located. Social status and lineage is very important. Charon Kingdom founded in the year 104 by the Gamma dynasty. Total Population: 6.5 million. 7% Non-human. Total Land: 640,000 sq.miles. Capital city is Gamma with a population of 900,000 people. The natives of Gamma have fair skin.
A Few Creatures of Ethos:
Neko (large black cat). 6.5 feet tall on average. Fights with claws, but can use regular weapons. Average intellect. They have a rivalry with the Fang and play pranks on them. Most have no trouble learning Thorian and can converse with humans. Can forge their own weapons which they later sell to the Fang and sometimes humans. Hate the water. They are a clever species and are good at sensing danger and resolving problems with humans. Can be sneaky; make good merchants. Their native tongue is Baal, which the Fang speak as well.
Kali (human-like/have blue-green scales/webbed hands and feet). 6 feet tall on average. Can breathe and swim underwater. Most can swim 1 mile below sea level. Stronger than the average human. Prefers tridents, spears, and javelins as weapons. Low level of technology but good at building boats which they later sell to humans. Most speak Thorian. Their native tongue is Kalian. Kali are commonly found near port cities and anywhere near the sea. These "land-dwelling Kali" are friendlier to humans and generally have a better reputation. The Kali that live on the islands in the sea are bulkier, stronger, swim better and are generally wary of humans. They are the "Kali of the Great Sea" and they will attack trespassing humans.
Elm (tree-like/strong, but slow). 9 feet tall on average. Very hard to damage. Skin is like stone. Not easily tired; high endurance. Prefers to live in forests or mountains. Just a simple punch is already a powerful attack. They are smarter than they look. They actually have a good understanding of world history, partially due to their longevity. They can read and speak Thorian as well as their own native tongue of Elmic. They can speak telepathically (up to 25 miles away in some cases) and communicate with anyone regardless of language barriers. The Aegis Elm are light-brown and generally a very kind and peaceful people. The Nihil Alliance Elm are leaner and dark-brown. The Elm in the Forsaken and Gray Lands tend to have a grayer appearance and are known as Gray Elm. These can be a bit more wild and dangerous.
Ethorian Measurements:
Hex: 25 miles in length.
Penta: ¼ mile.
Skar: 12 feet
Tria: 1.5 feet
Lia: 1.5 inches
Dot: 4 mm
Main Character Statistics:
Lita: Age: 37, height: 5'7, weight: 118 lbs.
Will: Age: 18, height: 6'2, weight: 204 lbs.
Dart: Age: 19, height: 5'6, weight: 122 lbs.
Ordalia: Age: 27, height: 5'5, weight: 115 lbs.
Gin: Age: 21(?), height: 6'5, weight: 255 lbs.
Beowulf: Age: 32, height: 6'0, weight: 247 lbs.
Miri: Age: 19, height: 5'3, weight: 135 lbs.
Amalia: Age: 15, height: 5'4, weight: 107 lbs.
Sinister Man: Age: 30(?), height: 5'11, weight: 208 lb.
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