Chapter 8:

Chapter 8 Linkers

Phantasm Project

“I’m not going to sit here and let those freaks out there do whatever they want, putting others in danger just like that. My dream has always been to save other people’s lives so I’m not giving up this chance!!” The determinant look on Haru’s face is presented to Aiko and Nodoka alongside a quick answer.

“Haru…” Riku can’t help but admire Haru’s courage when she gave that answer.

“Well then, I’m a bit surprised that you have made your decision fast. Welcome to the team Haru '' After calming themselves down, the mad scientist replied.

“I look forward to working with you, Aiko-san Nodoka-san!” Haru gave a bow of respect for her new superior.

Nodoka then heads to the workshop area to bring something for Haru, the handgun that Haru was using now with a more polished look and a white USB-like device with a blue light at the end of it.

“Is that….?” Haru recognizes the weapon in Nodoka’s hands.

“The gun is referred to as Nexus and this little device is called a Module” Nodoka explains while handing it over to Haru.

When Haru took both of them into her hand, Haru felt a small jolt of electricity throughout her body. Her vision is filled with a filter displaying “Atomos’s Phantasm System Authorized” on the top while on the side it shows her body information and much more.

“You felt something right? It’s normal, don't worry it just means that you have successfully linked with the Phantasm itself on a basic level” Aiko reassures Haru after her shocked reaction.

"Hey guys we are back~" a familiar slow dragged-out voice is heard right outside the once intact door, accompanied by the two T.S.I students in uniform which Haru recognized as well.

"Welcome back" Riku replied.

Shiro and Lin are holding bags of groceries supposedly for their bosses. They took those items and put them on the table in the kitchen for now.

"Oh… what happened to the door Aiko-san?" Lin asks politely.

"Let's talk about that later… Oh, right, we have a new member joining us today!" She avoids the question and instead turns towards Haru.

"Wow~ you join us Haru? This is going to be more fun now~"

"Never thought you would become a linker but welcome to the team nonetheless"

"Yes! I will do my best from now on!" High enthusiastic energy can still be felt from Haru's words.

"I believe you guys already met at school but let's introduce yourself properly again alright?" Nodoka inquired about the four girls.

"Amane Lin, Lighting Linker, leader of the 7th extermination branch squad" Lin starts first as the leader.

"Furutaka Shiro, Hawk Linker~" Shiro followed.

"Kirishima Riku, Fox Linker, looking forward to working with you"

"Raikou Haru, Wolf Linker, it’s a pleasure to be working with you!" Lastly, the newest member of the team introduces herself completing the roster.

"Alright girls it's getting late now, we'll talk more about this tomorrow assuming there is n-"

"Phantasm Outbreak Detected!"

"Phantasm Outbreak Detected!"

Aiko is interrupted by the sudden loud announcement that sounded throughout the entire room. The monitor and tablet flash bright red signaling an emergency.

Nodoka and Aiko rush towards their computer, getting to work on the coordinate of the outbreak instantly. In a few seconds, a map appears in front of each girl's eyes, the huge display hologram lit up on the table indicating where the outbreak started which seems to be quite a far location.

"Prepare the vehicles! Shiro takes Haru with you, Riku with Lin, and gets there as soon as possible!" Aiko commands quickly while sitting working on her computer.

"You heard her follow me~," said Shiro as she, Riku, and Lin rushed out of the room towards the end of the hall where the stairs are at.

All Haru can do amidst the panic is follow what her friends have to say. Part of her is still not sure what exactly is going on but the other part is filled with excitement beyond anything.

Following the groups to the basement area which looks like a garage, lights lit up as soon as the girls entered the room. Upon first glance, the most distinct feature here is the two sportbikes in the center, which Haru presume belongs to Shiro and Lin. One of them is in a dark blue color with a yellow lighting pattern streamed across while the other one is in pure white color with a whole bunch of video game and movie stickers plastered all over it.

The three girls grab their respective weapons and helmet from the lockers. Lin’s shortswords alongside her katana, Riku’s medical bags and gloves and, Shiro’s sniper rifle.

Haru has no time to look around as Shiro hands her a helmet, signaling the orange hair girl to hop on the white bike whilst Lin and Riku sort themselves out on the lighting pattern bike. With everyone getting ready Haru quickly got Shiro’s bike with the helmet already equipped.

“We are going very fast~ Hang on tight~” Shiro warns the first-timer behind her.

The ceiling in front of them slowly opens up all the while a ramp rises from the ground, revealing the dim orange sky that is lit by the city. Both the riders started their bike preparing for a swift take-off. The roar of the engine sounded throughout the entire garage, hologram panels on the bike which showed the direction.

In a matter of seconds, both bikes rushed forward up the ramp into the air before shortly landing on the bustling evening streets filled with commuters in both the streets and walkways. Precisely avoiding the obstacles all the while going at the max speed that they are allowed to thanks to assistant from an AI. All Haru can do is hang on tight as her friend told her, the wind tackles against her body, her sight is shifted left to right as the bike turns the corner at high speeds.

“Haru and Shiro you enter the top floor of the building and rescue every person in there” A sound of Lin appears inside Haru’s head but at this point questioning things is the last Haru needs to do right now.

“Riku set up outside on top of the next building while applying first aid to everyone that was rescued. Lastly, I’ll keep the Central Phantom busy, and once every person is rescued join up on me, Got it?”

“G-got it!!!”


“Understood, Lin-senpai”

After receiving orders the team finally close in on their target, a huge dome of gray energy covering the top of an office building. A crowd of the emergency response team and passerby gather just right outside the entrance witnessing the whole ordeal.

Lin and Shiro quickly pulled over to a small corner behind the surrounding building and parked their bikes. Everyone gets off while preparing their nexus and module for their upcoming fights

“Remember we operate outside of the public eyes, no matter what we must not be discovered to the common people, Haru '' Lin warns the newcomer.

Haru nods in response.

“We will enter using the side entrance, by now everyone should evacuate down there. Riku you should be able to transform up on that building without being noticed” Lin points toward the building right behind which is tall enough for Riku not to be found while providing spaces to operate her first aid.

“The rest of us will enter the side entrance and then transform in there before heading upstairs into the outbreak” Shortly after Lin said that, all three of them ran towards the scene while Riku headed to her designated building.

The first official battle against this otherworldly creation while the lives of people are on the lines. Haru keeps everything that Aiko and Nodoka said very clear in her mind, these monsters are everywhere and only people with the same power can defeat them. Everything is so complicated but the answer for Haru is so simple: defeat them and save everyone. That is exactly what she is going to do and this time she isn’t alone on it.

Taylor Victoria