In the year 2034, humanity started to advance to the near future with the discovery and development of "Alternium", selected cities around the world have already implemented these technologies to great success. However, a new threat was born from this advancement called "Phantom" and they seek to take over our technology. Haru Raikou, a hotblooded high school girl who has a dream of saving people's lives, was given the power to fight the "Phantom" by becoming linked to one of them. Alongside her team of linkers, will she be able to reach her dream of saving people's lives while also uncovering the secret that lies behind what she fought?
Thank you for checking out my first ever novel!!!
I'm still pretty new to this whole writing thing but I'll try my best to keep it updated frequently so please look forward to it!!
Thank you for checking out my first ever novel!!!
I'm still pretty new to this whole writing thing but I'll try my best to keep it updated frequently so please look forward to it!!