Chapter 4:

Chapter 4 The trident of vortex

The Son of Apollo 2: Pyro's legacy

I walk back to my house with Bill. The next morning we plan to go visit Hal at the lighthouse. So when we reach town Porkchop (hope you remember that town) we rent a boat then sail to the lighthouse. I only bring tempest because the wind is too strong for Aerial to fly and water is not good for Pyro. When we reach the lighthouse we ring the bell. Hal opens the door immediately and says “Hi Arch and Bill” “Hi Hal” me and Bill answer. “So what brings you here?” Hal asks “Just visiting our friends” Bill answers for me. “Okay, want some tea?” Hal asks “Sure!” I answer. When we are drinking tea the ground rumbles. “Oh no, the trident does it again” Hal says with a shaky voice “What trident?” we ask “The trident of vortex” He answers “It has waited for 10,000 years for the right owner to claim it” “Wait what?” we ask again “Well, the trident is waiting for it’s owner to appear and claim it” “Like my Jungle sword!” I say and bring out my sword “Wait, you have the Jungle sword?” Hal asks with a shock voice “Yes” I answer “The legend says there are four legendary weapons that scatter around the world but it’s all in America?” He tells us “I know where two of them are, which are here and the volcano” “So my Jungle sword is one of the legendary weapons?” I ask “Yes, the legend says if four of the legendary weapons are fused together the one who wields it will have the power to command the universe but you have to sacrifice the blood of mythical beasts” Hal answers “Okay?” Bill says “Now my friends go get the trident!” Hal says then he gives us scuba diving equipment. We jump into the water and dive to where the rumble starts. We can not talk under the water so we just look at each other and nod to cheer each other up. Then we reach a dome and we swim into the dome but when we reach it we fall onto the ground. “I think it contains oxygen” Bill says then we look at the cause of the earthquake (not really an earthquake but whatever) the trident of vortex floats there in the middle of the dome surrounded with a vortex. Then we hear a horn blow and then hundreds and hundreds of mermaids in armor come, each one of them uses a trident. “We guard the trident of vortex” the leader seems to say with his mind “Leave travelers we do not want to hurt you” “Oh yeah?” Bill says “Well, we are not leaving” “Okay then” the leader answers “Why in the Hades did you do that?” I ask Bill before he answers, there is a missile coming toward us. I use the Jungle sword to cut it in half “Go get the trident” I say “I’ll handle these guys” then I use the oxygen tank to get out of the dome. I use the jungle sword to stab a lot of mermaids but immediately there will be new mermaid soldiers to replace. I use vine’s wrath more than a hundred times, but they are not going anywhere. Then I’m surrounded, so I try to fight but finally they hit me with some kind of torpedo that blasts me back into the dome. “Can you just pull the trident?” I ask “I’m trying but the vortex doesn’t let me grab the trident” Bill answers “Use the egg toast speed!” I scream “What egg toast speed?” he asks “The same speed you use to make egg toast!” I say “Oh okay” he answers and prefigures to run then he releases a supersonic sound. I turn back and face the mermaids while Bill tries to get the trident. “Okay, let’s settle this” I say and draw my sword the mermaids dive into the dome like a torpedo but before they hit me the gravity do its job so the mermaids fall onto the ground but sadly there are momentums so they hit me and I feel that my right are break under the weigh I scream and a shock wave come out of me, the mermaids that are overlapping me bounce off me like a ball that is thrown. I see green characters sliding to my right arm then I feel my bones correcting their positions under my skin. When it’s finished I test it and say “Okay, are you ready for round two?” then I use vine’s wrath instead of charging in because the oxygen in the take Hal gave me broke by the impact when I was hit by the torpedo. “Charge!” I hear the leader scream but before they charge I see a vortex forming around them they try to come out but they are stuck inside. When I turn back I see Bill holding the trident of vortex focusing to keep the vortex going “Finish them!” Bill says “Count on me!” I say and turn back then I say “In the name of the legendary weapons I command you to go back to Tartarus!” Then I use Super mega vine’s wrath and blow them back to where they are born, Tartarus the worst place to be in the world (I hope there's water there because they need water to breathe). “How can we go back to the lighthouse because my oxygen tank broke?” I ask Bill “Like this!” he says and bumps his trident into the ground then the water begins to separate and make a stair “Whoa!” I say “Cool right?” he ask “Yes, it is cool but can we actually walk on it?” I ask “Yes” he answers and demonstrate by walking on the stairs. When we reach the lighthouse we see Hal is waiting for us “Thank God” he says “I thought you died” “As you see we’re not” I answer and black out. When I wake up I find myself in my room. Then I walk to the kitchen and I see mom waiting “Arch are you okay?” Mom asks “Yes, mom” I answer “Then get ready for school today is Wednesday” Mom says “But the school is closed!” I say “Oh right” Mom says “Sorry Arch, you can go rest” “Thanks mom” I say and go to bed early.