Chapter 5:

Chapter 5 The bow of fire Pt.2

The Son of Apollo 2: Pyro's legacy

Next morning Bill comes to my house “What’s up” I say “I know where the third legendary weapon is!” Bill says “Hal told me that it’s a bow that appeared at the volcano because the red dragon died there” “Okay?” I say “Let’s go!” Bill says so I bring all of my pets, pack my bag and tell my mom where we are going. When we reach town

Hot tub (Hope you remember this town in the first book) it’s dark so we sleep in a hotel. The next morning we climbed the volcano. When we reach the top we see a bow made of pure gold and fire. I walk to the bow and grab it. That's it no guards no nothing the bow is mine now. Then Bill provokes me “What?’ I ask “Look” Bill says with a terrified voice and points at Hot tub town. The town is on fire but even on the volcano we can see stompers. “Uh oh that's bad” I say ”Bill run and save as many people as you can” ‘How about you?” Bill asks “I’ll deal with stompers” I answer and in a flash of light Bill is gone. “Okay here’s the plan” I say to my pets “Tempest use tornados to blow stompers Pyro use flamethrower and Aerial you create some problems” we wait for stompers to reach us then when we see them thirty meters away I shout “GO!” My pets do what I command them and they do it well. I draw the bow of fire...wait, the bow of fire? It has the same name as my bow! So I draw my other bow then they combine together and it tells me its name is Double fire wonder bow. I say “Okay” then I draw my bow and say “Double wonder meteor rain!” Then I release the grip from the string and shoot the fire arrow into the sky. The arrow explodes in the air and keeps exploding into more and more arrows until it reaches 1,000 arrows then the arrows fall down and explode again when it hits the ground or stompers. When the explosion stops there is nothing left.