Chapter 6:

Chapter 6 The fire gem

The Son of Apollo 2: Pyro's legacy

Bill is still saving people from the fire so I visited the core of the volcano where I found Pyro. I use my flame body to protect myself (Yes, I can control it now, please don’t ask) when I reach the core of the volcano I see a gem inside the nest where I took Pyro. Pyro runs to the gem but when he touches the gem he starts to glow then he starts to grow bigger until he has the size of his mother. “Whoa!” I say but he returns to his normal size in no time and the gem falls into my hands when I observe the gem I see there’s a fire mark on the gem. “I think your mother turned into this stone and when you touch it you will get your mother’s size and knowledge” I say to Pyro “But you transform back” Pyro just nods and sneezes. I tell Bill to go back to New York and tell my mom that I will be here for a while. He says “Okay” then leaves the town. I am staying because I want to practice Pyro using the fire gem (I forgot to tell you that I call the gem the fire gem). The next day Pyro improves in keeping the size of his mother so we practice all day.