Chapter 7:

Chapter 7 Wolf attack

The Son of Apollo 2: Pyro's legacy

When I come back from practicing Pyro I take a shower play with my pets and get ready to sleep but suddenly I see a blue light coming from the sky and I hear Tempest barking so I grab my bow and sword then walk out. I see some kind of wolf coming toward Tempest so I run and stand in front of Tempest but the wolves jump at me. Fortunately for me Pyro fly to the rescue and burn the wolf to ashes. The leader howl and say with telepathy “That wolf is one of our kind, give him back” “NEVER!” I say then jump swinging my sword unfortunately the wolves are faster than me so they bite me in the hand. “Ahhhhhhhh” I scream in pain but Tempest is fast too, when he sees I got bitten he leaps forward and bite the leader “Why my king?” It says in pain “Why did you bite me?” “Wait, what do you mean by king?” I ask “The wolf is our king” and it answers “Now you have to die because you kidnapped him” then the wolf jumps at me but I use my flame fist to kill it and the other wolves howl then retreat. When I finish healing me and my pets I go to bed.