Chapter 5:

The Army of Eternity

I became a god!?

Solomon and I were sitting in quiet. He seemed to try to read me like a book as his gaze pierced every corner of me. "So. To tell you the truth I ask Li to leave because you actually have three powers." Solomon's gaze turned towards my eyes. His flickered golden as he leaned back in the armchair. I did a slow nod. "So what did you see in the dream? I know you saw something representing darkness and another representing ice. But what else?" Solomon continued to pierce me with his stare. I quickly realized that it was impossible to try to lie. "I saw a muddy green face." I tried to avoid looking directly into his eyes. "I see. Well in the book it only said, and I quote, 
"The power to wield an army of eternity as a weapon. The army of eternity will rise from their tombs to serve their Masters every command. When the power is used at its fullest no armies will be able to stand against the army of eternity. The army of eternity's generals will alone be able to stand against gods and yet they will be weaker than their master has he rules all, the dead and living. No one will outlast eternity. Not even gods."
" Solomon looked at me with a serious look. "This means that you can probably summon the dead." I nodded "Well is that really that weird?" Isn't there like a god of death or similar?" Solomon thought about it hen answered "No... When a person dies their soul gets released. And nobody not even gods can stop it. There are strong magicians which can capture these souls and give them new bodies and a new chance in a new world. This is probably what happened to you." Solomon stood up and started to walk back and forth. "But no one can resurrect bodies or give souls back to their original bodies. And the part where the generals can stand against gods and not falter is scary since it says that you would be stronger." Solomon sighed.
"If this got out to the other gods they would probably start to fear you. And if they do that since they can't kill you they will probably lock you up." I thought back to my dreams about being in a cave chained. "Are you okay?" Solomon noticed that something was off with me. "Yes, I was just thinking about what you just said." I lied.

"Well, I have two last things to tell you. First DO NOT TELL ANYONE. You are not allowed to talk about your third power. If you want to train it I recommend looking your door and doing it alone." Solomons's voice echoed as he said not to tell anyone. "Yes, I understand. Because as you said they would probably lock me up." I answered. "Secondly there are two more people who know about you." As he said that two shadowy figures fell from the ceiling one landed elegantly in a kneeling position. She had long purple hair and she was wearing a black coat with purple details. I realized she was the girl from the dream. As I realized that I quickly turned my head to look at the boy who also had fallen from the ceiling. He had landed a bit less elegantly you could say. He had landed face-first into the ground but after a closer look, he was the boy from my dream wearing the same shirt too. The girl looked over at the boy sighed and stood up. She was quite short maybe up to my breast. "I am Min-Su and this." She turned towards the boy and sighed again "Hey, I may have my face in the ground but it does not impair my hearing Min." The boy suddenly sat up with a bleeding nose. He took out a handkerchief and wiped his face from the blood then he dusted his clothes off as he stood up.  "I apologize for that entrance, This is not my strong suit. I am Su-Bin." The boy bowed down and when he stood up I realized he was quite long probably a head taller than me. "Hello... I am Yuki." My gaze was wandering from the tall boy to the short girl. "Who are you?" I asked them. "I can answer that." Solomon was back to his happy old man self again. "They are your right and left hand of the army of eternity. They appeared shortly after you fell asleep. Li didn't notice them but tell her they are familiars." Solomon looked at the two. "I can fill in the missing information." Su-Bin stepped forwards. "Min and I are assassins from Thule that have passed away. When we died we heard a voice screaming Yuki. Are only memories from when we were living are our skills. And lastly, we have a deep desire to serve you. I can't tell you where this comes from but I know that it is impossible for us to disobey." Su-Bin slightly bowed and stepped back. "I need sleep to digest everything that happened today." I started to walk towards the door. "remember don't tell anybody. Also, I have prepared a new room for you it is next to Li's." Solomon walked past me and opened the door. "Thank you." I walked out.

"What took you so long and who are these two?" Li first looked at me but then turned her head towards Min-Su and Su-Bin. "They are my familiars and what took so long was Solomon helping me summon them and also just teaching me the basics about my darkness element. But now I just need to sleep and digest what I learned." Li nodded "Okay, that sounds good let's head back we will start training tomorrow. By the way, where is your room?" Li started to walk slowly in the corridor. "On the right side of yours." She nodded and we started to walk. I made up some stuff about what we had talked about but left some things blank and told her that I couldn't say some things because otherwise, she would have become suspicious of why she could be in the room. It also made it easier to make up stuff.

When we reached our rooms we said goodnight and headed in. My new room looked exactly like Li's. A big field with some training equipment and a camp. The field was surrounded by a forest with monsters. But unlike Li's room, my room had three tents. One for each of us. "Well, goodnight. See you tomorrow and will try training." Min-Su and Su-Bin nodded and headed into different tents. I walked into the last one. It was the one straight from the door. 

Well in bed I started to think about my powers and what Solomon had told me. And also about the description of the army of eternity. Solomon had indeed said that I was the god of darkness and eternity but still. It felt weird. But I guess that just two days ago I was going on a class trip and now I am a god. I thought about this until I drifted to sleep.

This night I dreamt that I was standing in a wasteland with Min-Su and Su-bin on my right and left sides respectively. When I turned around in the dream there were thirteen people I didn't recognize in front of me. The one in the middle. He was a middle-aged man, he had short black hair and a trimmed beard he was wearing armor made from a giant beast and scales. He said "This is a dream, my liege. But you will meet us all as we are your generals, we will lead the army of eternity to victory but you must have patience, my liege. You are not yet strong enough my liege." After that, I woke up. I was cold sweating and thinking about my dream. Those are my generals powerful enough to fight against gods as equals.

Taylor Victoria