Chapter 18:


Me doing whatever I felt like writing because I just thought it would be a fun idea.

What happens in this so called apocalypse anyways?

The end of a universe.

An end of a universe?

The gods are angry so they shall bring down rain upon us on that day.

You sound crazy, Mickey.

I was crazy. Now that I recall my craziness I can truly spread the word.

The word?

Of God.

I didn't think you were religious.

I'm not.

Then what word of God are you spreading?

You should know from that phrase you keep repeating.



Beyond all lies something does it not? Everything was created somehow or another. If God created the world, then what created God?


Does this idea have to do with the apocalypse?

Yes. There are many universes parallel to this one, who knows how many times we've had this conversation.

You speak as if you've seen the other universes.

I have and am.


I always see them.

Is this about your strange birth? Do you remember it?

I recall every second.

Where did you come from exactly? Gary kept asking. All we know is you had some weird way you were born.

I remember my birth but it was not of this world. I am of another.

Another universe? You expect me to believe that? 

I don't. You'll only see if the universe ends in those 4 days.

Then that means if it doesn't, I'll see you as a madman for the end of time.

A madman? But is a thing I hear so often.

What are going on about?

I am merely jesting.


I am a madman, yes. Yes I am. Arcs in the future I shall continue being a madman.

Arcs what do you mea—

The arcs in the future more madmen shall appear. More. Not just in my own life either.

I'm getting confused.

I am jolly. Jolly as can be. How good a day today can be. 

Stop. My head....hurts....

You get what you deserve Michael. I'll see you, on your birthday, at the café . 12:00PM. I'll see you then.

