Chapter 2:

Not a good day

Lost tales: The Day I Saw a God

Chapter 2

She runs to the classroom. Somehow she made it to her classroom in time before the teacher came. Students were talking to each other when she arrived. She sits down in her bench.

Natsumi thought to herself while sitting on her chair [Today isn't my lucky day]

Teacher enters the classroom

Teacher said this right after he enters the classroom :"Everyone enough talking! It's class time"

Everyone stands up to show respect.

The teacher said this :"Sit down."

Everyone sits down on their chair. The teacher takes the attendance of everyone in the classroom. After the teacher takes the attendance of everyone in the class the teacher requests to put all of the student's homework in front of their bench. Natsumi tries to find her homework In her bag but she couldn't find it. 

Natsumi thought to herself [Don't tell me that I forget it]

After searching for sometime she realizes that she left it home. After all it was above her table. She just forgot to put it into her bag

Teacher starts to see the students homework one by one. The teacher came in front of Natsumi in a serial.

Teacher asks her like this :"Natsumi, where is your homework?"

Natsumi replies to the teacher like this :"I did it but I left it home."

Teacher replies to her like this :"I see."

After the teacher said that he took all other student's homework and checks them. After signing he goes back to the white board.

Teacher said this while standing in front of white board :"The people who hasn't give there homework stands up"

The students that didn't do or bring the homework all of them stands up. Natsumi also stands up with them.

The teacher replies to them like this :"You guys will be taking extra class today for finishing up the homework."

Natsumi and the students that didn't finish or do there homework replies to the teacher with dissatisfied voice like this :"Yes sir"

After that she took four more classes the lunch breaks bell rings. She takes her lunch box with her. She goes to the school roof. She sits down in one of the roof border stone. There was a still net so no one would fall from here. She eats her lunch. Her lunch box was full of teriyaki chicken meatball. Delicious and tender teriyaki chicken meatballs packed along with steamed rice, ham flower, fruits, crab salad, egg, and broccoli in a stylish bento box.

Natsumi after she eats that she looks at the sky and thought to herself [Today is the worst day. At least I can die if I fall from here]

She stands up and got close to the net and looks at the distance of the roof and the ground.

Natsumi laughed and thought to herself [Just kidding. Who would over do such a thing?]

After she thought that the school bells rings. The lunch time is over. She goes back to her classroom. She took part in all other left classes that was left.

Kona invites her likes this :"Natsumi we are to going to the Karaoke. Come after you finish your extra homework"

Natsumi replies to her negatively like this :"I am sorry. I can't"

Kona asks her like this :"Why?"

Natsumi replies to her with dissatisfied voice like this :"I have to go my part time job next."

Kona was disappointed with her reply. She wanted to go to the karaoke with her.

She replies to her like this :"Oh. Then take care"

Her friends went to the karaoke with her other friends afterwards. She goes to another classroom to do the homework. She enters that room. The other students enters the room. The teacher was already in the room. She sat down and starts writing the homework. After she finishes her homework and all the other students finish their homework in the extra class the teacher takes the extra homework from the students. He checks those homework to see if they wrote it correctly or not. After he finishes checking it he calls the students by there name and gave it back to them. The teacher called Natsumi. She goes to the teacher and takes it from her.

The teacher said this to her before she leaves like this :"Don't forget to study. You have a exam in next week."

Natsumi replies to him like this :"Yes Sir"

Natsumi packs her bag and leaves the school. She heads toward her part time job place. She enters her part time job place. She enters from the back door like before. She enters the staff room. She saw her senior. Both her and her senior was changing their uniform in the staff room. They putting on the buttons

Maki replies to her like this :"Natsumi, How was your day?"

Natsumi replies to her like this :"It was bad"

Maki got curious and asks her like this :"What Happened?"

Natsumi replies to her with dissatisfied voice like this :"Nothing. It's just that I forgot my homework. So I had to do it again and take extra class for it"

Maki replies to her like this :"It's sound very tiring." She continues her (Maki) reply to her (Natsumi) by asking this :"Did I told you about my high school life?"

Natsumi replies to her negatively like this :"No"

Maki replies to her proudly like this :"Then let me tell you"

Natsumi thought to herself [I don't like how she talks like as if she did every homework in her high school life]

Maki replies to her like this :"I never did my homework"

Natsumi was disappointed and totally shocked after hearing that. Her respect for her senior get even lower.

She thought to herself [Then why are you acting like that]

But she didn't want to be rude with her senior so she replies to her with a surprised expression like this :"Oh! I didn't know that"

The shop manager (Iro-San) enters the room. As soon she enters the room she saw both of them being ready and talking to each other. She gets angry at them for slacking off the work.

Iro-San yells at both of them like this :"Stop talking to each other and get back to work!"

Both of them startled and replies to her with respect like this :"Yes ma'am"

Iro-San replies to her (Natsumi) like this :"Natsumi! Wait!"

Both Natsumi and Maki replies to her like this :"What?"

Iro-San replies to her (Maki) in a angry voice :"Not You!! Go Back To Your Work!"

Maki replies to her like this :"Yes ma'am" Right after she said that she goes back to her work with a smile on her face. She asked that purposely. She knew that Iro-San was talking about Natsumi

Iro-San said this after she (Maki) left :"Seriously all the university student's are idiot"

Natsumi thought to herself after hearing that [I don't think all the university student are idiot but I akso think that she is an idiot]

Iro-San replies to her like this :"Natsumi!." 

Natsumi looks at her. After she gained her attention she (Iro-San) continues her reply to her (Natsumi) like this :"You have to work in the next week too"

Natsumi was surprised cause she didn't expected that answer. She already told her that she might be unavailable in that period of time. So she wanted to take it off later. She wanted some holiday or off from her part time work. 

She asks her like this :"Whyyyyy?!!"

Iro-San replies to her like this :"It's the time where customer's start coming so I need you to do works"

Natsumi replies to her like this :"But I have exams!!"

Iro-San replies to her like this :"You have to do it or you are fired"

The manager goes back to the reception after saying that.

Natsumi thought to herself [It's not like I am doing it for money. But I don't wanna also lose the job. Since it's my first ever job. It's just that I wanted to feel what anime character feels when they went to a part time job. Today is really the worst day.] She sighs after thinking that.

Natsumi was disheartened by hearing that. But she did her job perfectly. After finishing her work at the restaurant. She leaves the restaurant by using the metro rail. She had to walk for sometime until she reached her home. She enters her home.

Natsumi said this like any typically person in Japan after returning to there home :"I am home"

Her mother replies to her like this :"Welcome home. What happened today?"

Her mother was watching the TV. She was in the living room.

Natsumi replies to her like this :"Nothing. I am going to bed"

Her mother said this to her :"Eat something"

Natsumi replies to her mother like this :"I already ate something in one of the restaurant." 

She actually did eat in one of restaurant while coming back to home. She did that as a treat to cheer her up.

Her mother replies to her like this :"Then it's ok"

She goes into her room. The moment she saw her bed she jumps in to her bed since she was tired. She turns around and she looks at the flower while lying down from her bed.

Natsumi thought to herself [It's seems like it will wither away in a few days. Only 5 petals are left now. I don't know how to turn it into normal. If it really withered then I am going to throw it away.]

A petal falls down from the flowers

4 days later

Only one petals remain in the flower

It was night at that time. Somewhere in one of the skyscraper in Tokyo a telephone rang. A boy wearing a pajama in that room in that skyscraper answers the phone. After talking to the other person in the phone call for some time that man laughs. He close the glass of the veranda. He took out a picture of Natsumi from the mail. A mail was on top the table. He looks at it. It was a picture of a woman.

The boy while looking at the that picture :"So she is the target"

1 days left before she will die
