Chapter 8:

The city of Paris

Lost tales: The Day I Saw a God

Chapter 8

Natsumi came down from the upper floor. She didn't see him where he was supposed to be. She starts to search from him. While searching for him she find him at the kitchen standing.

Natsumi reaches out his hands towards his direction.
She replies to him from the hallway :"I am ready. Let's go."

Ban heard that. He looks at the direction where the sounds came from. He saw her. 

He replies to her :"Before leaving the house I think you should eat something. So I prepared this"

Natsumi saw what he cooked and prepare. It looked both fascinating and delicious to her.

She replies to him :"You are right. I should eat something. Since I am also kind of hungry"

Natsumi was also kinda disappointed that he didn't compliment her after she changed her clothes into new clothes. But she didn't let it be seen. Natsumi's stomach growls. Ban smirks hearing that. Natsumi blushed and feels embarrassed for it.

She replies to him frustratedly :"Don't smirk! I didn't eat anything for about four hours. I only ate some Dango in that whole time."

Ban replies to her :"It's ok. I understand. Now let's eat."

Afterwards he dressed the food. He prepares it in the table. 

Both of them said this :"Ita daki mas"

Both of them starts eating the food he prepared without further talking.

Ban asks her suddenly :"Why did you take so much time at the bathroom?"

Natsumi stops chewing the food. 

She thought to herself [It's because I wanted to make him wait longer and make him bored and irritated for telling me a little girl at the station. Like I can tell him.]

Ban asked her the same thing again :"Why did you take so much time in the bathroom??" 

He starts eating after he asked that again
Natsumi startles and tried to think of a lie she can say to him. 

She replies to him :"Cause I was full of sweat and was smelling very bad."

Ban was surprised by her reply. He stops eating. 

He replies to her like this :"Smell? I think I didn't smell anything like that from you. It's more like you were smelling like a Red Rose. The scent was really good. Though couldn't tell which perfume you were using"

Natsumi blushes as she was happy hearing that
She replies to him :"Then it may have been that me nose smelled it wrong. Hahaha!!" 

Answering like that so he can't caught her that she is lying. Though the lie she said was not that good of a lie. It was kind of fishy to him.

Ban replies to her :"It must be that your nose isn't good" 

He takes another bite of the sandwich. But he let it slide
Natsumi replies to him after a sweat comes out from her head :"It must be." 

She takes a bite of her sandwich
Natsumi looks at him and thought to herself while chewing the sandwich in her mouth [He must be an idiot, if he didn't caught me lying by now. But I guess its better that he didn't find out. And also I smell like roses he said. I am so happy~~] 

She starts moving her head around here and there. Right to the left, left to right. She was doing that continuously as she was happy by his reply.
Ban feels kind of weird as she was doing that. 
He asks her :"Are you ok?" 

He thought to himself after he said that [She is kind of weird as I thought before coming here.]

Natsumi hears that. She stops moving her head here and there.

She replies to him :"Yes. I am ok."

He stops eating his sandwich and puts the sandwich on the plate. 

Ban asks her :"I wanted to ask a question. Can I?"

Natsumi replies to him :"Yes. You can"

Ban looks at her seriously.

He asks her :"Did you write what you wanted to write to your parents?"

Natsumi replies to him while chewing the food in her mouth :"Yes. I wrote them shortly after I came home."

Ban replies to her :"Then I guess it's time for your next wish." 

Ban stands up from his sit
Natsumi finish eating her sandwich and cup of tea. 
Natsumi also stands up and she wished this from him :"Well then. I wanna go to the movies."

Ban replies to her :"Good choice but if you watch movie I think you are gonna lose most of your left time."

Natsumi asks him :"How many hours does I have before I die?"

Ban looked at his watch and replies to her question :"Almost three hours and 20 minutes left before you will die."

Natsumi asks him :"3 hours. How much time will it take if I watch a movie?"

Ban replies to her :"About two hours I guess"

Natsumi replies to him :"That's a lot of time. Then I guess I can't watch movie in the cinema hall. What can I do next then."

Natsumi starts thinking of another of her wishes. She sits down while thinking. She was holding her chin while thinking. While thinking she also realized that when it necessary you can't even say something that you wishes to get
Ban replies to her :"Even though you are gonna die in a few hours, it seems like you aren't that much scared or terrified. Like many people would be terrified or panicking at this point of time."

Natsumi replies to him while holding her chin with her hand :"Maybe because I thought of a great idea."

Ban gets curious about what possibly her idea is. 

He asks her :"What is your idea?"

Natsumi replies to her :"You will find out soon."

Ban didn't expect her not to answer.

He replies to her :"Well then, What is your next wish?"

Natsumi wishes this from him :"I wanna go to the Eiffel Tower."

Ban replies to her :"Eiffel Tower, hmm. Back down a bit cause I need to open a portal."

Natsumi gets confused by his reply. She wasn't able to picture the portal. She also gets confused because he didn't summon a portal before in front of her. He just made them teleport in front of her house sometimes ago. 

She asks him :"Portal? But the first time you made me close my eyes then boom! Instant teleportation"

Ban answers to her question :"Cause at that time I made the portal below you. It wasn't a teleportation"

She asks him :"Then why did you make me close my eyes that time?"

Ban replies to her questions :"Because once I did it to a woman and when she saw that, she thought that she is gonna fall down to the eternal abyss. And another one of them almost got heart attack cause her heart was weak."

Natsumi thought to herself after hearing that from him [They must have been terrified to the bone also what is the eternal abyss?]

Ban asks her :"Can you back up a little bit. I need some space to make the portal you know"

Natsumi apologizes to him :"Sorry" 

Natsumi gets a few feet back. Ban puts both of his hand. He creates a magical circle in front of her. The summoned magic circle had some ancient word written on them. A hole was then covered the magic circle. It wasn't just a joke it was a portal. Natsumi was amazed by what he did right now. She also gets curious because of that. 

She asks him with curiosity :"Wow! How did you do that? Is it like magic"

Ban replies to her :"Yes. It's like magic. But it's a bit different than your magic"

Natsumi asks him with dazzling eyes full of curiosity :"Amazing! Can I have this kinda power too?"

Ban answer to her question :"You can try. But I am not sure if you will be able to acquire magic."

Natsumi asks him :"Why?"

Ban replies to her :"Cause I am only a servant of God. Not God himself"

She was disappointed. 

She replies to him :"I understand. It's hard to acquire magic then it looks like in the mangas."

Ban apologize to her :"I am sorry that I can't help you on that matter. But you don't have that much time before you will die. So, I think we should hurry."

Natsumi replies to him :"I guess so"

Ban replies to her :"Let's go then."

Ban falls down on the portal that he created. She also followed him. She closes her eyes before that. She was a bit scared that it might be a long fall. It wasn't a long fall rather it was like jumping from stair to stair. Ban was waiting for her in Paris. She looked below and above her hit she didn't see any trace of the portal. She comes to the conclusion that this is how portal works. Them both of them starts to walk to the Eiffel tower. He looks around to see if someone saw them arriving here from the portal. He saw nobody around them. None saw them coming here out of nowhere. The portal lead them to a place with high ground. It was on top of a building

Natsumi sees the city of Paris for the first time in her life. She never went to Paris before but she saw some pictures of it. She was so charmed by the nature of this place, that she wanted to come here at least once. Now her dream came true. Her eyes were dazzling by the views. It was still day in Paris while night in Japan. She starts to walk forward to see the city of Paris even better
Natsumi said this while walking forward :"So this is the Paris city. And one of the Greatest wonder of the modern times Eiffel tower."

Ban looks at her and asks her from behind her :"Are you happy by the sight of the Paris and Eiffel tower?"

Natsumi was really happy by the sight of the eiffel tower. 

She looks back at him with a smile on her face :"Of course, I am happy. This has been one of my dream from childhood. To come to the City of the Eiffel tower, Paris."

4 hours left before she will die