Chapter 2:

Trapped in Gym Class

Trap Me ;)

「Ahn~, please! Sto~p! No More! 

The gym teacher walked up to me「What the hell are you doing Haya-...Oh sorry, I mistook you for someone else, are you new here? You look familiar to someone in this class.


「Ku-...T-That was a funny joke but...wait I actually see similarities...HAYATO WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO!? YOU WERE THE ACE OF THE CLASS!


「W-what did you do to get so cute... I-I'm trying to become as cute as a girl as well... W-what do you use?

「C-coach... I didn't know you swung that way...

「Sh-Shut up...I-Idiot!

「Coach, here's a tip. You might have to lose those muscles...

「Wh-WHATT OUTRAGEOUS! Do you even see how *GLORIOUS* they are?

「Ahh~ You do you...


What the hell has my life turned into? This is such a weird day. I'm glad that gym is my last class haha. I don't want to go back in the boy's changing area though... They kept staring at me...And th-the towers...Th-they were... AAHHHNNN~~~ IT'S TOO EMBARRASSING!!! I'll ask the girls permission to go into the girl's locker room...I've already lost my manhood already '~'

「 H-Hey...M-Minami-chan~

「Hmm? What's up?

「I-is it okay if I u-use the girl's locker room?

「Huhh?? Why do you want to use the girl's locker room!?

「Th-the guys kept staring at me when I was with them...a-and the t-towers...

「T-T-T-TOWERS!? Oh, you poor thing! Yes! You can come into the girl's locker room! 

I saw Minami go up to the girls and explain the situation. While I was waiting I heard a girl shout "T-T-TOWERS!?!?!" Ahn~ this is too embarrassing!! Also, Miyumi was just looking at me laughing...Minami came back and she said it was okay. Though, I don't know if I should be going in there. I'm scared what Miyumi would to me... *shudder* scary...

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