Chapter 4:

The coin

Avatar: The divided state

The night was peaceful and silent

But then,


A voice of amazement from a large mansion.

"This. Is. Splendid!"

He shouts as he swipes through his phone.

Xyle is his name.

At his young age, he already is an archeologist.

He bought a luxurious mansion near a cliff and his address is really private.

"I can't believe that the legends are true!"

He said as he roll himself to his giant white bed!

"It is clear! The dragon! It resembles the culture of the fire nation!"

He proudly say.

"But then this babe caught my attention!"

He reads articles online and saw varieties of news regarding a girl who was said to water bend the fountain in Georgetown park.

"Here's a vid"

He clicked a video of it.

"Hmm it's low quality!"

He commented as he saw the video and his eyebrows swiftly lifted itself.

His enthusiasm quickly turned into mourn.

"I'm disappointed! This video only captures the water."

He didn't finished the video that he was watching.

He thinks of it as being scripted or edited.

He stood up to the kitchen and went into the refrigerator.

He grabbed a bottle of chilled coffee.

And he sat as he stares to his faucet.

"Hmmm.. Can I waterbend?"

He closed his eyes and creates a posture on his both hands.

"Wa!! Yah!"

And nothing happened.

He expected to waterbend though but he can't.

He was tired.

So he sat in his black luxurious sofa and opened his wide screen tv.

He switched channels but nothing picked his interest.

He started to be bored.

"Ugh! What am I gonna do now?"

He looked up to his ceiling in gold lights.

Until he remembered something.

"The coin!"

He rushed unto his separate research room.


Sticky notes occupied the space of his white boards.

He is an archaeologist that is pretty interested in the era of bending.

These article inside the room tells his obsession.

The fire nation.

The air nomads.

The water tribe.

And Ba Sing Se,

The city behind the walls.

But it was just subjects to his research.

Pictures pinned on his walls are everywhere.

Every picture is organized according to every journey

And every journey corresponds a lot of words of concept mapping.

A lot of questions yet to be answered.

Until he reached a small ancient mural of avatar aang in his wall.

"Goodevening avatar aang!"

He graciously said as he bowed and the wall opened just like a cabinet.

Inside the cabinet was all collections of his obsession.

There was a broken orange glider that was said to be used by airbenders.

The cabinet is mostly occupied by an incomplete suit of metal benders.

But he didn't went there for those.

He only picked the thing  hidden below.

A wooden box.

"There you are!"

He said.

He opened the wooden box and there appeared a golden coin.

It glistened through his eyes.

He isn't after the money he would get from the coin.

Actually he fixed his mind not to trade it no matter what.

He went outside his research room.

He walked through his wide fine floored balcony with the coin.

The sudden blow of wind made him shiver.

"Grrrrr... Damn too cold... Gotta go get some hot coffee-"

He was going to get a hot coffee until someone talked in his head.

"Yo! Dude? You dumb? All of yo coffee was chilled!"

His self said to him.

"Ok! I'm too lazy to wait for it to be warm!"

He mourned.

He haven't even thought of his coffee machine or his espresso.

He started to inspect the coin.

He closed his left eye and focus the coin in his right eye.

He sees through the square shaped hole in the center.

There he saw a pigeon.

He was in confusion as the pigeon stayed on his balcony's metal bars.

He stared at it and he began to realize the pigeon was looking at his coin.

"Oh no!"

The pigeon flew unto him as he ran inside the room and immediately closed the sliding glass door.

The pigeon have vanished.

"This is horror!"

He said.

He checked out the coin in his hands and it was still precious as before.

He returned to his research room to bring back the coin but what awaits him there is chaos.

There is someone inside the room.

"The pigeon is inside my secret research rooom?!"


The pigeon answered as it bended it's head.

"This is a chicken war!"

He seriously said.