Chapter 12:

The black market

Bloodborne Fire

"Everything from live samples to 1000-year-old mummies of crawlers. I research here," said 

Lisa while putting on a lab coat.

"So what's the mission, don't tell me I have to be a test subject," I ask.

"Don't worry boy, the only reason why I brought you here was to show you," Lisa walks towards two glass chambers, "is the recent power increase in human bloodborne, usually taking just the serum won't give you this much power. And according to what Haai told me, the bear spirit owner you fought was way too fast for his large size,"

Lisa points towards one of the glass chambers. To my surprise, it was the fatso's body. The same person that I killed when after meeting Haai.

"Really? so humans that take the bloodborne serum are not insanely strong?"

"Yes, but no. Only some people who are resistant to the effects of the serum can utilize their full power for many decades, A.K.A the ascended class, but the Bearman and the vixen were almost as strong as an ascended without a sense of self. Usually, Jiraiya wouldn't break a sweat trying to kill a human bloodborne. Yet the vixen was able to tear his prosthetic arm and talk after getting decapitated,"

"So that means?"

"It means that there a more potent and powerful serum in circulation. And that is our mission, we are going to get information on who is circulating these and why,"

"Oh! I see, but how do we go about doing that?"

"We will go the black marker!" Said Lisa with an evil grin on her face.

I have a bad feeling about this.

We pack a few things and wore cloaks to hide our identity. Upon reaching the entrance of the black market, the first thing I noticed was a large number of people. Despite it being almost midnight, the black market was denser than the capital. Shady-looking people, Big and scary men giving me a death stare, tho they were nothing compared to Jiraiya's.

"Stay low and don't stand out," said Lisa right after entering the market.

"Uh yea, understood,"

"There are a lot of people you don't want to make enemies with here,"

We walk around the market for a while, surrounded by drug dealers and dangerous weaponry. 


Suddenly a man bursts out of an alleyway and falls over, he was bleeding from his mouth and one of his eyes,

Whoa! He is like half-bloodborne.

before I could react, two large men lunged at the half-bloodborne and stabbed him to death.

"Again? this is the second overdose today," Said one of the large men.

"Lisa, what was that all about," I whisper to Lisa.

"An overdose, bloodborne serum when diluted and taken in small amounts through steam or drinks acts as an addictive drug. But when someone takes too much of it in a short period of time they go berserk. After all the serum merely overdrives the body,"

The black market is scary.

A few minutes later. While walking in a general direction, I began to wonder where are we headed to.

"We are here boy, the Sludge Mermaid!" said Lisa.

Whoa! the plot convenience.

Sludge Mermaid, while the name sounded cool. It was a shabby-looking bar surrounded by drunkards. But Lisa looked towards it with nostalgia in her eyes. We walk into the bar.

"Welcome! What would you like to drink?" Said a large old woman while serving drinks.


Bloodborne Fire
