I sit down with my back against a tree Seki sits down next to me. You acon. Yes seki what is it. Where are you from? You come from far away because you don't know anything. Eh I can't tell her that I'm from another world. I come from a country that is very far away and I can never go back. Why can't you go back, Akone, because something has happened to stop you from going back? don't worry don't worry about it here you have a sandwich. Ok, thank you. She bites into it and smiles at us she snuggles up to me I feel like a big sister. Akone Akone ehm can I change and lay on your sohs when I'm sleeping. asleep. Yes, of course you can, I don't eat up quickly and then I sleep right away too. lie down. Pufff seki is now a wolf again. she curls up on my shous or vlt also feel I feel like a mother no what should the thought I'm only 16 then like a big sister sister yes a big sister yes that's me. I cuddle her a little bit but at some point I fall asleep too I dream of a house I dreamed of a house where I lived the house was in the mountains it wasn't big it was just a small brick house brick house in the mountains. In the house I live seki and another person but I can remember the person now me I can't remember who it was, but it doesn't matter. Seki wake up we have to go on if we want to arrive today. Mmmmh yes just 5 more minutes she says quietly and sleepy. No, we have to go now or we won't be at the witch guild by the end of the day. She plops down from my lap and turns puffff. Why do we have to now I want to sleep, I'm still tired. Because the capital is still a day's journey away, so we have to go, I can take you. Yeah, just carry me for a little while until you're really awake, okay? Thank you Akone. Come on, get on my back and let's go. After about 2 hours. Akone I am hungry but there is nothing around. Seki here, I still have half a loaf of bread left. But this is your bread and what did you eat last night I only have half a bread. half a I only ate half a loaf of bread here, you can have it. It's really ok that I eat it and not you. After all, you're my sister-in-law, so it's okay. Seki jumps around my neck. Thank you but aren't you hungry because we have a long way to go, sister. Akone. No, it's fine, seki, you just called me sister akone. I felt very happy. Can't I call you sister Akone? I don't like it. But you can call me that. I feel very happy when you call me that. I feel very happy when you call me that. Aslo I can call you sister Akone yes you can call me that. A short time later we heard a horse carriage coming up and down the road it is coming closer and closer when it was about 300 meters behind us we heard a man shouting loudly shouting hello stay standing hello. The car then hillt beside us to him the car sas a family a man a woman and a daughter the daughter got out of the car and walked to us. Seki stands behind me and is suddenly quite nerwöhs. The girl came running towards us seki became more and more nerwöhser. Hello, who are you, are you crazy? asks the little girl. E-eh yes we are and who are you? The woman comes out of the carriage, anne you can't just run out. E-emh who I ask I am Akone and who are you. I am Hanna from Olago and this is my daughter and my husband is in the carriage. Where are you on your way to Akone? We are on our way to the city. We are also on our way there, will you accompany us and. I- I am also allowed to go, seki kukt behind me. E-eh e-an animal mesch who is that and why are you together with such a thing. Seki walks behind me again. How dare you talk about seki like that. Seki is the name of the thing, but how dare you talk to a count's wife like that? Count's wife.
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