Chapter 4:

Chapter 4

Next Chance my New Liefe in a other wolrd

Seki is a nice girl and what gives you the right to talk about her like that.

Suddenly the man came out of the carriage and said:

What's going on here, sweetheart?

Oh darling I wanted to ask you if you wanted to come with me but that little girl there

is an animal man.

An animal human what is an animal human doing here running towards me and seki

stay standing don't come closer he comes closer and closer.

Suddenly he grabs seki's arm and holds her tight.

No stop that hurts let me go. Leave seki alone she has done nothing to you.

Darling, hollow my sword and I will put an end to all of this.

He lifts her up by one arm and tells her to her face, you little dirtbag schad stain.

how dare you walk around here like this, now you're going to lead the way.

Here treasure the sword.

No stop it let me go screams seki and far sister acone help me.

Let them go.

And if not.

If you don't, it will be your fault.

I've read something in this book before, how did it go?


out of me come on all flames the eyes fohn the 3 ears.

We didn't mean it that way, please spare us.

I suddenly hillt a sword of green flames him the hant a cloak of green flames

Apparently it was very powerful because they released seki and disappeared,


Seki was scared stiff and I ran to her. Seki is everything alright are you alright are you alright are you alright?


She is still far.

Seki, everything will be all right. This will never happen again. I will protect you.

She hugged me and asked: really you will protect me.

Yes, of course, what kind of big sister would I be if I couldn't protect my little sister?

her little sister.

Come on, give me your little finger.

What are you doing, she says, crying.

I swear to you here with that I will always protect you no matter what happens ok.

Ok sniff:

Then let's keep moving it's still a ways to go to town.

Ok sniffff,

everything's okay now come here. I took her in my arms and whispered in her ear.

Don't ever do that again, I promise, ok.

Ok sister Akone, I have a question.

Yes, ask me what kind of magic did you use?

I don't know, I got it from the book I bought in the village.

And why were the flames green?

Here is the magic I used mmh but why were they so afraid that is a very

a very

simple spell. Look here Here is a list of fire colors.


if you have red flames you are normal standard


Have only the creatures with super-thin magic power.


If you have black flames you are a birth of the devil Also very rare



If you have blue flames, you are an exceptional hero who has blue flames.


Green flames were last seen 2000 years ago. They say that the gods

Green flames.

Well, Akone, you are a god.

What no I am not a god

But here it says in the book that the green flames are the flames of gods.

(three of them helped me to get these powers)

that's cool Ankone you are the rebirth of a god we have to use immediately.

No no please not.

But why?

Seki you know before I came here my life was not very hard and so now I just want to live a nice life without much attention.

Ok i understand that akone i will keep it to myself.

Thank you, let's keep walking.
