Chapter 110:

Chapter 109: A Trip Back To The Future!

Project: INFERNO

(While Kazuya, Shibuto and Hinami was back in Shinsei Academy, meanwhile in the Time Realm Goxius was walking towards his time staff in a bad condition as he dropped to his knees and then began to cough a small amount of blood.)
"Phajun(Goxius's Assistant Timekeeper): Goxius! You must return to bed, you need your rest and you need true medical help..!"
"Goxius: I am.. okay.. Just a little under the weather... Lord Tatsuhiro needs me after a-all.."
"Phajun: No! You are staying here and that's final! Curse you Knitemare...! You're killing Goxius with your timeline destructions..!"
(As a portal then opened into the Time Realm, Tatsuhiro rushed through and quickly ran to Goxius, noticing his conditions.)
"Tatsuhiro: Goxius!"
(Goxius coughed a bit more blood as he saw Tatsuhiro.)

"Goxius: A-Ahh.. Lord Tatsuhiro.. I apologize for not coming to you sooner..."
"Tatsuhiro: Forget that! You need to get rest right now, that's an order!"
"Goxius: I... can work well today..!"
"Tatsuhiro: Its. An. Order. I worry for your health Goxius, now go rest."
"Goxius: ....Very well.. I do apologize for c-causing you trouble.."
"Tatsuhiro: Phajun, take Goxius to his room and get him in bed."
(Tatsuhiro stormed to the portal he then opened as Phajun asked a question.)
"Phajun: W-Where are you going?!"
"Tatsuhiro: Gonna deliver a message to an "Elemental Lord." I'm not letting our only strongest time necromancer and my own friend kick the bucket before the final fight!"
"Phajun: O-Oh..!"
"Tatsuhiro: Tell Choryrth to place me on temporary absence, I'll be back in a few hours."

(As Tatsuhiro walked through the portal, he then sat down and meditated through the entire traffic stream of opening and closing portals. As time went by in a different timeline, ninety percent of another timeline was annihilated as Knitemare was battling Alternate Tatsuhiro in a battle that never ended yet. Alternate Tatsuhiro and Knitemare then descended to the ground.)

"Knitemare: I find myself conflicted... As Lucifer has truly failed to kill you, is it anywhere fair to battle the final opponent after skipping one more individual? You know Tatsuhiro, this battle won't get you anywhere. While I am immune to every elemental attack you throw at me.. It appears you all did not understand the limitless abilities I possess from a human to god!"
"Alternate Gaito(Tatsuhiro): Even if you have countless abilities and elemental immunity, I'll still beat your ass for what you did to my own DAUGHTER..! HARAMURA WAS JUST BORN...!"
"Knitemare: You mourn for your pathetic loved ones? I told you before, what I needed from them was quite necessary. Plus, the abilities your beloved "Haramura" possessed was radiating such power, I needed to take it. However, while you have every single Ten Dragon, god, Senvoinian and human praying for your victory, it will not come to pass."
(As Knitemare then charged a powerful attack combining the star, lightning and darkness elements which had Alternate Tatsuhiro on guard.)
"The only thing you'll be seeing for the final time Tatsuhiro is this attack, your life ends now!"

(Knitemare then launched the attack towards Alternate Tatsuhiro but noticed another individual standing in front of him and took the entire attack at point blank range without regret. As the massive light-bursting explosion occurred, Knitemare then noticed the debris clearing up and caught sight of Past Tatsuhiro standing in front of Alternate Tatsuhiro without any damage to his body whatsoever and brought Knitemare to an absolute shock.)

"Past Tatsuhiro: Glad we finally got to meet, "Elemental Lord." The name's Tatsuhiro Magachi, from another timeline."
"Knitemare: Of course, another fool who comes from an alternate timeline! How are things with your family, Tatsuhiro Magachi?"
"Past Tatsuhiro: That question is nowhere in the hell close to any of your concern. I'm here to personally talk to you before you arrive in our timeline in "two years."
"Knitemare: It appears you were tipped off by one of the ruined timelines. Let me guess, was it the one known as: "God Destroyer Gaito" who gave you the tip about me?"
(Past Tatsuhiro was then walking towards Knitemare while talking.)

"Past Tatsuhiro: It doesn't matter who. I don't know who the hell you think you are, coming from timeline to timeline, destroying and destroying all these universes and causing hell for Goxius... But I've had enough of your bullshit until now."
"Knitemare: You believe you stand a chance against me? Your chances are futile!"
(Knitemare then launched lethal elemental and energy-generated attacks but Past Tatsuhiro continued to take every single attack without any damage yet. As he walked out the debris, silver yet thin and seeable aura was generating around Tatsuhiro as Knitemare then launched his most powerful attack towards Past Tatsuhiro and he stopped to say one word:)
"Past Tatsuhiro: HAKAI!"
(Without lifting a finger, Knitemare's entire blast disintegrated into thin air, surprising Alternate Tatsuhiro and Knitemare at the same time. Knitemare then kept his cooled composure as he began chuckling.)

"Knitemare: It appears I've found my archrival at last, one worthy of my power..!"
"Past Tatsuhiro: I'll say this once. If I catch you anywhere near this, mines or any other timeline, I will have your head mounted onto my wall!"
(Knitemare and Tatsuhiro stared face to face as Past Tatsuhiro then punched Knitemare with so much power, a vortex was forced open from the force of the punch and blasted Knitemare through the vortex. The clouds was completely evaporated from the force of Tatsuhiro's punch which had Alternate Tatsuhiro surprised to witnessed the true power of a G.O.D.)
"Alternate Gaito(Tatsuhiro): I... Y-You..."
"Past Tatsuhiro: Question. What happened in this timeline? I only sense a short number of beings on Earth while everyone else is at Olympus."
"Alternate Gaito(Tatsuhiro): Oh-.. Well uh, I had to fight Knitemare alone while I had everyone else evacuate to Olympus..."
"Past Tatsuhiro: Would you mind if I ask where is the rest of the family as well?"
(As Alternate Gaito took Past Tatsuhiro to Olympus's infirmary, he'd notice the wounded, dying and recovering gods and civilians left and right. Sensing the family's presence and walked over to them. Past Tatsuhiro then saw a broken down Isabel along with the Magachi's bruised and defeated then realized Sawano was not with them.)

"Alternate Gaito(Tatsuhiro): Knitemare did all of this... He killed our precious Haramura and took her powers... She was just born..."
"Past Tatsuhiro: Where's Kazuya and the others?"
"Alternate Gaito(Tatsuhiro): ....Shibuto... didn't make it out the battle alive... He sacrificed himself to take Knitemare down with him but failed. He brought us time to regroup and escape. As for Kazuya...? He's not doing so well.."
(They walked to Kazuya's room and Past Tatsuhiro noticed his missing right arm and both legs while strapped up to several different machines.)
"He lost both of his legs, he had to cut off his left in order to save Kirby and the others. But he lost his right leg from one of Knitemare's goons."
"Past Tatsuhiro: Where's Hinami and Onara?"
(As Alternate Tatsuhiro was silent, Past Tatsuhiro then understood what it meant.)
"I see. Tell me, where is Sawano then?"
"Alternate Gaito(Tatsuhiro): Dead. He did not listen to the warnings and lost his temper and fought me. I had no other choice, I had to put him down..."
"Past Tatsuhiro: I understand. What are these warnings?"
"Alternate Gaito(Tatsuhiro): Well... Its like this... If Knitemare was ever defeated, his whole title of "Strongest Elemental User" would be removed from him. However, certain individuals did not participate. The warning however is this, a certain person from a certain timeline has to defeat Knitemare. Otherwise, everything goes to hell."
"Past Tatsuhiro: So what happens in this timeline? Who was suppose to defeat him?"
"Alternate Gaito(Tatsuhiro): Shibuto was."
"Past Tatsuhiro: ...."
"Alternate Gaito(Tatsuhiro): He gave his all.. But he lost. Thank goodness you showed up."
"Past Tatsuhiro: Question. Is your Goxius currently alive?"
"Alternate Gaito(Tatsuhiro): Yes, he still is."
(After answering the question, both Tatsuhiro's appeared in the Time Realm where they've seen an ancient Goxius with a white yet long beard and the infinite level of time magic flowing through his presence.)

"Alternate Goxius: Ah, Tatsuhiro of another timeline? What seems to be the issue?"
"Past Tatsuhiro: I just have one question and I will leave."
"Alternate Goxius: By all means, please ask away!"
"Past Tatsuhiro: In my current timeline, whom is selected to defeat Knitemare to keep my timeline from entering chaos?"
"Alternate Goxius: Hm.. There are a quite few individuals in your timeline selected. You among them are one of the select few."
"Past Tatsuhiro: Then who are the others?"
"Alternate Goxius: According to your timeline, its.... you, Sawano Magachi, Kazuya Atharu, Lotus Kenhiro, Shibuto Magachi and Hinami Magazaki."
"Past Tatsuhiro: I see. So its up to the A-Team again?"
(He then began to walk off as Alternate Goxius warns him.)
"Alternate Goxius: However, you must be careful! I have no doubt against your strength, Lord Tatsuhiro. But Knitemare actually possesses a destroyer's abilities now during his timeline extinction hunt..."
(He paused for a moment as he then turned around with a serious look.)
"Past Tatsuhiro: Which destroyer was it?"
"Alternate Goxius: The Destroyer Of Universes, Mahesh. Knitemare tracked down and killed Mahesh along with his family and took his abilities, including his hakai."
"Past Tatsuhiro: ....I see. I'll be careful then, thank you guys."
(As they both waved goodbye, Tatsuhiro then returned to his original timeline and noticed everything was normal after returning back to the Time Realm.)
"Phajun: Lord Tatsuhiro!"
"Tatsuhiro: I'm not finished yet, I have to make another trip. I'm going to go talk with Father Time now."
"Tatsuhiro: Yes. Goxius will remain sick if the timelines aren't restored. So I'm going to convince Chronos to take care of it himself or.. I'll have to force him to."
"Phajun: Be careful, Lord Tatsuhiro!"
(He nodded and teleported to Chronos's small time realm. Chronos then descended from his throne by walking on clocks and stared down Tatsuhiro.)
"Chronos: You."
"Tatsuhiro: Chronos, lets have a little chat."