Chapter 111:

Chapter 110: Inside Shinsei Academy! (Part 2)

Project: INFERNO

(As the elemental trails was over, Kazuya was looking at Shibuto and Hinami speaking with the other friends and classmates for lunch while he ate alone outside of the cafeteria with little few students communicating with each other. He then remembered what Sugizora told him.)


"Sugizora: I'm following your words Kazuya. I do wish that we do not interact with each other again. I do not dislike you but... Its for the best.."


(Kazuya sat there silently eating until he was asked a question by an individual female classmate with braided down long hair, dyed purple and sat down with Kazuya.)
"???: Is something troubling you, Atharu?"
"Kazuya: Ehh... Just a lot of thinking in my head."
"???: If I had to guess, does your sadness involve Miss Tokiyomi?"
"Kazuya: ...Yeah... The whole school's talking about how she turned me down.."
"???: Before, she was known as the most teased individual throughout Shinsei Academy. Now, she's gained the top MVP scores throughout trials and scored the top grades during your absence. With a streak like this, she could be graduating with a landslide."
"Kazuya: Ehh.. Once that happens, I believe she'll be out of my league then. Wait- Who even are you?! Didn't you-"
"???: I will introduce myself in the next class. Please, enjoy your lunch."

(She then walked off while holding her bag and went past the cafeteria as Kazuya was very curious on who she was. He then continued to eat as Shibuto was speaking with his classmates and Hinami was continuing to eat lunch with hers. As lunch was over, Kazuya's class then prepared themselves to meet the new student. The same girl Kazuya has met earlier walked into the class and wrote her name on the board.)

"Amisate: It is a pleasure to be transferred here, my name is Tomize Amisate. I am also the top disciple of the Japanese Lightning God, Raijin."
(Kazuya's hand slipped and caused his head to fall on the desk with shock, everyone else was absolutely shocked on what they've heard. The students besides Sugizora and Kazuya was clamoring with surprises as Ash then asked for silence.)

"Ash: Alright..! Miss Tomize, there are a few seats left so please.. Choose wherever you wish."
(Amisate nodded and took one of the two available seats next to Kazuya, Sugizora's eye caught Amisate sitting next to him and unpacked as Ash was beginning to teach again.)
"Now, as you all are aware. The trial results came back and as usual, Sugizora has once again scored the top grades without any flaws. As for the rest of you, several of you past and some we'll need to start applying you to after school training."
(Ash then sent a stream of water hovering in mid-air and passing out the papers one by one to each desk. Some students was amazed at the waterproof paper but disappointed at their grades while some was silent with a smile for passing. Kazuya's grading came and he took one glare to see he passed with a solid B.)
"Kazuya: Oh thank goodness..."
(Amisate was beginning to write down in her journal as Kazuya was curious and Amisate caught him peeking and gave a chuckle with her neutral expression.)

"Amisate: Curiosity has you interested, hmm?"
"Kazuya: W-Well.. A little bit."
"Amisate: Its the art of the sword, I've decided to write down what Raijin taught me."
"Kazuya: Whoa..! Those are very sophisticated stances.."
"Amisate: To Raijin, the art of combat can be both sophisticated or sloppy. You must materialize your own body for battle. With just a single flaw, you will face a major consequence throughout the essence of the fight."
"Kazuya: ...That's... true..."
"Ash: Now that your scores has been shown. I would like to introduce you guys to an upcoming event. Everyone in his class should be familiar with Earth, correct?"
(Everyone responded with agreement.)
"Alright. We've consulted with Saikan Academy headmaster Chimon Hato and we will be hosting a collaboration between Shinsei Academy and Saikan Academy in the upcoming high school Elemental Games. I will reveal more information tomorrow morning and the following week, for now let us return to our lesson."
(As classes was back in session, time then flew by within Chronos's realm as he was beaten brutally to the ground and was stomped on his back by Tatsuhiro.)

"Tatsuhiro: I will say this one more time and I will not hesitate to snip off your arms like butter!"
(Several red and black glowing strings was aimed at Chronos's arms without hesitation as he was shaking in fear.)
"Fix the damn timelines... NOW!"
"Chronos(Pained): S-SCREW... Y-YO-YOU..!"
"Tatsuhiro: Oh..? Screw me huh..? Do I look like a f**king clown to you? Am I wearing makeup, a red nose and wearing rainbow hair with a horn?!"
(Several strings was then attached to Chronos's limbs.)
"Chronos, I'm not doing this the easy way. So.. I'm giving you fifteen minutes to fix the timelines! If you don't... So help me, I will take your life faster than you can say "I beg you mercy!"
(Chronos then reversed time on himself again as Tatsuhiro sighed and turned around, expecting the next attack from him.)

"Chronos: TIME ERASE!"
(As Chronos shouted his attack and targeted Tatsuhiro, Chronos then was terrified at the fact Tatsuhiro is still standing without being exploded into dust.)
"Tatsuhiro: I thought I explained this already... It doesn't matter how powerful you are, I can't be erased from existence.. Even if my own soul was targeted."

(Chronos then tried to retreat but his entire right leg was snipped off with a loud slice as blood then gushed from his dismembered wound. Tatsuhiro's strings then impales themselves through Chronos's hands, shoulders and his right feet as he stood over him. Chronos was sweating with absolute pain and fear at Tatsuhiro's monstrous strength. Tatsuhiro then squats to the ground and made Chronos look him in the eyes.)

"Will you fix the timelines or do I have to just do it myself?"
(Chronos's eyes was filled with absolute fear as Tatsuhiro's negative presence grew stronger than it was before. Chronos then closed his eyes and surrendered.)
"Chronos: Okay... I'll.. f-fix the.. t-timelines..."
"Tatsuhiro: Was it that hard? Stingy bastard."