Chapter 118:

Chapter 117: The Training Begins Now!

Project: INFERNO

(As the cosmos are rumbling with several stars flying in the dark abyss, Tatsuhiro and Knitemare was battling at base forms with no change in their physical strengths but was fighting at unmatchable speeds which began rattling the nearby planets. Both Knitemare and Tatsuhiro was then in a test of strength lock.)
"Tatsuhiro: I've gotta say, a being like you being this strong might be the match I'm looking for!"
"Knitemare: You only get five minutes to entertain me Magachi!"
"Tatsuhiro: Is that so? Give me two minutes to end this..."
"Knitemare: Two minutes-"
(Knitemare was suddenly frozen for both his shadow was pinned down by Tatsuhiro with the help of Chronos's time abilities.)

"Tatsuhiro: Can't do anything with your shadow pinned down by time, can't you?"
(Tatsuhiro then plucked his head, torso and neck with one pluck each which delivered three holes each drilled into his brain and Tatsuhiro then unfreezes his shadow and had Knitemare's eyes straining in pain as a shockwave aftermath affected Knitemare which Tatsuhiro then acted quickly and casted the String Dimension domain.)
"Cast Domain: String Dimension!"
(Infinite counts of Unholy String trapped himself and Knitemare inside the domain in which his movement was impossible and was then trapped with blood oozing from his head, neck and upper body. Tatsuhiro then formed himself back to normal and walked towards Knitemare.)
"I better not see you here for another three years or you'll regret it..!"

(As Tatsuhiro then trapped his charged a very high yet dangerous amount of lightning into his metal arm, he patiently took his time until it was completely charged. Moments later, the arm was finished charging as he then deactivated the domain as Knitemare then took one glare at Tatsuhiro as he was then punched with so much force, the entire cosmos then ruptured with a tremoring quake and both Tatsuhiro and Knitemare was then blasted from opposite sides and was launched far away from each other's range.)

"Damn it..! What the hell was that..?"
(Tatsuhiro took one look at his metal arm to see the darkness of his negative energy growing on it and he then hid it back. As Tatsuhiro could no longer sense Knitemare, he then returned to Olympus in his timeline and found Choryrth.)
"Choryrth: Tatsuhiro?"
"Tatsuhiro: Choryrth. Knitemare won't be back for another three years."
"Choryrth: That's good... I do apologize for you having to go out there."
"Tatsuhiro: Its fine. Also, Chronos is dead."
"Choryrth: What?!"
"Tatsuhiro: I killed him."
"Choryrth: Why did you-"
"Tatsuhiro: He didn't fix the timelines as said. I had no choice but to take care of it myself, I now have his powers and his throne."
"Choryrth: I see. Its time I get the gods set for training."
"Tatsuhiro: Wait. Choryrth."
"Choryrth: Hm?"
"Tatsuhiro: I want you to get stronger yourself. Its time... I take the throne back in your absence."
(Choryrth was shocked at the response.)

"Choryrth: I understand... King Of Gods Tatsuhiro."
(He then kneeled to Tatsuhiro out of respect as Tatsuhiro then rests his hand on Choryrth, taking back every last special ability, elemental power and all of Zeus's abilities and Tatsuhiro then explodes with a massive light, bright white lightning was surging throughout his body once again as Choryrth smiled.)
"The throne is yours again master. I will get stronger to fight too!"
"Tatsuhiro: I believe in you, Choryrth."
(As he nodded, Choryrth then opened a portal to an unknown realm which he flew through and it closed as Tatsuhiro then walked towards the throne and sat back in the chair with a smirk.)
"Now... No more playing around. If we're going to be free from this shit, Its time I whip everyone into shape. Nothing but training for the next three years!"

(Moments later, Tatsuhiro alerted all across the universe about the incoming threat which forced everyone into training in their own ways. Shibuto was undergoing intensive training with Onara who is not holding back in any of their combat spars. Hinami and Sawano began training in a different dimension with an insane heat temperature of five hundred degrees thank to Goxius. Kazuya began training more with Lotus and Amber Hunt as he was prepared to battle a two on one. Tatsuhiro then teleported to desert-like area with a warning sign.)

"Extreme heat danger, walking after ten AM is not recommended."
(Tatsuhiro then took one glance at the far endless path of Death Valley.)
"So this is Death Valley? Heh, this is going to be a great three years."

(Tatsuhiro then boldly and confidently walked past the sign and began to ascend into the deadliest place on Earth for the next three years to train. Meanwhile, all of the fighters from across Japan began their trainings as well, same for every resurrected enemy Tatsuhiro brought back. As one year passed, Tatsuhiro was sitting in the middle of Death Valley with both his legs and arms crossed and did absolutely nothing except meditate for a whole year without any interruptions. Meanwhile on Earth, Kazuya was then able to catch and strike back against Lotus and Amber without any flaws then after a near collision of striking them both, they stopped.)

"Lotus: I am proud of you Kazuya. Not only has your speed with striking increased, your defenses are becoming even sharper. Amber, your thoughts?"
"Amber: Well... You might have been able to defect my bullets and attacks. But you're still a target to me Kazuya, nothing more!"
(Kazuya then chuckled with a smile.)
"Kazuya: I'm glad I am a worthy rival to you."
"Amber: Tch.. Don't get your hopes up, I'm calling it a day, Master Lotus. I need to catch some Z's before my mind rots anymore of this day."
(Amber then went back inside the dojo as Kazuya smiled and he then noticed Lotus looking directly down the dojo at the city of Hakodate.)

"Uhh... Lotus.. You okay?"
"Lotus: Oh! Deepest apologies, I've zoned out looking at the city for a while. The view from up here is absolutely mesmerizing."
"Kazuya: Yeah... It actually is.."
"Lotus: Kazuya, what do you intend to do before this fight?"
"Kazuya: Huh..?"
"Lotus: You must have a plan for this battle with Knitemare determines life or death. Will we all perish with destruction to our timeline or will we all survive with the hope of countless trillions of lives on the line."
"Kazuya: I.... I don't know."
"Lotus: What about that Amisate girl?"
"Kazuya: HUH?! WHEN DID YOU-"
"Lotus: Tatsuhiro told me everything. Besides, I know how it felt to feel love. My darling wife... Rukiena Kenhiro.. She was everything to me. My joy, my reason for fighting. However, I haven't even told Tatsuhiro this. Kazuya, it is true I did have an elemental ability before. But I never traded it to Lucifer, it was stolen from me."
(Kazuya gave a shocked expression.)

"Kazuya: Stolen..?"
"Lotus: Yes. The one who stole my elemental power was not found. However, I had no use for an element if... Martial Arts was my true path to maintaining such power."
"Kazuya: How strong was you?"
"Lotus: If I remember what my father said.. "Your elemental ability consists of something... deadly within the forbidden category."
"Kazuya: Lotus... Are you even human..?"
"Lotus: Personally.. I'm not so sure myself. I could or could not be a human. By physical standards, I can't be called a human."
"Kazuya: What do you mean by that?"
"Lotus: Remember when I used Bursting Beak? That particular move is an assassination technique. However... If I used it as a normal attack, the whole solar system would've combusted into particles. Endless.. endless.. particles."
(Kazuya's face was then pale with the imagination of Lotus's attack.)

"I really do not know how much stronger I am or could become. But at the age I'm at right now, I already surpassed my expiration. I cannot truly die of old age until I'm certain the next generation and the generation after that and the generation after that is strong enough to protect not just Earth. But every other dimension out there in the cosmos."
"Kazuya: Master Lotus..."
"Lotus: I do enjoy a good chat once in a while. Come Kazuya, we must-"
(As Lotus turned around, he then noticed Kazuya was knocked unconscious by a black figured humanoid which surprised him entirely for he only felt Kazuya's presence but not the attacker's.)
"???: Relax. Your little disciple is put to sleep. Any resistance is futile and you'll be put down."
(Lotus suddenly sensed five more attackers surrounding the dojo as he gripped his staff's handle tightly and gave it some thought. Lotus then forced his physical speed and strength over twenty percent as he then began to battle the intruders which caused tremors on the mountains.)