Chapter 4:




Kamaka- Ok, what do I do?
Vel- You tell me.

Kamaka- I don’t know what to do, push ups?

Vel- That’s probably the worst thing you could do. Start off with some mind exercises.

Kamaka- Why always mind?

Vel- It’s because if you can’t get your mind right, you can’t do anything, or get mind powers.

Kamaka- mind powers?

Vel- I would tell you the truth with all these powers you're “receiving” but it would catch you off guard.

Kamaka- Uh, ok? What mind exercises should I be doing?

Vel- Once again, you tell me. If you're the chosen one it’ll click.

Kamaka- Maybe I’m not the chosen one ok? What made you think I am anyway?

Vel- Well that… I also can’t say.

Kamaka- this is bull.

Vel- I can be here forever, literally.

Kamaka- what kind of powers do you have, did you make the Ōnā layer?

Vel- well not exactly, but that’s another story. Think about what to do, your stalling.

Kamaka- Maybe I could try to conquer complete focusness?

Vel- I guess that is better. (Forms an apple in his hand) Focus on this apple.


Kamaka surprised himself how quick he was able to focus on the apple although he couldn’t really think about it. Then outta nowhere, the apple pops, and forms back.


Kamaka- I did it?

Vel- No you didn’t do anything that was me, keep going.


Kamaka did indeed do that which further proves to Vel that he is in fact the chosen one. Vel wanted Kamaka to keep going, to not fall short. Kamaka had a weird feeling that Vel was lying, he didn’t understand why though.


Kamaka- Whatever. Also, why does it matter to you if I’m the chosen one or not, isn’t that my path?



Little did Kamaka know, Vel knew that Kamaka wouldn’t be able to resist giving him treasures no matter what he did to his friends. Vel might also be known as a God for helping what could then be a God. Vel wanted the praise and glory.

Kamaka kept going and goin what seemed to be an eternity which was actually two months. Kamaka eventually confirmed that he was the one that made the apple pop and form back. He later learned the power of being powerless, and the obvious speed and strength. Although this is not the normal kind of speed. With the “help” of Vel, he would be able to travel at the speed of light. In order to do that, he needed to learn how to slow down the flow in his body, yet speed the process of movement. He also learned how to live with all the processes in his body stopping meaning, he's immortal, right? Kamaka thought many things, some Vel could see. That’s how Vel knew that Kamaka thought he was lying.


Kamaka- Can I rest now? (under his voice) not like I’m tired.

Vel- Sure, be ready when it’s time.


Kamaka is getting annoyed by working everyday with Vel. He thinks it’s time he finds a way out.

