Chapter 127:

Chapter 126: Awaken The Cryosphere Dimension!

Project: INFERNO

(As time passed, Cerrzar ripped out a seeable core from the clone and crushed the core with his teeth which the Knitemare clone then dissolved and was defeated. Only five more clones remained for the Ten Tyrants.)
"Hayazawa: Only five more of these bastards? Tch, big deal!"
"Akari: We can't get cocky yet..!"
"Knitemare Clone 6#: It appears you can match our first form of power. Quite the splendid group of so-called villains indeed. As a reward for your efforts, we all shall stop holding back and reveal to you several of our special abilities."
(Cerrzar growled as he sensed an unpleasant presence.)
"Knitemare Clones: Cast Domain-"
(The Tyrants was surprised at what he says until Hayazawa rushed past time to successfully break their formation which worked as the rest of the tyrants continued fighting the remaining five without giving them time to use their special attack.)
(Sybille then used her blood to launch several streams and grab the fifth Knitemare clone and slammed him around while draining the clone of its blood.)

(As three special abilities was said, Sybille's entire body streaked blood as a huge slash out of nowhere slashed across her body and blasted her far across the wastelands of the ruined city but was then caught by Freeze.)
"Freeze: Damn it.. Dizgoth! Patch up Sybille and quick!"
(Dizgoth quickly helped as Freeze ran towards the fifth Knitemare clone with only twenty percent of his beast's power activated. The remaining four then surrounded Freeze which triggered the remaining tyrants. Trample Horn stormed his way to Freeze before the domain would be casted.)

(Trample Horn quickly rushed into the domain which sealed all of them together and transported them to an area far outside the fabric of time or space. As the domain was pitch black, the entire domain then shattered which revealed a hell-like area with volcanic heat, Freeze and Trample horn looked around seeing the overpowered five Knitemare clones and began to fight against their attacks. Meanwhile, the Tyrants was worried on Trample Horn and Freeze as they was trapped in the domain. Cerrzar screeched as Dizgoth translated.)

"Dizgoth: Cerrzar said "What the hell happened?!"
"Freedom Knight: They was transported by the domain, I can't sense them..!"
(Cerrzar screeched and hawked, Dizgoth understanding what he's saying.)
"Dizgoth: He now says "The domain the Knitemare's casted was Infinite Purgatory which is a never-ending domain that lasts until both enemies are killed."
(As the rest of the tyrants was worried, Trample Horn and Freeze held their ground against the five as Knitemare battled three of the clones and Freeze battled two, his beast fully controlling him in the process.)
"Freeze(Possessed): Any ideas Trample Horn?!"
"Trample Horn: No idea. Domain too hot.."
"Freeze(Possessed): Shit right..! Rhinos can't remain in hot areas for too long..! If we don't get this domain down, we're screwed...!"
"Knitemare Clones: Infinite Purgatory is a domain that was used as a last resort. This domain cannot be closed until the target is killed. With Trample Horn losing his ability to remain active for the fight is another handicap to handle. However, you and your ice is extra trouble. Time to finish this game and eradicate the remaining tyrants!"

(As the radiating heat was getting to Freeze and Trample Horn, they both could barely see as the five Knitemare Clones then charged a very powerful attack combining the elements lightning, darkness, hellfire and light in one massive orb. The possessed Freeze then looked up at the orb which his eyes then started to glow a very clear color but generate a cold aura around him and started to remember a flashback of the massive orb.)

-Freeze's Childhood-

"Freeze(Narrating): The one orb in the sky that changed everything. It was a beautiful snowy day. I was playing in the snow and wanted to create a snowman. After I left to get a scarf for the snowman, an orb appeared in the sky. That exact same orb then combusted but blew away my own family right in front of me.. along with the snowman..! If I ever saw who created that orb, I'd kill them myself...!"


(Freeze began to stand up as his beast took over one hundred percent of his body and the entire atmosphere of the volcanic heat began to change as Trample Horn was then able to remain stable. The Knitemare clones then launched the finished attack as Freeze then took several steps, runs then jumps towards the attack while charging a massive amount of ice elemental energy which was rapidly charged to one hundred percent as well.)

(With a major change of temperature, Freeze's own body exploded into chunks of ice which then freezes everything inside the Infinite Purgatory domain, including The Knitemare clones and their attack. Freeze then rebuilt himself and unfreezes Trample Horn who was affected by the cold but was feeling much better.)
"Trample Horn: Much better! No more heat..!"

(The both of them looked at the frozen Knitemare clones as Trample Horn then activated his trump card which he returned to his Slaughtering Mode which was shown in the Elemental International Tournament and he then stomped on the final clones of Knitemare on Earth as the Cryosphere Dimension then shattered and returned Trample Horn and Freeze back to the planet which the tyrants noticed and asked what happened.)

"Freedom Knight: Is it done..?"
"Scarlett: Well..?"
"Both: No more Knitemare's on the planet."
(They all was relieved as another holographic message was now being played which showed the real Knitemare clapping his hands.)
"Knitemare: Congratulations Freeze! You've managed to unlock your trump card AND your domain. Cryosphere Dimension. Something your beast is able to use, not you."
"Knitemare: Why? Oh! You must be referring to your family. You see Freeze, they've offered a little... contract with me. Do you know what that contract is?"
(Freeze was very anxious on what it was.)

"In exchange for my cooperation, I needed information on every last superpowered being that has touched Earth's soil. However... When you was born, I no longer needed them so I've discarded my side of their deal and gave them a very quick yet brutal ending to their lives!"
(Freeze fell to his knees as Knitemare begun chuckling then stopped.)
"Now, let us begin the second hill of the game... Good luck in the Void Realm!"
(They overheard Knitemare's command and his laughing as they then began attacking Onara who had her defense up after watching them the entire time and was ready to fight.)