Chapter 6:



“Tales of Amara”

Chapter 6: Amara

Chapter 7: Impossibility

Chapter 8: T.O.A.O.O

Chapter 9: Warning

Chapter 10: Survivor


*Baizefield was forsaken by all for long*

A little girl raced through the woods of a forest kicking the rocks in her path and skipping the holes and water streams in her way. She was dressed in a brown dress and she wore wooden sandals with leather straps in her feet.

*But there was hope,*

A large hairy beast with revealed sharp canines, brown hair and large paws chased her from behind. She looked back a number of times as her breathing increased and became more difficult by the step.

*A child from the house of Elseane*

She finally exited the forest, entering a village surrounded by many flowers, especially deep red roses that gave a wonderful sight to it. She immediately went to a nearby house and momentarily paused her movements. She bent down, placing her palms on her knees to catch her breath.

*One who will reunite Baizefield with the kingdom.*

Looking back, the beast came closer and closer, exiting the forest with a tremendous leap towards her.

“Well, come on, Jin! We’re going to be late!”

“Woof woof!” The beast responded.

Catching up, the two raced towards the center of the village that had an open space. In the middle of the space was a large mango tree, under which a lot of kids sat facing a person narrating a story.

*One who will reunite the kingdom with others.*

“Sorry I’m late!”

“Well! You’re always late, Vicky! Just sit down.” The narrator then continued her narration.

*Two centuries! No glimpse of the hero.*

*It has left people wondering,*

*When will this hero child come?*

*But for others have given up hope,*

*And have resorted to murder.*

“Those spineless people, they think that violence is always the answer.” Vicky whispered to her friend, Emmy who was sitting right beside her.

She was the same age as Vicky. She had jet black hair, silvered eyes and was slim in size. She wore a dress similar in make as that of Vicky but hers was black with a white belt.

“I know! They don’t even learn the basic morals of being humane. Oh no! Teacher Lilian is looking at us.”

“You’ve got some nerve coming in late and disrupting other students in their lessons, Vicky?” Tr. Lilian shouted angrily at Vicky.

“I’m so sorry, teacher.”

“Then listen, please!”

*When she reveals herself, the signs will show.*

*Chaos will arise. Many will die fighting for her.*

*But in the end, she’ll emerge successful.*

“That’s the end of the story! Now tell me, what have you learnt?” Tr. Lilian asked.

“But we’ve heard this story every time we come here and you ask us the same things.” A certain boy about 14 years, black hair and thin in size spoke out.

“You’re right Olsen, maybe try asking Vicky there who always comes late!” Another boy who was seated next to Olsen spoke up.

“Okay everyone, quiet! Learn to be nice to others!” Then Tr. Lilian turned to Vicky. “They’re right, you know. At Least for today tell us what you think?”

Emmy looked at Vicky and strengthened her.

“Speak what is on your mind. Don’t pay attention to others. Remember, I’m always with you!”

“Thanks, Emmy?”

Vicky got up from her seat and walked to the front via the pathway.

“Good morning to you all! I would feel happy if the situation of Baizefield changed. I would feel happy as well if the women and children can freely travel from one district to another, and across borders as well.”

“But I can’t help but feel for the chosen who or whatever! If she’s going to make our lives better, who will make hers better? She’s going to go around getting blood on her hands as we merely say “hooray and banzai” as if it was so natural that we appreciate it.”

“But what shall we do for her? Nothing! Nothing, but give her praise that she probably didn’t want since she was forced by some bunch of ancient words spoken by desperate mad people in the past that you call sorcerers.”

“And furthermore, what would hurt me the most is that those with enough power will also lurk behind the shadow of the ‘hero’ since the ancient words said so.”

“O…okay. Haha thanks.” Tr. Lilian let out an awkward laugh. “Anyone else?”

No one dared to lift up their hands after the strong argument that they had just heard.

“Okay! You can go back to your seat, Vicky!”

Vicky went back and sat where she was, near Emmy.

“You talk a lot!” Emmy told Vicky with a smirk.

“Thanks to you, sister!”

“Fair enough!”

Emmy and Vicky lived in the same house, they were both adopted into the family of the Jasons, a couple of kindhearted people. They practically considered themselves sisters since they grew up together.

“Look at this sight! It’s too beautiful!” Emmy said as she lifted her arms parallel to the ground of a cliff at the edge of the forest south of the village on a hot windy afternoon.

It was their hangout spot after their morning classes.

“Yah! I almost feel like staying here all day long, with you and Jin.”

“By the way, why did you say all that stuff back there?” Emmy asked as she sat down

“I just imagined myself as the chosen hero of Baizefield, that’s all.”

“Stop that! What if it happens that you’re her?” Emmy rebuked.

“It can’t happen, relax! A candidate hasn’t come for years and besides, they need one from the family of the long forgotten Lord Elseane. Chances are zero that it’s me.”

“But that’s it! You can never know if you’re from that family. Including me, we’re both adopted by the Jason’s.”

“Okay, you convinced me. Maybe a very small chance that I shall become the heroine. But that applies to you as well.”

“Even if I become her, I can never do it. I don’t like patriotism.”

“See that’s what I’m saying. That is why we shall always be true sisters.”


Jin, who was not around for some time, appeared from the forest behind them while barking.

“What’s wrong, Jin?” Vicky asked, having a worried look on her face.

The dog barked even louder, running back and forth as an indicator for them to follow him.

“Follow you?” Vicky asked the dog.

Jin stood on his hind legs for some time and went back on all fours, indicating an affirmative response.

“Okay, lead the way! Let’s go Emmy!”

Emmy looked at her with concern.

“You’re weird, talking to a dog!”

“Let’s just go!”

Emmy and Vicky followed Jin, disappearing deep into the forest.


“What do you want from us?”

An old man at the center of the open space in the center of the village asked three strange people facing him. One was a tall woman dressed in a black dress all over and the other two were tall and built men, one bald with a thick beard and the other with very short hair and a well shaped thin beard.

“And you're supposed to be a leader? In this Baizefield of yours? Don’t joke with me!” The lady responded.

“I am the representative of these people, Grimes. What are your names, and what do you want with us?”

“Fine, I’ll play by your rules. I’m Freya. These two, their names aren’t necessary. They are nothing but minions.” Freya replied with pride in her voice.

“What I want are all your blonde girls below 15 and their parents, oh, or guardians.” Freya demanded.

“What do you need them for?”

“Don’t spoil the fun! Just bring them!”

“What if I don’t?”

“Such guts from an old man! But be careful, be rational! Want me to destroy the whole town.”

Freya signals and behind him, an armored ogre holding a club, a large club, approached one of the buildings.

“I can tell him to smash to his satisfaction.” Freya threatened with a grin on her face.

“Okay! I’ll bring them here!”

Grimes called some young man appearing to be in his twenties and whispered something in his ear. After getting instruction, he left off as fast as he could.

“I hope you’re not plotting anything.” Freya demanded, having a mean look on her face.

“Heavens no! I surely can’t risk it!”



“What’s the commotion about?”

Vicky and Emmy exited the forest to enter the village finding all young blonde girls lining up in front of their parents.

“Why are blondes lining up?”

Freya happened to look their way.

“Hey you? Come over here!”


Vicky asked while pointing to herself.

“Yes you, the blonde! Come over with your parents.”

Looking around, Vicky sees the Jasons around.

“Okay, but may I ask what’s going on?”

“Don’t ask! Don’t waste time!”

Vicky went to her parents. It was obvious that something would always go wrong after such circumstances, but it also wasn’t the first time that it had ever happened that gave Vicky absolute confidence that this time too, it wouldn’t be her.

“Come on! Mom, Dad! Let’s get this over with!”

“M...maybe not this time honey!”

Mrs. Jasons, trembling in her speech, opposed the idea.

“Why? What? Do you think I’m a princess or something? Come on! This will be over in a second.”

“No you listen to me, girl. My hunches are always correct and my hunch tells me that you’ve got to run and never turn back.”

Emmy came over to see what was happening.

“Um, what’s going on?”

“No time to explain, Emmy take Vicky beyond the forest, run as fast as you—”

“Everything okay here?”

Freya suddenly asked Mrs. Jasons, cutting her short.

“ It’s nothing. We were just coming over.” Mrs. Jasons replied.

“No need! I’ll do my business from here.”

Freya stood in front of the Jasons with a stern expression.

“Young girl, what’s your name?”


“Okay, Vicky! You don’t need to answer the rest. And neither will you, Mr. and Mrs. Jasons.”

A cold drop of sweat dropped down from the forehead of Mrs. Jasons. Mr. Jasons suddenly became stiff.

“Mr. and Mrs. Jasons, is her name really Vicky?”


“No! So what’s her real name? Does it have Elseane in it?”


“Yes! Did a descendant of Elseane give her to you when she was a baby?”

“W...we picked—”


“Hey!” Emmy shouted, “why aren’t you letting us reply?”

“I pity you, those who don’t have the power of Ristir! So last question! Might she be… oh sorry! Allow me to rephrase that! Is she the child predicted in legend?”

Vicky opened her eyes wide. What was happening was too much for her to bear. She always thought that she’ll be just a side character in her life.

Looking towards her mother, there was no difference in their expression on their faces. Her dad was checking his back pocket for something at the time. Looking at Emmy and Vicky, Mrs. Jason said no more than two simple words.

“Run! Amara!”