Chapter 7:



*Weak! Weak! Weak!*

*How many times now have you died and your cute little ability couldn’t save you?*

*You deceive yourself saying that power that changes the rules of this world is risky!*

*Yet you can’t live without it.*

*Turn over, Weakling! Drink from the cup of the strong and let the Impossibility unravel.*


“Huff… huff… huff!”

Phillip woke up from his relentless nightmare while sweating all over. His heart beat was as fast as a woodpecker’s beak pecking a tree branch.

“Was that… a dream?”

Phillip wondered as he felt his neck with his right hand.

“Guess not!”

Phillip concluded that when he felt a scar that continuously rotated around his neck. The scar slowly faded until his neck became as smooth as it was before.

“But then how? I was sure I was killed.”

Phillip turned around to see if anyone else was around, spying on him in the starlit night. During his scan, he noticed Danny lying in the grass, covered in his own blood.

“How I wish Danny was brought back like me, whatever method it was. I believe he needed another chance at life.”

Phillip moved over to Danny and closed his eyelids.

“I better bury him to give him a respectable goodbye!”

Phillip went back to the barn and got a spade.

“Why did I get this spade again?”

Suddenly, Phillip could not remember what he was going to do with the spade. Going back to the scene where the body was, he did not actually remember, but concluded what he was going to do with it after seeing the body.

“Oh! I was going to bury Danny’s body! But that’s weird! Why did I forget what I was going to do with the spade? Actually, what did I say before I got the spade?”

Things got weirder and weirder. He had never experienced anything like this or rather, if he had, he might have never known if he had forgotten.

“Anyway, back to the current matter! It would be a shame if he didn’t get a coffin.”

Tying some wooden planks together with some rope and joining the edges with nails, he made a riffraff of a rectangular box in which a grown man’s body could fit.

“Not the best, but it’s better than none at all.”

Phillip spent some time digging up soil at the very location that his body was. After placing Danny in the coffin, Phillip pushed it into the pit and later covered the hole with soil. He placed three rocks beside the grave, gave a silent goodbye and headed towards the barn.

“When I came here, I’m positive that I saw a horse and it’s carriage. I’ll pack some food as well.”

Phillip had just experienced Baizefield first hand. It was just his first encounter but there were very many problems that caught up with him. To be on the safe side, he packed as much food and pans as he could in the carriage including some money, about 5000 Rubics that had been left by the Cotts who were nowhere to be seen.

“All right! Time to set off, I’ll go south, I bet that that is the direction of the town. I’ll settle at the first landmark that I see.”

On the way, Phillip reached a cliff, below which was a pile of ruins of houses.

“What in the world happened here? Well, why would I care? This will be my resting point, as long as there are no monsters around.”

Phillip roamed around the place in an attempt to find a suitable place. The area was filled with bodies of residents and wasn’t quite conducive for sleeping in.

“Man, whoever did this is an extremist!”

“.....lp me!”

Phillip suddenly heard a voice appearing to be from a weakened person.

“Hello! Anyone there?”

Phillip stopped his horse so that he could hear very properly.

“Help... me!”

Phillip turned diagonally behind him and on the ground, he saw a dark skinned old man wounded all over. His eyes were as red as a bloody moon. There was form that had come out of his mouth.

“Damn! You look… well, not Okay!”


“Run! Amaya!”

Without thinking, Emmy held Amaya, who was speechless and frozen in place, by her hand and dragged her towards the forest as Jin followed them.

Pulling a knife out of his back pocket, Mr. Jasons leaped ahead and went past Freya aiming for the bald bodyguard. He swung the knife in his right hand towards the baldy’s eye but was suddenly stopped by his large arm. The knife fell out of Mr. Jasons’ hand launching itself into the air.

The Baldy then got a chance to attack. He lunged a left hook towards the old man but he managed to dodge downwards towards the baldy’s left launching a powerful counterattack to his ribs, causing him to spit blood.

Not giving the muscle head a time of rest, Jasons swept his leg causing him to lose balance. He then used the momentum that he gained earlier to turn around to hit his elbow at the back of the baldy’s head, but changed his plan after seeing the knife approaching the ground.

He grabbed the knife after a 180 degree turn and planted it in the back of his neck protruding till the front, on finishing his rotation.

Looking back towards the rest of his family, his wife was on top of Freya who was lying down with her back against the ground. Mrs. Jasons brought rapid consecutive punches towards the villain but all were in vain as she was incredibly weak.

“Honey, look out!”

“Honey, look out!”

At the same time both of them shouted at each other, giving themselves a warning.

Just as the timing for their warning was accurate, so was the timing that steel swords drove through their hearts.

Behind Mrs. Jason was an armored summon wielding a long and thin sword and Mr. Jasons was ended by the other bodyguard.

“No… Marie!”

The old man weakly said the name of his wife as his vision faded out.

“Hmph! Well, I was surprised! Never judge an old man by his wrinkles!” Freya mocked the recently deceased couple as she turned towards the bodyguard.

“Hey you! Go after those stupid kids!”

Turning to the rest of the village Freya said with an evil smile.

“Now what to do with you!”


“Huff… huff ...huff!”

“Let’s... take... a break, shall we?”

Vicky gasped as she struggled to breath through not only her nostrils alone but also through her mouth.

“Okay, one minute strictly. Then we move.” Emmy replied strictly.

Vicky leaned against the stem of a large tree for support and to catch her breath. Her eyes were still wide in shock.

“Tell me Sis, am I in a dream?”

Looking over to Emmy, Vicky spoke slowly with fear in her voice. That was the first time Emmy had seen her like that. From head to toe she was shaking like a shirtless person in the winter.

Emmy wrapped Vicky in her arms and consoled her.

“Look Vicky, it’ll be okay! I’m with you.”

Vicky couldn’t help but break down in tears. For her age it was quite normal to do so. Emmy was scared as well, but she tried to cover it up so that she could be a better support to Vicky, who was even in a scarier position.

Well, the nice moment didn’t last for long when they saw one of the bodyguards chasing them from behind the trees in the forest.

“Oh no! We stayed for too long. Let’s hurry!”

The bodyguard chased the three for some time in the forest with the gap between them being small but averagely constant. Whenever the bodyguard would get closer to them, he would sometimes trip on the roots of the trees, small plants and would also not fit in some places like in between two close stems.

“Oh no! there’s a river up ahead.” Vicky shouted.

As they paused to look for a better alternative, the bodyguard came closer to them and he raised his arms with an attempt to grab Vicky.

Jin immediately ran towards the bulky man and dug his canines deep into his leg muscles.

“Arg! You accursed dog!”

Giving him a powerful punch, Jin whined as he hit the ground hard. The dog began bleeding from his head uncontrollably.


Vicky cried out, not paying attention to her surroundings. The muscle hound brought his fist towards Vicky to knock her out but Emmy jumped in the way of the punch.

“Vicky! Run!”

Before being knocked into the river, Emmy shouted a warning at Vicky. Emmy was knocked out and fell in the river after being hit by the massive force.

Without looking behind, Vicky ran into bushes on her left.

“Why! Why! Why! Why is this happening to me?”

Vicky shouted out in desperation. She closed her eyes and wildly ran, giving it her all. No sooner had she thought that she was going to escape the forest than she tripped over an iron structure.

“You have to look where you’re going sweetheart!”


Emmy, knocked out, was washed away by the river alongside Jin. Eventually, they were washed up onto the banks of the river at some point.

“Urg! It hurts! How long was I knocked out for?”

Looking in the sky, she saw a star lit night sky. She had been out from afternoon to evening night. For a 12 year old to be with an injured dog was equally similar to being alone in the forest.

“Vicky! I hope you’re safe. May the heavens bless us.


“Where am I? What is this room?”

Vicky was tied up with strong ropes in some dark room. The room smelt like dust and filth as if it hadn’t been used for a long time.

“Someone! Anybody! Help!”

Vicky shouted on top of her voice.

“As if anyone will hear me. Life Sucks!”

Hardly had she said that when the thick door opened without a sound in its hinges. Vicky kept quiet and her heart started racing. She struggled to move further back as the silhouette of a man approached her.

“Don’t worry! Allow me to take you out of here!”

“What’s your name, Mister?


“Guild master Melvin!”

Frank looked behind the shrubs and the best thing that had happened to him was to see a comrade of his alive.

“Hello, Frank! Long time indeed!”