Chapter 134:

Chapter 133: Knitemare Retreats!

Project: INFERNO

(As everyone expected Khomat to be hit by Knitemare's massive blast, it was dodged as Khomat charged his own negative energy towards his face which he noticed and dodged Khomat's attack while blasting him away with a full-charged wind cannon with an EF5 tornado's power. As the attack was a direct hit, the wind cannon only pushed Khomat several inches across the wasteland of destruction. Khomat then slid his feet across the ground and raised his entire leg in the air which he then stomped directly into the ground which created a massive slope of rock and propelled Knitemare into the air which Khomat and Knitemare traveled supersonic speeds.)

"Chimon: Khomat..."
(Aeyr was just as scared as Guhbus to see Khomat pissed off and noticed him running in a circle, scared for losing his very own life.)
"Aeyr: Grand Elder, calm yourself!"
"Aeyr: I know you're terrified.. Is there any way at all to stop this..?"
(Guhbus fell to the ground on all fours as he gave up and was sweating with fear.)
"Guhbus: This is Knitemare and Khomat.. We're dealing with the Elemental Lord and the Beast King.. Two unstoppable forces of nothing but pure domination and raw power...!"
(Knitemare then fired several fast barrages of elemental streams at Khomat which triggered Khomat to take the defensive and every elemental barrage was absorbed into Khomat's sealed cube then he stopped himself from being launched any further by pressuring his feet.)

"Khomat: Your elemental attacks are lethal yes but you're far too confident with yourself to believe you'd win. Just because you have immunity to pain and immortality doesn't excuse the fact I managed to make you choke on your own blood."
(Khomat was keeping a tight grip on Knitemare's sealed elemental blasts.)
"Knitemare: Even if that was a true solid hit, I will not be unfair and say you did not strike me with all you had. However, may I dare ask a question Khomat? Why do you side yourself with the weakling mortal race? You're the most feared being in existence, regarding to the fact you killed the former Dragon King eons ago."
(Everyone was white-faced with fear as Shibuto's eyes was wide with shock to hear that.)

"Shibuto: K-Khomat killed.. C-Choryrth's father..?"
"Khomat: You mention The Former Dragon King? That bastard was strong, but not enough to withstand my power. The only being who can really stand against me is that bastard from Class X. You however Knitemare... All you got is flashy tricks and special domains but in comparison to him and me..? You wouldn't stand a chance so if I was you, I'd suggest you turn tail and run.. Before I give you a true NIGHTMARE to remember!"
"Knitemare: If you wish to test your statement, then let us see if you can handle this next incoming blast!"

(The air was now intoxicated a massive increase of Knitemare's power level which surpassed Khomat's and Knitemare's entire right arm extended to an increase height combining over fifteen elements along with his energy in one blast. Khomat delivered a confident smirk as everyone else watched in fear of Knitemare's building attack along with several special abilities and several more elements which are uncommonly known.)

"Rubber Limbs! Strength Enhancer Times Ten! Elemental Increase! Impact Nullification! Blizzard! Nuclear! Atom! Nether!"
(Khomat's eyes twitched after hearing that word which gave him a very evil smirk and began to grow part of his markings across his face as he was getting serious.)
"You've managed to withstand many of my attacks without so much as a scratch! I've really underestimated your talents Khomat. For respect of this battle, I'll finish you with the ultimate combination of abilities and elements flowing through me right now! This will annihilate you."
(Khomat then powered into negative aura where only one percent of his elemental power was being used now which made everyone else scared on the possible outcome if Knitemare defeats Khomat with just one single blow.)
"Khomat: You've managed to impress me so far! But lets see how this attack will turn out!"

(Knitemare then flies towards Khomat but Khomat then powers down and stands there, doing absolutely nothing. As Knitemare was then at close range, Khomat closed his eyes and within a mere flash of light and an explosion so powerful, Chimon and the others took cover as everything near by was evaporated from a fifty mile radius, including parts of the oceans. The debris began to clear moments later as Khomat stood there with his eyes remaining shut and not a single scratch on him as Knitemare was still on his feet in absolute silence as every last part of his body was shattered and bleeding from his own blast backfiring, showing that his pain immunity was surpassed due to the overload of Knitemare's failed attack.)

"Chimon: WHOA!"
"Kazuya: HOW DID HE-"
"Hinami & Shibuto: DO THAT?!"
"Aeyr & Guhbus: HE ACTUALLY WON!!!"
(As Chimon and the others was shocked Knitemare stood there with shock as Khomat yawned out of pure boredom as he was unsatisfied.)
"Khomat: Hey. You throwing in the towel?"
(Knitemare then hacked out a pile of blood as he stared at Khomat was a pissed off glare.)
"Knitemare(Pained): What... Did.. You.. Do..?"
"Khomat: What did I do? Hmm.."
(He took a few seconds to remember exactly what he did.)
"All I did was pluck your attack back."
(Everyone was surprised that Khomat did not suffer any hits but more surprised that Knitemare's ultimate attack was countered by just a single pluck.)
"Knitemare: You may.. have won this fight... I will return again...!"
"Khomat: I'll make this clear. If I have to reawaken only to see you again, I'm making sure I trap you in the Abyssal Chasm and KILL YOU MYSELF!"
(As Khomat walked off, he then stopped for a moment.)
"Oh, one more thing. Know your place..."
(Khomat gave the most coldest yet scariest stare to Knitemare.)
"Arrogant fool."
(He began laughing as Knitemare could not face the fact he lost to Khomat in a very embarrassing way but he began to chuckle as his wounds slowly was regenerating and was able to stand up straight again as Khomat turned around.)
"Khomat: Still got some fight left in you huh?"
"Knitemare: You've managed to tap me out for now... However, I think its safe to say, I've finally stalled enough time."
(Khomat was confused on what he said as six of the same yet completely healed Knitemare clones came to their real master's aid and summoned the same enemies of the past but as undead warriors for Khomat to battle which surprised everyone else.)

"Khomat: As much as I would love another battle, I'm bored now and none of you revenant bastards are gonna make things fun... Maybe they could have fun battling you."
(As Khomat looked up in the skies, he then vanished from plain sight as a fast moving object crashed towards the ground and it was the black-winged spear which surprised everyone else.)
"???: So. You're Knitemare? Its a pleasure to meet you."
(Khoteku Magachi then walked out of the debris and swung her staff around before disarming it and stared down the entire revenant army with part of her crew and glared at them boldly.)
"General Kainoto & Khoteku's Crew: CAPTAIN!!"
"Shibuto: That's your captain..?"
"Ankoku: That's her alright! Shibuto, take us down there! She and her crew can't fight them alone! Kazuya, lets go!"
"Kazuya: Right!"
"Shibuto: Alright. I will provide support on both sides. Meaning, I will be attending to the injured and I will deliver outside support if needed, I wish you all luck!"
(Shibuto then focused and wrapped his cosmic aura around everyone else who has the will to fight and sends them to the surface while Shibuto sends himself to Aimiya's underwater infirmary which was still crowded as Shibuto then noticed Tatsuhiro was speaking with Choryrth and ran quickly to him.)
"Choryrth: This is madness... We need to do something!"
"Tatsuhiro: The time isn't here yet, you need to wait.
"Shibuto: Tatsuhiro!!"
(Choryrth, Tatsuhiro, Janus and the other injured noticed Shibuto which brought ease to Tatsuhiro's angered spirit.)
"Tatsuhiro: Shibuto?! Are you okay?"
"Shibuto: Of course I am father.. Are you?"
"Tatsuhiro: Well duh, not even a scratch on me!"
"Shibuto: Then you should know that-"
"Tatsuhiro: I know everything."
"Shibuto: Everyone needs your help-"
"Tatsuhiro: No."
"Shibuto: ... W-What..?"
"Tatsuhiro: Shibuto.. my dear son.. I have no intention to help any of you."
(Shibuto's eyes widened a bit at his cold words.)
