Chapter 12:

Chapter 9 - A Friend

Shadowed Love

What did she just say? Whore? Oh no….. Lanzhuen….. you are such a pitiful girl…. You are definitely doomed. Catte thought to herself while looking at Lanzhuen with pity.

“What are you looking at?” Lanzhuen asked Dishelle, rolled her eyes, and clung onto Xavier’s arms even more.

'Lanzhuen was calling Dishelle a whore but she clung onto Xavier’s arms like a motherfucking leech. Though it’s slightly understandable since she is his girlfriend, she still has no right to call someone such an offensive word who only intends to ask who she was. What a motherfucking overacting idiot.'

Catte thought to herself again while feeling the tension between Lanzhuen and Dishelle, but she could definitely feel that Dishelle was pissed.

“Xavier, you have a girlfriend?” Dishelle ignored Lanzhuen’s question and turned to Xavier with a blank expression.

“Y-y-yes, I-I didn’t get the chance to tell you since you are always busy. S-s-sorry.” Xavier stuttered and felt scared of his older sister, so he looked away from Dishelle, who was now even more pissed. That’s what you get from having a secret relationship with someone, Catte thought.

“Since when did you like someone like her, Xavier!? And we are now in the modern world! We have mobile phones! You should have at least texted or called me! When did you become such an idiot of a brother!?`` She stood up because of anger that made the people at another table near them look at their table.

“What!? She is kind and I love her! Don’t ever call her that!” Xavier also raised his voice at his older sister, which triggered her annoyance even more. However, Catte was impressed that Xavier was defending his girlfriend but thought he might be having a wrong girlfriend since she was really rude to his family.

“How dare you raise your voice at me!? Aren’t you forgetting that I am your older sister!? And it is okay if you are defending such a nice, delicate girl, but this is our first meeting and she will call me a whore!? How about you discipline her instead!?” Dishelle stood up and angrily raised her voice.

“Haaaaaaa…..” Dishelle sighed away her annoyance and picked her things up before walking away. But even before she got far away from their table, Lanzhuen spoke up.

“By the way, to answer your question, we are almost three months. Right, babe?” she said and clung onto Xavier’s arms even more that it almost looked like she was just pressing her breast onto him.

“I don’t really care. And when did your name change to ‘Xavier’? It looks like you are not only rude but also an idiot.” Dishelle answered with an uninterested face, but her tone sounded like she was mocking.

“What did you just say!?” Lanzhuen also stood up from her chair because of irritation.

“Want me to repeat it for you? Never mind, whatever. Stay strong, bitches.” With that, Dishelle turned around and walked out of the cafeteria with a light smile, thinking that she had won.

“Ugh!” Lanzhuen irritatingly scratched her head.

“So that is how leeches get angry, huh?” Catte whispered to Kael’s ears. “Yep, it is ugly.” Kael replied normally, that made them laugh at a low volume.

“Should we take her back to where she belongs so she will not be angry anymore?” Catte asked Kael with a whisper and Kael agreed without second thought. “That is such a good idea, older sis Talia.” And they couldn't contain their laugh anymore and it became loud.

“Why are you two laughing!?” Lanzhuen turned to them, picking another fight because she felt like she had lost to Dishelle earlier but wouldn’t admit it.

“Nothing, don’t include us in your fights. We are not leeches, after all.” Catte answered and rolled her eyes.

“How dare you---“ Lanzhuen didn’t continue her sentence when Kael interfered.

“Stop.” That single word made her stop, even the people on their table could feel the pressure from that one. The single word Kael just said.

“Argh!” Lanzhuen irritatingly scratched her head with both hands and turned to Xavier. “Babe come on, let’s get out of here.” She grabbed Xavier’s hands to make him stand up, but he disagreed. “Huh? But I am still eating…” he hesitantly said and looked at her hesitantly too.

“Let’s have lunch somewhere else. People here are annoying!” On her second try of pulling Xavier to stand up, she succeeded this time but Sanie interfered.

“He is still eating. And it was just five minutes before the lunch break ended and he might not be full yet.”

“Whatever!” Lanzhuen irritatingly replied and pulled Xavier out of the cafeteria.

“What kind of girlfriend is she? She does not even care if her boyfriend was still hungry or not.” Kael mumbled.

“Yeah, unlike you, older sis Talia. You even provided seats for us even though we can just get one for ourselves. You are nice, older sis Talia, your friends are also nice. But that girl looked bad.” Sanie agreed, referring to Lanzhuen at the end.

“Just don’t copy her actions, okay? It was really rude and you might hurt other people’s feelings with that.” Catte advised and smiled at them.

“Of course! We would never do that kind of thing!” Sanie answered with a bright tone.

“With you on our side, we will grow up as good people.” Kael said and smiled sweetly at her.

“That is such a touching thing to say, but….” Catte didn’t finish what she was going to say and looked at them like it was such a disappointment. ‘But I won't be able to watch you two grow up since I won't stay here for too long.’ she continued it inside her mind.

“But?” Kael urged her to continue what she was saying.

“But you sometimes need to do things that depending on others will also be pointless.” she said, changing what it was and smiling softly.

“Ah, you are right!” Kael agreed and turned to Catte’s friends.

“See? Old sis Talia is nice, try fighting her and we will expel you from this school.” he threatened, so Catte immediately reprimanded him.

“Hey Kael, that is such a bad thing to say. It is an abuse of power, you know? You really need someone to teach and discipline you, huh?” she said, the last one with a joking tone.

“Hehe, I don't mind if it’s you.” Kael also had a joking tone and Sanie just clicked her tongue.

They just chatted and laughed while having the last minutes of lunch break.

When it finally ended, they each went to their own classrooms and Catte even had a hard time leaving the cafeteria because Kael wouldn’t let her. While waiting for the professor, Catte’s friends were chatting with her about what happened earlier.

“Oh my goodness, girl! You have connections with them?” Jillian asked her.

“Ah? no, it’s not li–” Catte got cut off when Nagie spoke.

“And you actually have a close relationship with Prince Michael and Lady Samantha?”

“Ha? no we–” Catte got cut off again when Cassie spoke.

“That’s amazing, it is a good thing they talked to you.” this statement grabbed Catte’s attention and asked.

“Huh? What do you mean?” Are they snobbers? Catte asked herself.

“Those two children rarely give attention or even speak to anyone, even in their household.” Regina answered her question.

“So it is a surprise that we can hear clearly and they are even talkative with you.” Jillian added, and the other two nodded their heads in agreement.

Their conversation ended when the professor finally came into the classroom. Just like the earlier professors, he just introduced their lessons and other stuff connected to his subject. There is one more professor after him who also did the same.

The school was finally done and Jillian invited Catte to hang out with them since she was new in their ‘squad’. It was such a kind invite but Catte had to reject it since she had to do something more important. She has to find a part-time job or she will be in debt. Well, she is already in debt.

She found a fast-food chain and decided to have her afternoon snack there before she finds a job, since it would be bloody and she thought she might even forget to eat during that time.

So this world and our world are almost the same, huh? The only difference is that they sip the blood of some animals. But I wonder, why would they sip human blood when we are not even human. I guess vampires only see us as the same species. But then, why did they kill my family? There must be a reason. Catte thought to herself while sitting and waiting at the table.

This fast-food chain is different to their world. They have waiters and waitresses who will come to you like in a restaurant.

“Uh… do you have this burger but switch it out with some non-meat filling?” Catte asked the waiter. all she saw was meat burgers but she still asked.

“Yes! Just pick here.`` The waiter showed her a page that looked like a secret page. “It’s been a while since someone like you visited our place.” the waiter mumbled but Catte didn’t hear it and pointed to the one she wanted.

“I will have this.”

“Okay! Is that all? For your drinks, we recommend these juices.” the waiter said, already recommending something for her as he knew she wouldn’t like their usual menu.

“Oh, then I'll have this.”

“Noted ma’am!” the waiter energetically said and left.

Not even five minutes had passed when the waiter came back with her food.

“Here’s your order, ma’am! Enjoy your food!” The waiter energetically said and smiled brightly.

“Thank you.” She thanked him before the waiter left and just watched some videos on her phone while eating.

“hey hey, come on, chat here and recruit someone…'' The waiter from earlier pushed two ladies near Catte’s table.

“Huh? but why?” one of the ladies asked.

“Because she is a human…” the waiter whispered, so the two ladies had a shocked face and just nodded their heads.

“Haaa, it’s so hard working here.” Catte heard a woman’s voice but ignored it.

“I am wondering when the boss will hire another part-timer so we can stop multi-tasking. It’s really tiring!”

Catte turned to look at the people conversing near her. It sounded like a bell that signified her chance to have a part-time job.

“Ahm… excuse me… uh….” she walked towards the two women who were conversing earlier.

“Yes?” they both asked in anticipation.

“Do you need a part-timer here?” she hesitantly asked, but she did it anyway.

“Oh, yes! Our boss has been looking for a part-timer for a long time now to be another waiter or waitress. But he had a specific requirement for them, so in the end, he just had a hard time finding someone. But he somewhat has a point.`` The lady that looks like she is in her mid-30’s answered Catte’s question.

“Uh… do you think I can be a part-timer here?” Catte asked another question.

“Oh? I'm not really sure but you could try applying. You don’t need any documents, just go there in his office and state your purpose directly. Plus, knock only once.” the other woman answered and pointed at the middle of the corridor on their right.

“Thank you.” I said and walked towards the door in the middle of the corridor and knocked once, just like what the woman had said.

Catte didn’t even think twice and just went for the interview thinking that someone might get the spot.

The fast-food chain is quite spacious, so she walked a bit far in the creepy hallway.

“Come in.” She heard a man’s voice, so she opened the door and went inside.

She saw a man in his 30’s wearing a black turtleneck knitted sweater, black pants with a black belt, and a black trench coat in his arms while standing and leaning on his office table with his arms crossed. He almost camouflaged with the black curtains because of his outfit.

“What brings you here, miss stranger?” the man asked Catte with his deep and baritone voice.

‘I have my own name and it is not stranger’. Catte wanted to say that to that man but just kept it to herself because he was her future boss if ever she would be accepted.

“Ah, good afternoon. I am Catte Lhein Anatalia, and I heard that this fast-food chain needed another waitress, so I’m here to apply for that position. Hehe.” Catte followed the lady’s instructions earlier to only answer directly only, but her future boss seemed to not be satisfied.

“I only asked ‘what brings you here’ and you answered with all that backstory.”

“Oh, sorry…” Catte apologized and looked down a bit.

“Anyway, sit on this chair. You will be undergoing my special interview.” Her future boss said and walked back to his chair and sat down. At the same time, Catte walked towards the chair in front of her future boss and sat properly with her confident smile even though she really felt nervous because of that ‘special interview’.

Before the interview started, her future boss gave her a form and asked questions.

“So, introduce yourself. Just the basics.” he said while looking at the form and holding a pen.

“I am Catte Lhein Anatalia. I was born on February 21, 2004, so I am currently sixteen years old.” she said and smiled.

“Your name’s familiar. May I know who your parents are?” her future boss looked at her while trying to remember where he saw her.

‘Familiar?’ Catte asked herself.

“Uh… my mother is Annie Sanchez-Anatalia and my father is Jameson Anatalia…” Catte was hesitant at first because he might find out that she was from the human world, but it was just her parents, so it was all good.

Her future boss got stiff in his chair but got a hold of himself by clearing his throat. He read that she was born in Madrigals Hospital, which made him even more shocked, but didn’t show it.

“Hm…. I see… maybe I was just mistaken. So, my question is..” he didn’t finish his sentence and looked at Catte’s eyes directly, which made her even more nervous. ‘Why is he looking at me like that?’ She thought and got conscious.

“...Are you really from this world?” He asked and Catte didn’t expect it and caught her off guard but still kept her cool.

“H-huh? W-what?” Catte seemed to fail to keep her cool as she stuttered while looking at him nervously. ‘What kind of question was that?’ she asked herself instead.

“It’s okay if you don’t really want to answer. But this is a special interview–it will be deducted to your points and you cannot lie to me, I know where Madrigals Hospital is.” Her future boss said and intertwined his fingers and placed his elbows above the table and looked at her seriously.

“You see, we hire all species aside from that one kind. And I know where Madrigals Hospital is located, so don’t you dare lie to me again. I will still give you a chance. Answer me.” he said, and urged her to speak.

‘Uh… are they also human? But what species was he referring to? It is possible that they also don’t want humans here’. Catte thought while looking around the room.

“Ahh, I am sorry sir, but I don't know what you’re talking about.” she answered and smiled. She still lied because she was not sure if her future boss was also lying. Then she was scammed in the end. And she also thought that he might be one of the vampires who killed her family and was tasked to find the last survivor. So she decided that she couldn’t trust him yet.

“Oh really? Then the application is denied. You can now leave, thank you for your time.” he said and leaned on the backrest and crossed his arms while looking satisfied.

“No! I need a job. Please give me one last chance…” she asked and thought that she might really need to reveal that she is from the human world to be accepted. But she thought of a question first before she revealed herself.

“There are no chances here. All you need to answer is yes or no. You already failed once you have given the wrong answer.” He said in a-matter-of-fact tone.

“Uh…. Can I really trust you?” she asked hesitantly, afraid that her boss would get angry.

“Ugh, do I look that untrustworthy to Anatalia’s? I am a friend of Lartiean.” he answered, and Catte looked shocked.

‘Huh? Lartiean? As in Uncle Lartiean? What!? Uncle Lartiean is my father’s messenger and a top-secret spy. I still don’t know what that job means, but I guess I can trust this person since he knows Uncle Lartiean, who was only known by a few people and it was all his friends.’ Catte freaked out at first but made a decision in the end.

“Uh… I am actually… from the human world… and I have a mission here and once I am done, I will go back…” she was hesitant at first but still finished her sentence.

“How can you prove that?” he asked while still crossing his arms.

“What? Uh…. I know Uncle Lartiean, he is a friend of my father..” Catte didn’t sound convincing at all, but her future boss did not care. He just wanted to play with his friend’s daughter for a while, since he was always bullied every time they were together.

“And you also seemed surprised when I mentioned my parents’ names, so I guess you know them? Ah–not only them, but also me.

So why are you still asking for proof?” Catte added hesitantly and her future boss just chuckled a bit.

“Ha, of course I need a clarification. So, what happened?” he asked and looked at her interestingly, urging her to speak. Catte looked down and fidgeted with her fingers before speaking.

“Uh…. they… all died…”

“So?” Her future boss urged her to state her purpose here.

“So I will take revenge and let them experience my rage.” Catte looked up at him seriously and she saw his eyes like he definitely felt and understood what I felt the moment I witnessed that nightmare before standing up, walked towards her and gave her a hug.

“You kind of remind me of him… Anyway, my deepest condolences. Your father is my most treasured friend. We fought a thousand life and death battles with each other on our side. I am deeply saddened that he has now passed away. But please, be strong–I am not stopping you from taking your revenge because I am furious too. Just please don’t let them kill you, you are the only resemblance he left for me.” he started off his speech while hugging Catte like his own daughter.

“I will help you with your revenge and once it is all finished. Let’s live happily, okay?” Catte got confused about what he was saying.

“Wait, what do you mean by ‘your father is my most treasured friend’ and ‘you are the only resemblance he left to me’? Sir, what do you know about my father?” she asked him seriously and let go of the hug.

“Didn’t I tell you that I am also a friend of Lartiean? Your father and Lartiean are co-workers and friends. So what does that mean?” he answered her question and asked at the same time while looking at her like it was such an easy question to figure out.

“You three are friends!?” she asked back, shocked.

“Yes.” her future boss just simply agreed.

“What the fuck!?!??!” She still couldn't believe it and ended up cursing in front of him.

“Anyway, you are hired. You can already start your training tomorrow. Have a good beauty rest tonight, Catte.” he said and tapped her shoulder.

“Yes, sir. Thank you and have a good night.” She bowed to him and left the room, relieved that she finally had someone she knew there.

She saw the workers earlier and they also greeted her with her new job, thinking that their plans had worked out. They bid goodbye with bright and happy faces. One was relieved that she finally had a job, and others were relieved because they wouldn’t do extra jobs anymore.

Catte’s POV

When I finally came home, I sat on the bed and took out my notebook where I would write my plans and have a lead to where those bastards who killed my family are lurking.

‘Hm…? What is a good title? Uh….. ‘How to kill those motherfucking bitches’? No… hm…. ‘Talia’s Vengeance’? I have to think of the last one so I can pick one. Oh! I know! ‘The death of you’! That! Okay!’

I wrote the things I need to do to have a successful plan for killing them.

‘There! Finished! What a perfect plan!’

I placed my notebook inside the drawer and laid down on my back while playing with my mobile phone to rest for a little bit. I think one hour had passed, so I went downstairs to have dinner.

I just cooked a hotdog. I don’t think this is any human meat or animals, so it’s okay. I grabbed some rice and sat at the dining table.

I was peacefully eating when Lanzhuen suddenly popped up in the dining room, but we just ignored each other.

“I hope we all have a prince boyfriend and he is under her.” I sarcastically said, intentionally letting her hear it.

“At least my plan will be successful.” She mumbled something but I couldn't hear it clearly.

“Huh?” I turned to her, who was having a glass of water.

“Huhtdog.” she said and left the dining room. i just decided to ignore what she said and continued eating before washing the dishes.

After that, I went to my room and played with my mobile phone before sleeping. While I was entertained by a game, my phone beeped and a notification popped up indicating that someone had texted. I saw it and it was from an unregistered number.

From: 0987*******

Hi Talia! :)

Talia? Is this perhaps from Kael or Sanie? Ah, I need to confirm it.

To: 0987*******

Hi! Who are you?

From: 0987*******

This is Xavier! Hi!

Xavier Lim? Hmm… it does not look like him. And also, there are many Xavier's in the world–but there is only one Xavier who knows my ‘Talia’ nickname. Better to ask this person.

To: 0987*******

Xavier what? And how can you text me?

From: 0987*******

This is Xavier Lim, idol<3

Xavier? How did he get my number and idol what? What nonsense.