Chapter 1:

Document 1: Application for Advanced Testing

Facility A Report - The Strzelecki Desert facility incident

Application for advanced testing: Phase 3 tactical testing


Testing for the project has been going smoothly. Lab analysis has proven beyond reasonable doubt that the weapons can perform the required actions in lab conditions. It is now necessary to test if the weapons will perform in a combat-like scenario.


For this test it is required that a space to simulate an urban conflict be set aside for simulated field-testing. Level 27B: north wing should be adequate for such a scenario. Remodelling will need to be conducted at company expense, though; the budget for the program will not allow for such. Such testing will require volunteers to play as friendly soldiers; army reserve personnel would be ideal, but company volunteers would suffice if adequately trained.


Lab conditions are adequate for the early testing of a military/peacekeeping tool, but can only go so far. Such tools need to be tested in field conditions prior to actual trials with peacekeeping forces. A simulated battle will allow for more diverse and specific testing, while maintaining absolute environmental control.

Potential benefits

Planned tests in such an environment are as follows

Determining ideal deployment squad size and placement.

Observing the interaction between subjects in war-like conditions.

Creation of squad tactics that clients can implement into training and deployment.

Potential risks

Such a test has inherent risks; those that have been identified are

Potential containment issues during transit between the lab and testing area

Potential damage to company property

Potential harm to employees

These issues are inherent, but some more specific issues could include

Potential wasting of company assets on a failed project

Damage to facilities and repurposing of facilities for specific testing.

All factors must be taken into account before testing is commenced.

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