Chapter 20:

Chapter 16(Part 2) - Today is Love Day!

Shadowed Love

Tomorrow arrived so fast again. We’re currently eating potato salad on lunch break.

“What will your group sell, Jillian?” Lily asked Jillian beside her.

“We planned on selling strange-flavored marshmallows later. I’ll take some so you can all taste it after school. What about your group?”

“Ah! We’ll sell customized necklaces and customers will give them to someone they like secretly because today is love day!” she answered with so much energy that the other students on far away tables heard her.

“Oh? Isn’t that cool? Let’s stop by their stall later.” I heard a student whispering to the one beside him.

“Yup yup. That’s much safer than confessing in person. I’m really shy.”

I heard a bunch of murmurs talking about visiting our stall later.

“Lily, did you just get customers?” Nagie jokingly asked and laughed.

“I don’t know. By the way, let’s set aside some products for each other. I want to try yours too!” Lily said and we all agreed.

The lunch break lasted longer and my friends somehow treated me, Lily, and Hazuka like special people. I could feel Lily got annoyed a bit but didn’t think much about it. We came back to our classroom to grab our materials and we’re now preparing our stall in the gymnasium where we usually have our students’ assembly.

“AHHHH THESE ARE SO CUTE!!!” Lily said while organizing the beads.

“Okay class, since you’ve finished preparing, your fellow school mates from other sections and grade levels will visit your stalls.

The stall with the highest product sales will have a reward from me.” Our professor said, walking in the middle.

There are 6 stalls, 3 stalls on the right and 3 stalls on the left. There are extra spaces for us to move freely.

Not a long time had passed when students started to go into the gym and visit other stalls.

“Dear students, are you shy, too shy to confess your love, afraid of losing friendship? Then confess secretly! Today’s love day, so come on and give them a customized necklace!” Lily announced in front of our stall. We currently have over 15 people in line even before she announced it because of what they heard at the cafeteria.

Poui and Qeru decided on offering letter add-ons to people waiting in line to avoid losing their patience.

“Thank you for your purchase! May your love life bloom.” As cringed as what I said, I still thanked the customer and placed the necklace in the pouch.

“Thank you, please fall in line.” Hazuka said while taking the customer’s money. We are pay- before- making to avoid scammers.

“Yep! Anything you need to confess secretly is here! You can even write them a letter!” Lily continued on recruiting customers.

“Lily, slow down a little. There are too many in line as of now.” I whispered in her ear. Hazuka and Lily both turned to their right only to see over 25 people in line. “Oh my god.” Lily chuckled and stood beside Hazuka.

This is seriously giving me school festival vibes. I love it. It’s also February 14 and it’s Valentines’ day in the human world. How come Lily knew about it?

“You know, writing her a letter is also effective. I think they would appreciate it if you also conveyed your feelings through a letter.”

Qeri spoke to the male student currently in line. “So here, it’s an add-on. Write her a letter and be a man.” She added and patted the man’s shoulder.

Our 2-hour practical business ended so fast. In the end, we had the highest product sales—I mean, we sold them all out since teachers also purchased them. Seriously, there’s love between other teachers here?

The other groups also had high sales. They were only lower by 5-15 products and I think they also did a great job.

“Great job, everyone!” Lily said as she helped Qeri fold the curtain. I’m helping Poui with folding the table cloth and Hazuka’s putting the money in a zip lock.

“All right. All finished.” I commented when I placed the last set of things on a paper bag.

“Good job, everyone. You can go home directly since your class hours are already finished. Thank you for your hard work. Good bye.” Sir Jaeri said, and let us go first before going back to the faculty room.

“Shall we meet up with the others?” Lily asked and we all nodded. I walked with Qeri and Poui while the two were behind us.

“Uhh… wait.” I slowed down my walk a bit when I heard Hazuka. Looks like he’s going to give Lily a necklace, so I won’t miss this chance to see!

“Lily, this is for you.” I heard Hazuka say. “Ah! Thank you, Hazuka! This is so pretty!” Lily excitedly commented. I didn’t get to see their faces, but I think Hazuka’s literally hiding his blush right now, while Lily currently has her bright smile.

“Please help me lock it.” I heard Lily. “Turn around then.”

“Thank you, Hazuka! This feels really nice!” I heard Lily. I couldn’t stop myself anymore, so I turned around and I saw Lily hugging Hazuka on his side while Hazuka’s right hand stiffly pats her head.

Hazuka caught me looking at them so I just smirked and walked forward. I don’t want to ruin their lovey-dovey moment.

“Jillian!” Lily called out Jillian’s name, who was currently waiting for us at the school gate with Cassie and Nagie.

“Oh, hi! Congrats!” Jillian greeted us and the other two waved their hands.

“Come on, let’s go to a nearby café.”

“So…… who’s going first?” Cassie asked once we settled down in our seats. We’re in the same spot where me and Hazuka with

Lily had our meeting.

“Oh, before we start, congrats to Lily’s group for winning! With Lily’s bright and cheery sales-talking catching the eye of the male students, Hazuka’s limited speaking but handsome face catching the eye of the girls, and Catte’s gentleness and kindness catching the eye even of the teachers, plus Poui and Qeri’s smart handling of the situation. They’re like the perfect group!” Jillian commented.

Really, she doesn’t need to do this. Her group also did great.

“Lily’s group was the winner, the royals are really great, so we must save the best for last!” Jillian added. She doesn’t usually act like this, instead, she will want to try Lily’s first. Why are they acting like that?

“I want to try Jillian’s marshmallows first!” Lily replied and pointed at the Tupperware Jillian was holding, ignoring what she said.

“Okay then, here.” She offered each one of us.

“Jillian! They are so delicious! Mine’s sweet, how about yours?” Lily commented and asked me.

“Tastes like caramel.”

“Mine tastes sour.”

“Mine tastes like human meat.” They all said their comments and I unintentionally looked at Hazuka who said that. Oh, poor Hazuka.

“Who made this, by the way?” Nagie asked.

“We all came up with the flavors and I baked it.” Jillian answered and we all nodded with impressed faces. Jillian’s grouped with Cassie by the way.

Nagie also made us taste their homemade candies. It comes with different shapes and parts of the human body like arms, legs, etc. I was slightly uncomfortable eating it, but it was really sweet and delicious! Even Hazuka and Lily were impressed.

“So now it’s our turn!” Lily said and took out a box of necklaces. We sold out too quickly earlier, I didn’t have time to set aside for them. I had a glimpse of Hazuka’s confused face.

“Here! Hazuka, as a thank you for earlier, this is for you!” she gave him a necklace with a question mark bead and blue-themed color. “T-thank you..” Hazuka sounded like he didn’t expect to receive a necklace from Lily.

“And here’s for you too, Catte!” she gave me a star-beaded necklace with purple-themed color.

“And here’s for you all!” she gave each of them a necklace with different beads and colored themes.

My eye caught Hazuka’s disappointed and shocked face in front of me. I think he thought he was the only one Lily would give a necklace.

“She’s the same as always.” He mumbled and chuckled, then smiled while looking at Lily who was happily distributing the necklaces. It just made me smile. These two would make a cute couple. The other one’s deeply fallen and the other one has no idea and unintentionally makes him fall in love deeper. I’ll root for these two.

“Oh my god, a gift from the royals. Thank you so much, it is an hono---“ Cassie didn’t finish her sentence when Lily interrupted her.

“You three….” She said, referring to Cassie, Jillian, and Nagie. “How you’ve been treating me, Hazuka, and Catte is annoying me as of now…” she added with a serious face and blank gaze.

The bright and smiley Lily is now a serious Lily.

continue next chapter~