Chapter 21:

Chapter 17(Part 1) - Let The Serious Lily Handle The Misunderstanding And Get Lost

Shadowed Love

“Are you even aware that how you are currently treating us three, is somewhat overacting?” she asked while looking at their eyes seriously.

“H-huh?” Cassie stuttered, confused about what she was saying because she still believed that they were royals.

“We, are, not, royals.” Lily said firmly and added, “And even if we are royals, you should stop treating us like we are some kind of God who gets to decide when we will kill you. Stop that bullshit.” she said, and it looked like this was their first time hearing Lily curse, so they had shocked faces.

“But…. you guys were sent a potato salad, which means–” Regina retaliated but got cut off by Lily.

“Well then, fuck that potato salad. We are friends and you don’t have to treat us like that even if we are royals. Friends aren’t like that and will never be. Please note that.” she said with a blank expression, but her tone was like she was saying that their friendship is more important than their status, which is true.

“Okay…..” the three said in synch while looking down, but Lily did not stop there.

“And what you said earlier that we won because we are royals? You think it was because we are royals? Dude, we are not and it was because our group worked hard. Are royals all expected to win every contest they participate in? No, it is not like that.” She said like a mother scolding her children.

“We won because we worked hard and it also applies to the others. Everyone worked hard. It is not about being a royal but about working hard and smart to achieve success. Don’t ever give credit to someone’s status.” She added, and Hazuka was stroking both of her shoulders to calm her down.

“Lily, calm down, your heart…” he whispered while still stroking her shoulders, but she just ignored it and continued on speaking.

“You know, expecting something great from people with higher status is a bit annoying for me. They are still people who work hard for their success. You must not expect something like that which can cause pressure for them.” Lily’s voice is now gentle unlike earlier that sounds that she really wanted to pinch those three to death.

“Plus, there are also royals that do illegal doings, so you really can’t say, who knows, right? Maybe we are also part of the criminals?” she said and looked at them and smirked. “Unbelievable, right? That’s why you should not expect something great. Just let it be if it’s meant to be.” she added with a gentle tone.

“All right, that is all I want to say. Hehe..” she ended her lecture with a grin and all of my friends were just stiff in their seats.

“All right…. sorry…” Jillian apologized for the three of them.

“No! It is not your fault and I’m not blaming you at all. I just want to clear misunderstandings, hehe.” Lily replied and scratch her head a bit.

“Then….. you three are not royals nor friends of a royal?” Nagie reconfirmed.

“Yep, that potato salad just popped out of nowhere and I can even give one to you all. Hehe.” Lily answered and I felt Hazuka’s foot intentionally kicked Lily’s foot to stop her from doing what she said since it was Sir Varean making it.

“Really?” the three asked in synch and anticipation, thinking that Lily would give them something special.

“Uh… I just remembered that that potato salad just popped out of nowhere, so I am not sure who it was from. But we can share!” Lily immediately took her words back but still offered something good for the trio.

“Okay!” The trio looked disappointed at first but got cheered up again when Lily said that they could share.

“All right! By the way, did you guys like my necklace?” she said and showed her necklace on her neck. Meanwhile, I saw Hazuka hiding his blush. He is probably shy because Lily was showing off the necklace he gave her. How cute.

“Yep! The pendant literally describes you! Pretty!” Jillian commented brightly, now being casual unlike earlier, who was like talking to someone older.

“The person who gave that to you must know and like you very much to describe you as their sun, that’s flattering!” Nagie commented and I looked at Hazuka who was trying hard not to blush, but he couldn’t stop it, so he was just trying to act normal by looking at the people talking.

“Yep! I have a really close relationship with him and I really like him, too!” Lily replied innocently, so we shockingly looked at her.

“‘Him’?” Cassie asked.

“You like him, too?” I asked and looked at Hazuka, having a teasing smile who was just caught off guard while looking at Lily, having hope in his eyes that she really liked him romantically.

“Yep! He is a really good person and was always kind to me, so I like him.” Lily innocently answered and I saw Hazuka’s hope in his eyes drop and he looked disappointed. Did he hope that Lily wouldn’t answer like that but like how he REALLY treated her alone? I don’t know, I can’t say for now, but I am rooting for their relationship. Lily is really close to making Hazuka crazy.

“Who is he, may I ask?” I asked Lily, teasing Hazuka.

Third Person's POV

“Why are you asking, Catte? You already know him. By the way guys, he’s–” Lily got cut off when a hand covered her mouth and she left muffled words. It was Hazuka.

“Shut up, Lily.” he said with a blank expression and tone. Of course, he was not calm on the inside at all! His heart was pounding really hard because Lily was about to say his name in front of everyone.

'Come on Lily, say it!' Catte urged Lily in her mind.

Lily was tapping his hand on her mouth and he finally let her go.

“What’s wrong, Hazuka? Don’t want me to say your name in front of everyone?” Lily said, whispering the last question to Hazuka with a teasing voice, eyes, and smile.

“Shut it, Lily.” He said and just sat properly, taking the people’s attention on him, suspecting something.

“Is it him?” Jillian asked, referring to Hazuka. Lily just smirked and winked at them.

‘Seriously, Lily knows more than she shows anyone her actions. That’s crazy, Lily is such a smart kid.’ Catte thought to herself, looking at Lily with awe.

“Hm? Did you also fall in love with me, Catte?” Lily turned her head and asked Catte when she caught her looking at her.

“What? Lily, you are such a lovely child, but I don’t want to be a third wheel. I am just rooting for your relationship.” Catte said and chuckled.

“What? Who is it, Catte?” Nagie asked Catte and Lily, and they both answered in synch.

“Secret~” the two had a teasing tone which made them frustrated.

“By the way, where are you two from?” Cassie asked, referring to Lily and Hazuka.

“Oh…” Lily didn’t expect that question and didn’t know what to answer, since they are from animal tribes who are a prey for vampires. But with her 14 years of experience of being Sir Varean’s detective, she thought of a place immediately before Hazuka could even answer for her.

“We are from the far away place of Yulioe. We grew up together and decided to come to this area since this place is more civilized than our hometown.” Lily said, even explaining their childhood and status.

“You lived in that remote area!?” Nagie asked, shocked.

“Yep!” Lily just replied with a bright smile. “Holy shit, Lily. You two are amazing! I heard they are very strict there, even with the children!” Jillian interfered, speaking in awe.

“Huh? It is not like that at all. They are very welcoming and warm, they almost treat us as family.” Lily said, creating a story, but it is true that she and Hazuka once visited there and what she also said is true.

“Really?” The trio asked, preparing a question in mind.

“Yep! They are welcoming.” Lily answered, like a true native there.

“Can we perhaps visit there?” The trio spoke out their question in mind in synch.

“Of course! But be prepared because you cannot stop working there.” She warned with a smile while looking at them.

“Oh……” The trio’s eyes drooped, disappointed because they thought they would have a fresh vacation in Lily’s welcoming hometown, but found out that they will have to work there even more than they work here.

“Haha, what’s with the sudden change of mood? Don’t worry, you will still have fun there.” She chuckled and looked away, swallowing another warning that there would be a curse once they stepped in on that area but just ignored it since it would not take effect as they are vampires, when it only works for humans.

“Hey, today’s really a tiring day. Shouldn’t we make ourselves even more tired and go to the amusement park?” Lily changed the subject and the people immediately agreed.


“You always have a good idea, Lily.”

“Haa………” Hazuka just sighed, thinking that it would be another chaotic hangout with him, being the only boy among the group aside from Poui. Well, he acts like a girl and he is always with them, so he does not have any companions here who have the same interest as him.

'Make it look bad and all, I will not leave Lily’s side because she is a dum dum little girl who needs her bunny to protect her.' He thought and just got along with the group, going to the amusement park.

This is going to be Catte’s second time at that amusement park and it had been a while since she went there with the children and Xavier so she is excited as well.

Today was a tiring day for the group, but they still walked to the amusement park in a bright and happy mood, laughing on the way there.

“Aren’t you guys wondering why we are walking for a while now?” Lily asked while we were walking, still not at the amusement park.

“Why? Are you going to kidnap us?” Jillian jokingly said and laughed.

“Yep, this is actually not the way to the amusement park.” Lily said casually, like it was not a big deal, but the whole group looked shockingly at her. It seems like this is also their first time going to that amusement park aside from Catte.

“Uh….” Catte mumbled, as she did not know if Lily was right. Although she had already been there, she only went once, so she didn’t memorize the ways.

“Are we lost?” Cassie asked the group, looking at them with questioning eyes.

“I think so….” Lily and Nagie answered.

“I actually went to that amusement park once.” Catte said, digging her own grave. Her friends looked at her with shocked expressions.

“Then why didn’t you tell us immediately!? We shouldn’t have followed Lily since she actually doesn’t know!” Poui said with frustration in his voice.

“Yes! You should have said immediately!” Lily agreed, acting like she was just playing along with what Poui said.

“Huh? Yes, I went there once but I didn’t memorize the entire way since I only went there for fun!” Catte retaliated and defended herself. The group’s hope that they now had someone to lead them to the right place was crashed when Catte said that she didn’t know the exact location.

“So…. Where are we?” Regina asked, looking at the whole group hoping that someone might recognize this area, but she just received looks like they were saying they were doomed.

“Uh….. guys, I am not saying that you are blaming me, but you guys followed me without asking me if I know where it is. I thought Hazuka knew it so I am walking beside him….” Lily said, defending herself and even blaming Hazuka.

“So you are pointing your finger at me now?” the person she mentioned asked her, but sounded like he was already used to it.

“Huh? No! I am not blaming you, I just thought that you knew where it was, hehe….” She scratched her head and smiled awkwardly that looked cute.

“Guys, it’s no use blaming each other. We should just check our location on Vamporld Map. We are already in the modern world, you know?” Jillian interfered, waving her phone, grabbing the attention of the group, so they encircled around her and watched her scroll and tap on her phone.

“It seems like we are in Crefjuie, the area where second-hand clothes are famous.” Jillian said, looking at the people surrounding her.

“Oh! That seems to be more fun!” Lily excitedly exclaimed and looked at the group questioningly if they would agree.

“But I still want to go to the amusement park. It will be my first time there and I want to spend it with you, guys.” Poui answered and looked at the group.

“Then we can go there after we shop for clothes! The night’s long, you know?” Lily proposed, making them agree, but someone complained.

“But I don’t have enough money to buy clothes and buy things at the amusement park…” it was Catte who just recently got her part-time job and hadn’t even received her paycheck yet.

“It is my treat here, so you guys grab anything that you want!” Lily, as usual, said it with her bright tone and voice while waving her thick wallet, making Hazuka sigh in defeat, since Lily was going to spend all her money again.

He knows that she chose to treat them in this area rather than at the amusement park because she knows that they will have to spend more money here, so she just decided it would be her treat.

“Look, they are already opening the stall! We should head there and be their first customers for the night!” Lily said, and pointed at the vendors preparing their stall across the street.

“But is it really okay for you to treat us?” Qeru, who was quiet on the whole journey, asked.

“Of course! You all are my friends, after all.” Lily confidently said and looked proudly at them while holding dearly at her wallet with a smile.

“So shall we go?” she added and started walking, so they followed her.

continue next chapter~

A/N; Hi! I'm happy that you are still with me. I hope you are not finding the past chapters as boring, hehe. I really appreciate your presence! Thank you for giving my story your time.