Chapter 15:

Chaos In The Woods Part 2

Tales Of The Chosen "Heroes"

Kuran slammed the hilt of his blade right into the temple of a chaos worshipper. His opponent dropped to the ground, and he gave him one more quick slash to his opponent.

Kuran panting took in his surroundings. The chaos worshippers numbered more than he thought, he was unable to even reach the leader with the sheer wave of chaos worshippers that crashed in.

The chaos chief for his part simply stood there with a confident grin, he looked around surveying the field. Even more annoying was that the warlock was nowhere to be found.

Kuran began charging forward towards the chaos chief, only for two more worshippers to intercept him. Kuran quickly raised his blade and began exchanging strikes.

The fight was interrupted by Blake who with a heavy strike brought down one of the chaos worshippers. Blake then moved in on the other chaos worshipper.

“Go ahead, I’ll keep them off of you.” Blake told Kuran as he swung at the chaos worshipper.

“Thanks.” Kuran said quickly before charging towards the chaos chief.

As Kuran approached the chaos chief he gave a lightning-fast downward slash at him. To his shock, the chaos chief without moving from his spot quickly slammed down on the oncoming blade with his axe. The force of the impact sent Kuran back, nearly falling.

“You are a fool.” The chaos chief rumbled.

Kuran rolled his shoulders before raising his sword in front of him. “You’re too confident.” Kuran said before he moved forward.

The chaos chief readied his axe and attempted to cleave him in two. Kuran swiftly weaved to the side. The axe hitting nothing but air. Kuran retaliated with a slash of his own. The chaos chief took a quick step back and was merely scratched by the blade.

Looking down on the small red mark on his arm the chaos chief gave a grunt of discontent. Looking back at Kuran, he rushed in at blinding speed. Cutting and slashing, the chief advanced forward.

Kuran was forced on the back step. Forced to retreat more and more as the chief pressed his attack. Unable to take any of the blow’s head on for fear of being sent flying, Kuran could only avoid.

Kuran tried to read his opponents next movements, but they proved to fast. Kuran spent all his energy trying to avoid each strike, he had no time, no opportunity to strike back.

This is insane. There is no gap in his defence. Kuran’s mind raced as he tried to keep up with the chaos chief. Trying to figure out what was going on in this fight, why he couldn’t capitalize on any opportunity.

Kuran was pressed further back. A gap in Kuran’s defence appeared, the chaos chief didn’t fail to notice. A sideways slash came slamming into his shoulder.

Kuran barely had time try and move with the impact of the blow. Thankfully for him his armoured spaulders on his shoulder were able to absorb the brunt of the slam. The metal and leather stopping the blade from going any deeper.

The force of the blow however sent Kuran flying into the ground. Kuran slammed into the floor with a gasp, air leaving his body. As Kuran turned his head to look up, he saw the chaos chief’s shadow loom over him, axe raised.

A grin appeared on the chaos chief’s face as he brought the axe down. Only it never reached Kuran. Instead, it was the chaos chief that was sent flying away. With the armoured blonde woman as the cause. Her massive teardrop shield slamming into the chaos chief sending him careening away from Kuran.

Kuran blinked at her in surprise as Blake rushed over to him. Helping Kuran back on his feet Blake asked Kuran in concern, “You alright.”

“Arm’s a bit numb, but not broken or bleeding.” Kuran replied through gritted teeth as he rose to his feet.

“Mind if I join this dance?” The blonde woman asked, looking back towards Kuran.

“Be my guest.” Kuran said as he lifted his sword once more.

“Hey, we’ve never actually had a proper introduction, have we?” The woman asked, the entire situation seeming not to bother her. “Name’s Eleanor. You two ready to get back in this?”

“Uh, Blake. Sure.” Blake said.

Kuran gave a simple nod as he stared down the chaos chief. Who at this point was simply brushing of the dirt, an annoyed expression on his face.

“More of you won’t change the outcome.” The chaos chief growled at them. “Come on.”

“So, from what I saw when you fought him, I think the warlock enchanted him.” Eleanor explained.

“So that’s why he was so fast. Wait, how do you know?” Kuran asked.

“Well, I wouldn’t be much of a paladin if I couldn’t notice an enhancement spell now, would I?” She replied.

“Wait, you know magic?” Blake asked.

“Yeah, mainly enhancement and healing based once though. Not like that sorcerer. Now are we going to keep talking or are we going beat that freak?” Eleanor quickly explained.

“Okay then. Do we have a plan?” Blake asked.

“He shouldn’t be able keep up with the three of us. Keep applying pressure.” Eleanor said before moving towards the chaos chief.

Kuran and Blake followed suit, the chaos chief gave a confident grin and waited for them to reach him. Kuran noticed a light glow in the chief’s eyes, the magic enchantment he presumed.

The moment they were in the chaos chief’s reach he swung his axe down. Eleanor quickly brought up her shield taking the hit. Blake flanked the chaos chief on the right side and Kuran darted left.

Blake stabbed towards the chaos chief. The chaos chief brought his axe back and had its pommel smash into Blake’s blade. The blade knocked harmlessly to the side. Kuran darted forward trying to get behind the chaos chief. Only for the chief to thrust forward with his axe, cutting him off. Eleanor now charged forward, only for the axe head to return towards her. With a click of her tongue, she brought her shield up once more, absorbing the heavy strike.

The four continued this dance. Blake and Kuran trying to flank the chaos chief while Eleanor tried to take the brunt of the attacks. However whatever magical enhancements the warlock gave to the chief was working. Able to react and stop whatever the three attempted to do.

But the chaos chief was still alone, still mortal, and all his men were busy dealing with other adventurers and Esterwood soldiers to aid him. The chaos chief was forced to retreat, moving further and further back as the three pressed their attack. Closer towards the more heavily wooded area, closer to losing space for him to retreat.

The chaos chief started to become desperate, and his attacks communicated so. He tried to smash through Blake, charging towards him. Only to have Eleanor replace Blake is a flash and take the charge head on with her shield.

This action also left him open, a quick slash from Kuran across his side drew blood. Snarling in pain he instinctively lurched away from Kuran and into Blake’s in coming blade. Quickly snapping his head to the side, the blade was only able to graze him as he moved himself out of striking range.

A nasty gash across his face appeared. As blood dripped from his cheek the chaos worshipper stared at the three incredulously.

The chaos chief was reaching the end of his rope, Kuran could feel it. It wouldn’t be long before the chaos chief will be beaten.

The chaos chief began to seethe, his breathing became far more agitated. Kuran paused for a moment; he noticed the chaos chief’s body language change. Regripping his axe the chaos warrior gave a massive roar and charged towards them with renewed fervor.

Eleanor moved to the front in intercept him, only to wind up stumbling back from the charging chaos chief. At the same time, a one-handed axe swing came slamming into Kuran. Kuran raised his sword to brace, planted his feet to the ground. The impact caused him to momentarily lose feeling in his arms. The chaos chief used his free hand and smashed it across the jaw of Blake.

A stunned Blake was trying to stay on his feet. The chief then booted Eleanor, the impact sending her further away from him. Using this opportunity, the chaos chief then regripped the axe with both hands and swung it down at Kuran, aiming to cleave him in half.

Kuran brought his sword up and was able to catch the axe blade before it reached him. The force of the blow dropped Kuran down to one knee, the chaos chief pressed his weight down on the axe. Kuran gritted his teeth, before shifting his body to the side, allowing the axe to swing past him. As the chaos chief was pulling back his axe, Kuran slashed towards the chaos chief. His blade made contact, leaving a gash across the chaos chief’s side.

Without so much of a pause the chaos chief slammed his pommel across the head of Kuran. The pommel clanged of Kuran’s helmet, rattling his skull. In retaliation Kuran slashed his blade across the calf of the chaos worshipper, drawing blood once more.

Eleanor then rushed in striking forward with her sword, only for the chaos chief to parry it. However, that left him open for Eleanor to bash her shield into his face. Blake then used this opportunity to join back in and land a slash of his own.

The chaos chief moved back, giving everyone time to gather their bearings.

“Okay… I’m not the only one who found his skin insanely tough right?” Blake asked as he spat out blood.

“Yes. I’m assuming it’s those enchantments he has.” Kuran said.

“Probably. One hell of a warlock.” Eleanor said with annoyance.

“Anyway to get rid of those?” Kuran asked.

“Well unless either of you know any dispelling magic the only way to deal with it is to deal with the caster or wait it out.” She explained.

“And the warlock is no where to be found.” Kuran said with a sigh, then recalled something. “You said you can also cast enhancement spells right?”

“Yeah, but not many and not like what he has. I can make your strikes more powerful, but you would still need to hit him. Also, a time limit for how long it lasts.” She replied.

They watched as the chaos chief quickly checked over his wounds before refocusing on them.

“Use one on me.” Kuran requested.

“You sure? I need time to chant it, you’ll only have a minute, and it will mean one less healing spell.” Eleanor asked.

“Wait until I think we have the time.” He instructed.

“Alright then.” Eleanor said as the chaos chief began to charge towards them again.

As Kuran prepared for his attack he wondered just where in the world the warlock was.