Chapter 144:

Chapter 143: The End of The Great Fighter Era... (Season 2 Finale)

Project: INFERNO

(As Sawano and Tatsuhiro battled the replenished Knitemare at supersonic speeds, Knitemare fires countless rounds of elemental beams at Zugarian whom was avoiding every last attack without losing his focus as Tatsuhiro was not just plucking away every beam flying towards him, he was eating a hoagie during the fight which brought disrespect to Knitemare.)
"Knitemare: You dare eat in the middle of a fight?!"
(The elemental beams was then manipulated into a massive orb combined of elemental energy which Tatsuhiro looked up and noticed while continuing to eat a hoagie.)
"Tatsuhiro: I haven't eaten a single hoagie in years! This is necessary for-"
(Knitemare then forces the orb to crash down on Tatsuhiro and explode the jungle oasis as the planet went from a civilized planet to destroyed ruins in an instant. Zugarian then blows all the debris away and sees Tatsuhiro's pinky touching the massive elemental orb as he then finished his entire sandwich and Knitemare was then beginning to show signs of nervousness.)
"Knitemare: Impossible! Your strength still manages to withstand my attacks?"
"Tatsuhiro: I'm at one hundred percent of my power, yes... But this is just my base form's strength."
(Everyone was in complete shock to hear those words which gave Knitemare another chill up his spine and forced Zugarian to look at Tatsuhiro in seriousness but Tatsuhiro thought about it and gave a very confident smirk.)
"However.. If you want me at my TRUE power, then I won't play anymore games. No. More. You either drip or drown, Knitemare.. You chose to drown."

(Tatsuhiro then gripped his metal arm and rips it completely off and without any effort, swiftly regenerates his original arm from before ever since losing it to Ankoku. After so, Tatsuhiro's power level was no longer possible to calculate as the entire timeline that Tatsuhiro, Knitemare and Zugarian stands in was about to explode from Tatsuhiro's transformation into his Senvoinian Form. Lightning and thunder was roaring from all sides as Tatsuhiro began generating enough power to begin his transformation while during so, everyone could feel the catastrophic energy and presence.)

"Goxius: I did not expect his power level to climb to such heights!!!"
"Khoteku: This is bad!!!"
(By the sheer force of Tatsuhiro's presence, almost everyone inside the Time Realm was collapsing by losing their consciousness as Raijin, Amisate, Khoteku, Goxius and several others remained on their feet and was fighting the pressure.)
"Trample Horn: Such.. astronomical power..."
"Trezoru: Who is this g-guy..?!"
"Khoteku: That.. is my brother.."
"Shibuto & Kazuya: O-Our.. Father..."
"All Magachi's: A loved one to the family!"
"Xinera: Go kill that bastard, honey.."
"Isabel: We're rooting for you!"

(Tatsuhiro's roaring became even more deeper as his eyes started to glow red along with his hair's color changing from black to dark blood red and several ancient markings appearing on both of Tatsuhiro's arms. After Tatsuhiro yells once, the entire timeline explodes which transported the three back into the riff of timelines as Tatsuhiro's "Final" Senvoinian Form was finally revealed as his true height was over ten feet and Knitemare could no longer feel Tatsuhiro's presence, read his power level or stare at his aura for it all vanished without a trace.)

"Knitemare: What is this..? Everything.. is gone..!"
(Tatsuhiro was silent as he slowly lifts his head up and hisses steam out of his mouth as his eyes glows red with fury.)
"Tatsuhiro(Demonized): Zugarian. Switch out with Sawano."
(Zugarian nodded and switched bodies as Sawano was awakened in his Senvoinian Form as he then saw Tatsuhiro's as well with a eye-widened look of surprise.)
"Sawano(Altered Voice): Gaito."
"Tatsuhiro(Demonized): Son. I was not there for you when you needed help-"
(As powerful beams of elemental power was fired to them, Sawano summoned his chains to create an impenetrable wall as he and Tatsuhiro talked.)
"and for that I grateful apologize... Can you forgive your old man?"
"Sawano(Altered Voice): I can. I'm sorry for being such a d**k."
(They both laughed as Knitemare then rockets towards Sawano and Tatsuhiro as he's ready to battle head to head.)
"Tatsuhiro(Demonized): What do you say? Should we go kick ass like old times?"
"Sawano(Altered Voice): I couldn't agree more."

(As Sawano took down his wall of chains, they both rocketed themselves at faster speeds at Knitemare as suddenly after impact, the entire timeline riff shatters as their fighting speed was no longer possible to calculate as well. Timeline after timeline, galaxy after galaxy and universe after universe, all was destroyed from the three's colossal strength. Knitemare's entire oxygen was becoming depleted due to Sawano's immense heat released which began affecting all of reality while Tatsuhiro then kicks Knitemare into the air and summons a POWERFUL domain.)
(In a second, a massive sphere of light surrounded Knitemare and traps him within an hourglass where every last ability and elemental attack is worthless inside it. The hourglass then weights itself to guilty where Nathanial appeared at the top of the courtroom with his arrow charged of divine light and fires at Knitemare which not only strikes but explodes the domain with a devastating amount of concentrated elemental energy.)

"Knitemare(Thinking): DAMN IT.. I CAN'T.. USE MY.. R-RECOIL..!"
(Time suddenly stops for Knitemare as he could no longer move anything except his eyes and sees Khomat right above him along with Nathanial and Tatsuhiro staring him down. While Knitemare is now more nervous than he ever was, Khomat, Tatsuhiro and Nathanial prepared to create a domain that was guaranteed to end Knitemare indefinitely.)
"Khomat: Cast.."
"Nathanial: Do-"
"Tatsuhiro(Demonized): Main."
"All Three: Three Deadly Gates!"

(As the name was said, absolutely EVERYTHING was completely frozen in space-time as Knitemare was the only one around inside a massive domain. In a mere instant, Knitemare was then gripped tightly by a dark-aura fist then was slammed into the ground, punched by a white-aura fist in the distance then punched into the ceiling of the domain then was bell clapped simultaneously by the same fists as a massive gate appears in front of the unconscious Knitemare who was now defenseless. The first silver colored gate opens, revealing a gold colored gate which then opens and reveals a black colored gate opening as well. As the gates opened, a bright light would appear within the gates and swallow Knitemare whole which then created absolute darkness around Knitemare and with over fifteen thousand slashes, the domain explodes and reveals a finally defeated Knitemare with no elemental power, special abilities or any remaining attacks within his arsenal as he was now powerless to do anything. Without any warning, a massive wave of Unholy Inferno came raging down towards Knitemare and within it was Tatsuhiro charging his fist for one final attack to kill Knitemare for good.)

"Tatsuhiro(Demonized): THIS IS IT, KNITEMARE!"
"Sawano(Altered Voice): LET'S DO THIS!"
(As Sawano and Tatsuhiro combined their inferno together, they both rocketed towards the finished Knitemare to truly finish the job. As Sawano then turns into his strongest transformation along with his Senvoinian Form, his flames turns pure white. Suddenly, Tatsuhiro and Sawano begins to see memories within the roaring flames of the previous generation before the Magachi family was born.)
"???: Unholy Inferno comes from a forgotten legend of untold power, it deserves another chance to shine!"
"???: This element cannot be awakened again for evil.. The time will come when evil is on the horizon, my dear boy.."
"???: This power comes from generation after generation, Unholy Inferno can only be given by the blood of a particular family... But now, I want you to go make me proud kid! It is your time to weld this powerful element for the honor of the Senvoinerth!"
(As the memories then fades, Tatsuhiro and Sawano focused on Knitemare as they both was more pumped to end the battle.)
"Tatsuhiro: Goodbye... KNITEMARE!!!!"
(Both of their flames then engulfs only their punching arms.)

(As their punches connected, Knitemare's core was at last shattered with no chance of resurrection as all of reality was restored by the massive blast which in result, reversed everything back to the way it was during Knitemare's attack but to every destroyed planet in the process remained as cinders and particles. Tatsuhiro and Sawano was somehow then teleported to a nearby planet that has fits their oxygen levels but after so, a huge crater was created due to their attack. As time passed, Tatsuhiro was revealed to very quiet noises of wind blowing within his ear and looked around the crater but notices his entire right arm was completely charred without a chance to fix it until he then sees Sawano in the same crater, panting out of pure exhaustion and overexerting his power at one hundred percent then sees the remains of Knitemare which was nothing but pieces of his destroyed core. Sawano slowly chuckled as he realized they finally won. Meanwhile, Goxius restores the Time Realm to before it was affected by the supersonic shockwaves affecting every realm within the timeline as everyone was then worried if the fight was over.)

"Masunashi: Did.. Did they get him..?"
"Amisate: ..! LOOK!"
(As absolute silence was heard as a stomp was heard outside the crater and appearing outside of said crater and the debris was a very exhausted Tatsuhiro carrying Sawano on his shoulder and holding Knitemare's shattered core in his other hand and engulfs it in Unholy Inferno. Kazuya, Shibuto and Hinami cried in pure joy as everyone in the Time Realm cheered for the victory, including everyone who watched the fight including the Planetary Overseers.)
"Kazuya, Shibuto & Hinami: THEY DID ITT!!!!"
"Goxius: Crisis averted... Knitemare's no longer.. an issue.."
(Chimon, Baisho and Ankoku looked at those two with pride for them both.)
"Baisho: Mission Accomplished..."
(Tatsuhiro slowly walked away from the crater as all of Class X came to support the two as both he and Sawano could barely stand.)
"Ankoku: They shouldn't push themselves.."
"Chimon: No worries. I believe... this is the end of an era. The final boss.. has been bested."

(Ankoku and Baisho took his words to heart to think about as "Gaito" and "Tatsuhiro" chants was heard across the entire timeline. As another fifteen years has passed, reconstruction to all of Knitemare's destruction was almost complete as all humans was brought back to Earth to continue their normal lives as the media was rampant with questions about the battle between Tatsuhiro and Sawano verses Knitemare. Within that timespan, the Magachi's along with every assassin, fighter, god, ex-villain and all governmental officials attended a massive meeting in front of Baisho's presidential office which was broadcasted around the world and to other planets, realms and to the unknown worlds within the universe. The new Tatsuhiro would be in a suit and tie along with his returning pink fur scarf and his eyes covered by the same glasses he left on Lotus's grave and gave everyone a serious glare although he could no longer see with his eyes but was accompanied by all of Class X and Choryrth as well.)

"Tatsuhiro: Everyone... We've lost many.. many men and women in our time of battle. I will not lie.. Knitemare was one of the toughest individuals I ever fought in my life... All of us has spent our lives fighting for many different reasons.. Money, fame, loved ones, the world, all of existence... we even choose to treat fighting for justice as a hobby..! But no more... After that fight with Knitemare, I couldn't do it without m-.. No.. I couldn't do it without all of you..! You all gave your all during the battle and fought without chickening out! All of you deserve.. my gratitude, every last one of you do. However... I'm finished. No more "fighters." No more "clans." No more selfish needs... The last thing I want to happen ever again..? Is the damn fall of a peaceful society, a peaceful existence with no screwups, no mistakes... A piece of advice everyone.. "When a civilian cries for help, don't.. call yourself just a "fighter." Its time.. to put the weapons down.. and put on a cape." Everyone. Its now.. your turns. Do me a favor.. I speak of all Class X as you do me this one favor... To save someone, don't be a fighter, be a HERO. Go be the best hero you can be... Make me proud..!"

(Tatsuhiro then shed tears of happiness for the first time in years as everyone felt his emotion then clapped and cheered for his words as everyone was then inspired by his words. After the speech, time has passed as Tatsuhiro and the resurrected Lotus was standing on the top of the cliff and enjoyed the starry night as fireworks was blasted everywhere as a celebration of victory across all of Japan.)
"Lotus: Thanks Tatsuhiro. I saw everything."
"Tatsuhiro: Your welcome Lotus. That bastard deserved death... I swore I'd never let another death slip under my fingers again."
"Lotus: So you finally lost your sight again?"
"Tatsuhiro: This time.. its permanent. But you know what..? I'm comfortable with that, I was a lot better fighting blind anyway."
"Lotus: Classic Tatsuhiro. So what now..? You're done?"
(Tatsuhiro then opened a beer and took a quick swig.)
"Tatsuhiro: I am. Our time has come to a close after all. After I gave that speech, a new generation. A new era will begin. This time, we will be watching from the sidelines as support. Its time for the newbies to protect Earth and this timeline from any future threats."
"Lotus: You'd still remain Class X, right..?"
"Tatsuhiro: Yeah. I can't leave Class X if I get my own squad to train."
"Lotus: I respect that. Now that you're actually retired, criminals are going to get a lot more bold you know. Not that we'd let anything happen."
(Tatsuhiro was silent as he gripped his beer bottle tight and shatters it with his own grip strength as he started crying more and Lotus noticed.)
"Tatsuhiro: I'm sorry.. Its.. i-its just.."
(A hand rested on Tatsuhiro's shoulder as it was Sawano followed by the whole family.)
"Sawano: Gaito.. I agree with you."
(He then stood up and inhaled deeply as Sawano prepared to be hit by Tatsuhiro but instead was hugged with pure love and the feeling of regrets which caught Sawano and the others off guard except Lotus whom expected it regarding Tatsuhiro's mental state right now.)

"Tatsuhiro: Sawano... I'm sorry. I should've said that right from the start. I'm truly.. sorry son... I treated you with so much disrespect and I can't change that, can you truly forgive your father..?"
(Sawano heard his words and hugged him back as a tear flowed from his eye too.)
"Sawano: T-.. Fa- Father.. Of course I forgive you."
(Tatsuhiro then smiled as he then stopped hugging the bandaged Sawano and apologized to the family as Sawano and Lotus then noticed a huge light from the starry horizon as it was an approaching sunrise around Hakodate which Lotus, Sawano, Tatsuhiro and the family watched with smiles on their faces as all the fighting was finally over.)
"Tatsuhiro: Hey Sawano, if you had a name for this ending era, what would you call it?"
"Sawano: Hm.. I'd say.. The End of The Great Fighter Era."
"Tatsuhiro: I'd say the same thing."

(As they all enjoyed the view of the rising sun, another two months goes by as the date was now June 17th, 2030 after seventeen years as passed. During that time, Sawano was introduced to his revived home planet, Senvoinerth as Tatsuhiro made it a thank you gift to Sawano along with giving him the throne, making him King of Senvoinerth. Amisate and Kazuya was married and now has one child named Kuramoto Azurigachi. Hinami takes Sawano's old place as Goddess of Hell and is bowed to by all of Hell's executives, including Cerberus. Chimon and the rest of the government officials created new ranks for heroes, vigilantes and assassin ranks. All of the Magachi's has a party along with all of their friends at Tatsuhiro's rebuilt offshore mansion. As Sawano then knocked on Tatsuhiro's door.)

"Sawano: Tatsuhiro, you in there?"
"Tatsuhiro: Yeah come in!"
(Sawano walked into the room to ask him a question but pauses to see Tatsuhiro, Xinera, Isabel, Tayna, Hayazawa, Sybille, Athena, Swift Eye and Akari in bed with him all at the same time as Sawano was completely speechless on what to say.)
"What? Gotta repopulate somehow! Besides, look at their faces, they all enjoyed it!"
(Tatsuhiro proved their blushing yet smiling faces as he did not want to ask.)
"Sawano: Ah never mind.. Anyway, its almost time for me to leave."
"Tatsuhiro: Ah right. Well ladies, I will be back."
(As Tatsuhiro got up, they all huddled into Tatsuhiro's warm spot on the bed out of comfort. Meanwhile, the party was paused as everyone prepared for Sawano's departure from Earth.)
"Sawano: I cannot thank all of you for the countless years we've spent together, family or not. Every last one of you have my thanks and gratitude.."
"Chimon: It'll be different without you around Sawano, but I'm proud we was able to save you back then. I'll never forget that moment."
"Sawano: I'm glad too. Thank you a lot Chimon."
"Trezoru: Ahh.. heheh.. sorry about-"
"Sawano: I know what you're gonna say, she is no longer any use to me. We're all cool."
"Hinami: Father.."
(Hinami walked towards Sawano and hugged him as she buried her face into his chest.)
"(Muffled): Let me go with you, please..."
(Sawano then pats her head as she looked up.)
"I'm sorry Hinami, you're the Goddess of Hell now. I can come back and visit, but I'll have to make some time to do so."
"Azumi: Take care back home my love.."

(Azumi and Sawano kissed one last time as he then said goodbye to his son, Daigo Magazaki. As Sawano then says his final goodbyes to everyone he then turns to the portal and after two steps, he was back on his home planet after years of wondering how Senvoinerth was. As a week then passed, Shibuto was training more against Onara whom was still in her peak and still maintained and undefeated streak all this time. Tatsuhiro then was standing on the top of Magachi Mountain with a cliffside view of all of Hakodate as he then looked at his panther's pelt but Khoteku was then standing next to him out of nowhere.)

"Khoteku: Hey."
"Tatsuhiro: Hey."
"???: Hey."
(They both turned to see Masunashi standing with them as well.)
"Tatsuhiro: You girls got stronger, thanks for sticking by me. Any plans for the future?"
"Masunashi: Plans with Aimiya, we plan to catch up."
"Khoteku: I'm needed back in the Intergalactic Counsel. They're gonna want a report on the Knitemare situation."
"Tatsuhiro: Ah.. Well.. Good luck you two."
(They both smiled and walked away.)
"Oh.. wait."
(They was curious to what Tatsuhiro was gonna say.)
"... I love you two."
"Both: We love you too, brother."
(As they walked off, all that was left was Tatsuhiro and the wind as he then used a copied version of Zanbato and drew the Magachi's clan symbol on the top of the mountain as he then implants the sword into the ground and walks off, smiling.)

"At long last, the great Knitemare threat is over but a new era begins! More and mightier foes will arise but the new era of protectors shall begin! Heroes, Vigilantes, Assassins and Fighters, all on the same page, what will our new heroes think of as the old generation now supports them from the side? Find out next time on Part Three of Project: INFERNO!"
