Chapter 12:

Raiding the Nobles house

The broken bond

Rain was pouring heavily in midst of the rebels camp. Each raindrop seemed to magnify the sounds of preparation. The clinking of weapons being readied, the creaking of leather as the rebels shifted in their armor, and the muted whispers of strategy exchanged between Alex and rest of the rebels added layers to the auditory tapestry of war. The very atmosphere, saturated with moisture, crackled with an unspoken understanding that the raid to come would be fierce, and survival would depend on skill, courage, and a bit of luck.

Arna was gazing through the group of rebels and was fixing her gear before entering the nobles manor. Arna took deep breaths to steady herself and maintain her mana. She made a vow to herself that she would keep everyone safe, getting more supplies to the rebels base last the winter season. She would be the shield, if the raid goes wrong. She had to make sure that no guards would chase them like last time. 

The group forced their way towards the terrains of the manor as soon they leave the base. The rebels sneaked their way in but they were their to do a permeant damage to the manor. They stole every eatable goods from the storeroom, took every wearable cloths to keep the survivors warm and broke items which seemed valuable to make sure to send a message to the blue blooded morons, that the rebels are here to stay until their plead for basic needs are heard.  The manor was a mess when the rebels left it. The owners were heart wretched that their hard work to build their family a good home was down the drains. 

Arna looked proud and was overwhelmed with joy when the raid was a success. The rebels with Alex leading them, they made their way back to the camp right at the middle of the forest. 

The rain was was fading away and the clouds were clearing the sky. Luna and Miguel was helping others to divide the goods to the rebels and their family. Arna was settling down and was glad their wasn't any troubles during the raids. In the crowds of people trying to get food and clothes, her eyes pierced through and saw a familiar faces. Arna got up to her feet to reach the people she knew who was the enemy. 

The person saw Arna was making her way towards them. They became scared,so made a run for it. With Arna chasing the familiar assailant,both of them stop near a big boulder as they were out of breath. 

"Stop..... Renald. Why are you here. Isn't taking and stealing money from the common people enough for you and you make your way here to steal our rations," Arna question disbelievingly him while catching her breath.  "Oh shut up for spirits sake, Don't talk like you are all good and I am the bad guy," Renald the Nerbon Duke let his frustration known to Arna. "Do you really think that what you are doing is helping. Raiding and treason against the royal family is changing anything. What you really do is causing more pain and suffering. Nobles don't have it easy. I should have put an arrow through your neck when I spotted you snooping around my manor. Now I would have to beg your people for food," .

Arna was out of words. The nobles should have more money then the poor. The resistance role is to make the common people life easier and reduce suffering. Not increase it. Renald took this opportunity and made his escape through the valley. Arna felt to ground rethinking her role at the same time the rebels goals for peace and harmony for the land of Zenaad.