Chapter 0:

One of Many Stories...

Lancer Al-Qisa – A Middengeard Tale

When I was a kid, I used to dream of big adventures where I traveled across the world and became a hero everyone looked up to. I always imagined the world I lived in would grant that to everyone who really wished it. Heh, the dream of a child cannot easily be quelled, isn't it? I kept that dream, like others who still do. Even my life tells otherwise, even if that wish would never come true I'll keep clinging on to it.

And it seems, I still had a chance…

This land is thrown into turmoil…

Where the rulers of the land fight among themselves…

And divided the populace…

When the land fought heartily…

Those who don't, suffer…

And from the bottom one will rise…

This is one of many tales of…

No, this story is just one of many…

…and the world will not suffer if it ends too soon.

My usual routine starts as always. Waking up, making breakfast for my family, and off to work. 20 years of my life pretty much got me used to the road around the village and I walked automatically. I don't mind the monotonous feel of this, actually. Where many hated it, I learnt to adapt with it and enjoy what it has to offer. Such is the requirement for my job. Sure, cutting trees doesn't pay much, but you gotta keep what you get. Of course, being a lumberjack doesn't feel fulfilling during this trying time.

"Peace be upon you, Abel Bey(sir)!"

I looked up and saw my co-worker, Enoch Ozgur. This blond haired friend of mine has been with me since I was a kid when he was already a lad. We shared many things in the past and that includes our affinity with chopping anything. He's also kind of a jerk that I always left when he messed up. No hurt feelings, though. Anyway, I greeted him back.

"Huh? You don't look so well today, Abel Bey, this has been going on for weeks now. What happened?"

Am I? I don't know what he's talking about, but I asked him anyway.

"Well, you have this look that says 'How we are going to survive this month?'"

He got me, huh. I don't like it when someone could see through me. I felt weak, but he's my friend. Nothing's wrong with his concern. After all, we're in a pinch because of this war and goblin raids started to interrupt our work.

"Yeah, those pesky goblins are annoying. They're weak as hell, but can we just get a break for a moment. We can't just let our work got delayed because one of us got injured,"

Goblin raids start to become frequent since the civil war started. They used to attack during winter or spring, but now they do it all the damn time. Since they tend to attack frequently, it is bound to happen that one of the co-workers got injured. All able people worked together to repel the raid that included everyone from different professions. Their attacks also led to us getting delayed to deliver wood to this caliphate's capital. Delayed deliveries means lower payment and we need money to live. Then there is also this war…

"I hope we don't get conscripted into this war either. The Sultan has gotten mad. He's nuts to force youngsters into war. Can he just get along with his siblings?"

I don't know much about this war's politics, but all I know is whoever wins the war will become the new Caliph of Elphat, the caliphate that also ruled the land I lived in. The Sultan, as I recall, is the second in the throne of succession which coincides with his other four siblings who also ruled the other four major states in this caliphate. For the conscripted part Enoch said… That's new.

"Yeah, I heard the neighboring village got conscripted. They took anyone who could fight. Let's just hope our village doesn't have the same fate, right, Abel Bey?"

Conscription means I will get separated from my family which is a fate worse than death for me. Sensing the moody mood we have gotten into, I asked Enoch not to talk about this. We need something positive to keep going.

"Yeah, I know. Just want to keep you informed, you know. I am getting paranoid recently. You're the only one I can talk to about this."

Understandable, but I refrained from leaking my thoughts about his words. We made our way into the lumber mill and started to work. Gloves and boots ready with axe in hand we go into the forest again, cutting trees.

Since our deliveries got delayed, we worked overtime to reach the deadline. Today, other lumberjacks went to the capital to deliver delayed timbers. That left us with few to defend, but enough to reach quota with overtime included. It's hard, but honest work in my opinion even if we're not appreciated enough these days by those city people. The only worries we have now are goblin raids. I pray to God that today's not the day.

Later that night…

And it did not. Today we're lucky again. Now we need that same luck at least, for another seven days.

I put down my bag. I told Enoch Bey to go home without me, since I have other things to do. Yes, since overtime started I tend to stargaze on a certain spot in this village. I should have gone home, but just for once, I want to enjoy myself.

I made my way to that spot and just like nights before, it was empty and awaiting its true master to lay his back. Boy, grass sure is soft. Thank you for always taking care of me.

I looked up and saw the night sky. The sky that is filled with stars and faint light from those who might live above with the moon reflected from the dark seas that have always accompanied it. During this tranquil moment, I reminisce of the dream I once had. Remembering why I am here not chasing it. When I was a kid, I used to dream of big adventures where I traveled across the world and became a hero everyone looked up to. I always imagined the world I lived in would grant that to everyone who really wished it. I have seen, you know. Warriors and casters swinging yataghans and hurling spells like the books in my childhood.

I always wondered that if they can do that, I can do it too, right? Well, that depends. For them, this is not a laughing matter as they worked themselves to the bone just to get to where they are now. To be like them I need training and dedication which I am sure as hell can't since my hands are tied.

I am not complaining about my current circumstances, but if I could dream for a little, I might just fly away for a moment to forget every baggage on my shoulders.


Wait, that noise and this feeling. I looked down and saw my shoulder stabbed by an….

Heh, I was wrong about today.

This is not the day, huh? It's too good to be true they didn't attack. I have been with an arrow glued to my flesh many times in the past. The only thing I can do is just to hold the pain.

Those little runts getting smarter, raiding when almost everyone sleeps. I better run, I won't imagine what would happen when they start to surround me. With my axe still in the lumber mill, my dagger is the only defense I had and fortunately, the alarm bell located near my stargazing spot.

I Just have to ring it then—

No way!

They actually sneak past the defenses. The alarm bell is long gone, replaced by the smug smiles of three goblins. These bastards are mocking me, aren't they? They brandished their clubs. Last resort, then, I'll scream…

Wha.. my voice… I feel numb… no…not like this… that arrow…

No… I still had many things to do… I still want to be a hero... I…don't… want to… die…

Mother… Eurus… Iris… Gala… Annet… I am sorry… your brother has failed…


A jolt of pain surges on my body, as my eyes open again. I saw someone atop of me holding something injected onto my shoulder.

"Stand up!"

Hearing his command I tried to stand. My body still feels woozy, my movement fumbles. He grabs me on his shoulder as he helps me stand. I looked at him and noticed his long green coat and his arsenal of weapons caught my eyes. Whoever he is, he must be an experienced man who knows his stuff. Seeing as I started to regain my movement again he let me go.

"Thank goodness, you're alive."

Despite his rugged looks he sounded nice. Almost like someone you could talk to when you need to vent. I ask him who he is to understand my situation.

"We were too late to come, but we at least came when the raid barely started."

Huh, that's it? How about the poison then?

"I've just injected you with an antidote. You're lucky it's not fast acting poison. If it is, you'll be dead by now, haha!"

Did he just laugh while we're in the middle of a raid?

"Oh, if you're wondering about the goblins, we stopped them just now."

So the raid has been stopped. That left me with a single question of what really happened here.

"Ah, we're hired to defend Safak. Because those douche of a soldier from Verdoyant we got… er, delayed."

He mentioned we, does that mean he isn't alone.

"The rest of my guildmates gathered with villagers at the hall. Come on, they've been waiting on us."

He motioned me to follow him. I still feel weak, but I'm managing. Looking at him again, I noticed a crest on his coat. I haven't paid attention to it, but I think I got a gist of why he is here. The crest belongs to a government organization called Lancer Guild. That guild is associated with tales about men and women who do odd jobs as long as they did not purposely involve themselves with the caliphate's affairs.

Seeing him now makes sense, but why now? Shouldn't they help months before?

"It's complicated, but I'll tell you what you need to know when things calmed down, yeah?"

He stated. Alright then, I can get on with that. Everything has a reason so whatever his reasoning is it should make sense, I think. No matter, I should dwell on that later. For now, we arrived at the village hall and there is a lot of shouting here.

"Explain yourself, Lancer!"

"Like Cecilia said, you can't blame us for not arriving earlier! It's not our fault we can't be everywhere!"

I saw one of the villagers argue with a blond girl wearing the same kind of coat as my savior except it is yellow and a cat shaped veil? Irrelevant, but it seems they are arguing about the arrival of the lancers. Watching it maybe could answer my questions earlier.

"You so-called citizen protector can't even do your job properly! We had been asking you a lot to come weeks before and yet you feign ignorance. Now, you blame others for your tardiness. So explain why we should trust you all?!"

The girl flinched for a moment and took a breath.

"Well, Cecilia cannot justify this situation, but Cecilia and others work hard to help people! We work hard just to calm your worries and yet you… you nincompoops blame us for everything!"

"Say that again you weird girl how dare you talk us down when we work our bones to death to survive raids and this idiotic war!"

The girl, Cecilia is about to do something she would regret later. Should this banter keep on going this situation will lead to even worse one!


A calm and commanding voice said. Man in a blue coat with his somewhat cool hat appeared on Cecilia's side.

"I heard enough of this kind of complaint, it tires me no end to hear the same thing for every village we assist. How about we make a compromise, hmm?"

"What do you mean?" Someone from the crowd said.

"How about you let ten of us stay here so we could defend you for a week?"

"Wait, Ephraim, we still have other jobs to do. Cecilia thinks she should just leave this folks alone since they hate us that much—"

"Hush, Cecilia, don't provoke them more."

The girl looks down. "Okay…"

The villagers discussed among themselves. The village chief is deep in thought, as he considers others' suggestions. I want to join in, but I've important things to look at first.

"Man, they always save us from this kind of situation,"

Huh? He's still here? The Lancer who escorted me here said as he looked at his friends.

"Cecilia Hanim(ma'am) and Ephraim Bey always try to talk the villagers down when things go south like this, but it seems she had enough, haha!"

He laughed, as if this is a normal sight for him. I've been wondering why he won't butt in to help his friends.

"Me? Nah, they can handle it. This is good learning material for me! I need to see how people interact, you know?"

Why? That doesn't make sense even if your intention is to learn.

"I forgot to tell you this, name's Ralph, I've two years on my belt as a Lancer agha(officer) so it makes sense to learn from your seniors, right?"

Whoa, the somewhat childish Cecilia is his senior? The serious looking Ephraim might fit the bill, but to think this fully equipped man is their junior surprised me.

"Sure, I am older than Cee, but she got fifteen years and Vent got thirty years of experience. Oh, about my equipment? This is a normal setup for almost every lancer during a crisis. Just look at other lancers,"

I do as he suggested and he is right, other lancers including Cecilia and Vent got weapons and tools strapped on them. It's almost like looking on a walking toolset... or armory perhaps. I refrain from asking further, as I part from Ralph. I need to look for my family.

I felt a hand tugging my shirt and looking back at my sister's worried eyes.

"I've been looking for you, brother…why didn't you come back after work?! You are hurt and you got me and mom worried all night!"

Eurus, my oldest little sister said. She's always worried for me and always tries to help me and mother. I always told her I'll be fine whenever I could, but remembering what happened recently… yeah I can't say that I'm fine right now.

I caress her head as she keeps hugging me. What a worrywart, I should reward her with her favorite stew.

"This little one is your sister? Hello there! How are you?"

Eurus hides behind my back, naturally when a fully equipped man with weapons strapped on his body approaches.

"Brother, is he one of the soldiers?"

"ME? A soldier, HAHAHA—no, I am a Lancer Agha, you see."

Eurus eyes beamed in an instant. She greets Ralph with brimmed excitement. Eurus is still a kid so it must be hard to differentiate soldiers and lancers since they carry weapons all the time I suppose. It's clear that Eurus is fond of them in general.

"Then you are the one who protects us, right…effendim(mister)?"

Ralph introduced himself and pretty much gave a gist of why he is here.

"Then why are other villagers arguing? People should celebrate you saving us, right?"

"Hehe, about that…"

He informed her about Cecilia and other villagers' quarrel. She looked down for a moment then said,

"What's wrong with them? You guys helped us and should be praised! Hmph! That's why I hate people in this village,"

I scolded her, but I was greeted with a cute pout from her despite the fact that she really meant it to be serious.

"You too, brother, you don't have to defend them. When I leave this village I'll show them how wrong they are!"

"Oh? You want to leave, eh, what are you going to be?"

Ralph asked her. She once told me about her dream, she wants to be…

"Jannisary! I want to protect mother like brother did!"

"Well then, do you know how to swing a yataghan?"

She happily nodded, but before she could show it off, the village chief called our attention.

"Attention everyone, after discussing with Lancer's guild folks here, we…no, I decided that it's beneficial if they stay here for a week."

The crowd voices their objection and some of them defend the chief.

"Please everyone, this is a trying time for all of us, not just in Safak, but everyone in the caliphate. I know your resentment towards them morphed your sense of judgment, but we need every help we can get."

At least the chief is sensible enough to decide this. He continued…

"All I ask for now is your cooperation with lancers folks here. Anyone one want to host them? Two households is enough."

Nobody raises their hand except Enoch Bey.

"I do, just say the word and I get them covered."

I want to raise my hand too, but we have enough people in our house. It could fit another two or three people, but…

"I do! I'll shelter them unlike all of you old DUMMIES!!!"

WHAT?! Eurus what are you doing?

"HAHAHAHA, I love your guts, little sister,"

"Cecilia likes to head pat this one,"

I scold Eurus again, telling her that our house cannot house another five people inside.

"We'll make it work! Brother always can, right?"

This is not the time…

"Well, what if me, Cecilia Hanim, and Ephraim Bey stay in your home? It can fit, right? If yes, you there…"

Ralph called out Enoch.

"…can you keep the other seven in yours?"

"W-Well, I suppose I can…"

"Excellent, problem solved. We should rest, it's been a tiring night for all of you folks so you better sleep or else you can't work well in the morning."

With that declaration, many villagers murmur in agreement.

"Very well, I look forward to your cooperation, Lancer guild. Don't disappoint us."

Village chief said, and with that the crowd dispersed. I walked towards Enoch Bey and apologized for the inconvenience I brought to him.

"No problem, Abel Bey, this is for a greater good after all. Let's just hope that with them here we can work fine tomorrow…er, today I mean since it's past midnight…"

I laughed and parted ways with him. Eurus is waiting for me with the other three lancers. We walked home and found my mother asleep with my other little siblings. Not to disturb them, we turned in for the night (?) and decided to talk more in the morning.

The next morning…

I didn't get enough sleep. My eyes had bags and I struggled to see things clearly. At least I could wake in the morning. Being an early riser has its perks. I snuggled out from my bed and went to the bathroom to wash my face. I heard noises from the living room; Cecilia's voice can be heard clear as day.

"C'mon little Eurus you need to lighten up!"

"Eh? I don't wanna, I want to sleep..zzz…"

"Aww c'mon you need to get excited in the morning or else how are you gonna stay awake in school?"

"Jeez, you're annoying school's canceled because of war,"

"Wait wha…?"

I barged in and told Cecilia about the situation regarding school. Due to war, school activities in Verdoyant were pretty much delayed until further notice. Well, most schools here canceled, but some remain active and even then that's just a minority.

"Verdoyant sure is different. Cecilia thinks this state is too strict. Ah well, it can't be helped, but this little one…"

She eyed Eurus.

"…needs to be disciplined! How can you become a jannisary if you're slacking off? You need to be more diligent even when you are not going to school?"

"You're annoying! I don't need such things, all I need is my brains and I can show you I can be the greatest jannisary Besides, let me enjoy my day off!"

Cecilia angrily pouted and glanced at me. "You, Big brother, you should've taught her better."

I prefer to be called by name so please don't use that to refer to me.

"Ah, Cecilia apologizes, sorry for being rude, but still..!"

"My, what a lovely banter we have here!"

My mother's voice reached our ears. Her long blonde hair swayed gracefully despite her bed head sticking out.

"Abel, dear, who is this fellow?"

"Ah, forgive Cecilia's rudeness, I am a Lancer, Cecilia Parlak, pleased to meet you."

"Lancer? O God, what happened yesterday?"

Cecilia gave her a brief recap about yesterday's event.

"Oh my, I slept while the village is being attacked and you are injured, Abel."

I quickly reassured her that I was fine and she should not worry since Freelancers are here for a week.

"Goodness! That's a relief, but Abel, dear, you should take care of yourself more. You've been pushing yourself too hard these days."

This is not the first and the last time she'll say this to me. Despite always calling out my recklessness she pretty much let me off the hook, but that doesn't mean I have to be careless even though remembering what happened yesterday.

"Anyway, why don't we eat breakfast for starters, we need to fill our stomach so you won't slacking off again, Eurus~"


"Oh, and wake your little siblings too, Eurus. Abel, just sit down and make yourself comfortable with our guest here."

I nodded and sat beside Cecilia Hanim. I ask her where Ralph and Ephraim Bey are.

"Oh, both of them woke earlier than Cecilia. They're outside now—"

"Boy, I love to eat tasty homemade breakfast! *sniff* What an aroma! Mind if I join in?"

Ralph suddenly barged in and on cue Eurus came with the little ones; Iris, Gala, and Annet.

"Big sister, who is this grown up?" Says Iris, the second oldest little sister of mine who's still misplaced her glasses.

"Is he a bad guy? Yeah, that look and coat must be it! You are one of those gruff men!"

Continued Gala, Iris twin brother who is pretty much trying to appease Eurus, think about me too, dammit.

"Or maybe he is a cosmos knight! Like the one in big sister's boo—" Eurus quickly covers Annet's mouth. For a kid, she's quick to pick up her older siblings' interest. I really need to understand Eurus's taste.

"D-Don't listen to her! L-Let's just eat breakfast, alright."

We refrained from bringing it up, as the three kids heartily sat on the chair followed by Eurus. Cecilia blushed for some reason and Ralph just grinning. One breakfast later, we're prepared to go out for the day, beginning the first day lancers guarding us.

My work begins like any normal day with the exception of flashy looking individuals patrolling village borders added into the mix. Alongside me and Enoch, Cecilia accompanied us into the woods… also carrying an axe.

The day goes on and the three of us stick together for the rest of it. I am impressed Cecilia can keep up with us here carrying the woods. I know she is a capable woman, but she sure knows her stuff.

"Say, Abel Bey, can I ask you why you are working as a lumberjack? Just a question, though,"

Cecilia suddenly asked.

Hmm, I wonder that also. Did Eurus spill something to her or… if I have to answer that question I would say because I do it on my own volition, but that's just an excuse if I'm being honest, I don't need to bare it all to her so I just simply answered with my lack of requirement in other jobs.

"That's fair, but Cecilia sure one day you will tell your whole reason,"

What do you mean by that?

"It's a secret~" She winked.

"How bout' you, Enoch Bey, any reason for being a lumberjack?"

"E-Eh? Why the sudden— *cough* Well, this is the only job I could think of, since um, I am not that smart so I can't land a good job in the city. I've been considering becoming a soldier, but I don't like the idea of leaving my mother alone."

"That's sweet, you really care for your mother, huh. You'll make a good husband, I am sure of it!"

Enoch turned into a blushing mess. He never really used to be around women close to his age. Me? I got experience in my home. Suffice to say, I am somewhat immune to opposite sex advances.

I butt in to tell Enoch's awkwardness around women. Cecilia took this chance to tease him. We spent the rest of the day working while teasing Enoch.

Later that evening…

We took a break for a moment. The sky darkened and we sat at the lumber mill eating bread and drinking apple juice courtesy of my mother. The day went well today. No interruptions and my work goes smoothly too. If we can keep this up, we could return to work like normal.

"Uwaaah, your mother's cooking is the best, Abel Bey." Enoch exclaimed.

"Agreed, Cecilia haven't gotten a decent meal since last trip on Pasyaf,"

"Pasyaf? The neighboring village?"

"Yup, same job as in here, but a quicker one since well…"

" Soldiers…" Enoch solemnly said. He continued, "Did they recruit the villagers?"

Cecilia looks down for a moment then said, "Yes, and Cecilia feared that, they will come here at any moment,"

Enoch sighed. "Sorry for bringing that up, I've…been a little paranoid lately hehe…"

I asked Enoch about the conscription.

"Don't worry about it, Abel Bey, we'll be fine," I am not convinced.

"Gah! Just don't ask that anymore it's getting moody here,"

Alright, I'll back down. We didn't talk much after that. Enoch has this dark expression for the rest of the day.

After finishing our work, I parted ways with Enoch and went home with Cecilia. I asked her about the conscription since she should've known more about this topic. If the implications are true I need to make sure of it.

"This kind of topic really annoys Cecilia, you know, but since you are a man. I'd better tell you about it,"

Did they only recruit men?

"Yup, women are left out since their worth far more than men according to that Sultan. Other state didn't do this, but that Sultan is the second son of the late Caliph which means he has that monstrous power,"

The bloodline of the recent Caliph has these mysterious powers. Each one of the children will always have that special power to prove their right on the throne, but only one of them will receive the Ruler's Right power. The only power that matters is to claim the throne. Still, royal family members cannot be underestimated. The Sultan of Verdoyant, Arlan Suleyman rose to power through sheer strength and intellect. He is effective and pragmatic from what I heard. Which leads to many citizen's confusion regarding his enforcement of the youth.

That leads me to ask Cecilia how fast the soldiers spread across Verdoyant recruiting young men.

"The Sultan has been ordering his men since a month ago, but it's too sudden. They're quick to recruit and they train quicker too. Cecilia has seen others who had been conscripted come out as full-blown soldiers in a week. Too much fishy stuff going on in here, but we lancers can't do anything about it."

What does she mean by that?

"Did you know the reason why we can't work quickly enough since this war started?"

I respond with a simple no.

"Figured, after all, nobody expected everything to turn into… this!"

She comically flailed her arm to prove her point.

"When the soldiers arrived at the location we're supposed to work, they pretty much replaced us. Of course, being me, Cecilia often picks a fight with them, but they're just stubborn as rock. This pretty much put us lancers in confusion since we didn't know where to go next. We moved next to another location, and they beat us again. When we reached it first, we raced to clear the problem. We mostly lost, though,"

For a moment, she had a melancholic look on her eyes. She must've pent up a lot of frustration underneath that cheery face of hers. The only question I could've asked is why are they still kept going?

"It's obvious, isn't it? Jeez, Abel Bey, Cecilia thought you're more tactful than that."

She giggled while she said it.

"We're lancers. We serve the citizens and their needs when they ask us or not. When they've no one to turn to, we're there for them. Cecilia is just sad that the more she thinks about it, we've become what people have told us." She let out a long sigh.

"Sorry for venting to you about this, Cecilia has done it again hehehe… she has told another of her worries again. Something she had done many times to others."

Isn't it fine? After all it's okay to let out things you want to say.

"Yeah, you're right! Cecilia shouldn't be sad now, we've finally been able to work properly. All right! She will work hard for tomorrow."

She turned towards me and let out a smile. "Let's work hard for tomorrow!" she repeated.

With that, we turn in for the night, resting ourselves for tomorrow.

The next day

How can things go wrong like this? After a peaceful day, they came. Enoch's worst fears become true. There they are lined with their sinister armor like what Eurus imagined. Ralph who sat beside me tensed, ready for the worst to come. A person that I assume the commander stepped forward and coughed to attract attention.

"People of Safak, hear me out! We, soldiers chosen by the great Sultan and future Caliph Arlan Suleyman have come to extend our privileges to you. Join us willingly or we would enlighten your mind to join us."

Did that commander hear what he was saying? That is straight up indoctrination! I looked around and saw the villager's dreadful expression. They've known what the implication means. Ralph who is still beside me suddenly whispered,

"This prick has touched my nerve a lot of times. Spouting that nonsense repeated wherever he started. You know what, Abel Bey? I had enough of that."

He stood up and put himself in the center. Face to face with the commander.

"Agha(officer) Tazin, what a surprise to see you here," The commander said monotonously.

"Would you kindly, peacefully, demurely, and gently get out of this village?"

Ralph threatened with a not so obvious intent. What are you doing, Ralph? What is your endgame here?

"Know your place, Lancer, you don't want to attract unnecessary problems."

"Hmph! I know very well not to do that, but!" He extended his arm, then mockingly said, "You don't have anyone to recruit here, hmm?"

The commander's expression remains neutral, his brows raised in curiosity. "Hoh, and what gives you that conclusion?"

"You can't recruit lancers, Commander. All of these people will join the lancers and you have no right to do that!"

Again, the commander didn't even flinch. I'm starting to worry that what Ralph's doing is not going to work. Why did he say that in the first place? Saying that we are all men in Safak going to join Lancers.

"I don't see your statement as valid. Don't waste my time, Lancer."

"Don't you dare walk away from me, you have no authority here. Guild members cannot be touched by any military establishment. You know that!"

The Villagers' mood was uplifted. Murmurs in the crowd started to gather.

"Very well, if that's the choice then, round up the women! They'll go with us!"

"You lunatic, what do you think you're doing here?!"

"The men joined The Guild so what choice do we have, hmm?" For a moment, just a moment, the commander smirked.

"What will you do with them?" Ralph hissed.

"Just like the men we recruited," The commander walked past Ralph and leaned his head a bit. "Enlighten them."

Ralph grabbed his collar causing other soldiers to raise their weapons. Every villager started to panic. Enoch even more so, even then, I don't know why I am still able to stand still. I am scared, but I don't want to let that commander know.

"HAHAHAHA! As expected of your lot, Tazin. Now you know what this means, right?"

"You piece of shit of a morsyah. Screw your rules, I am recruiting women as well!"

"Tsk, tsk, Agga Tazin, stop this already~"

The commander playfully said. Ralph raised his fist only to be stopped with Ephraim Bey's hand.

"Stop this, Ralph, we lost."

Ralph reluctantly released the commander. The latter dusted himself and then said,

"Despite your comrade's intervention, you still broke the law placed upon your guild. You raise your hand against me and pretty much disrupt activity ordered by the government."

Ralph clicked his tongue.

"Alas, I am still considerate of your first statement. You are free to recruit the men, but the women are ours."

"Listen here—"

"Ah ah ah, Tazin. Let me continue. As I was trying to say, we will not recruit women if only…" He menacingly glared towards Ralph.

"…you only recruit one man. Only one."

Ralph's eyes widened, staring deep in the commander's eyes deep with hatred and anger.

"I consider this as an apology for your interruption. After all, we don't want the esteemed Lancer Guild's name tarnished because of this. And also remembering this is how your guild escaped many violations in the past, right? By compromising, isn't it?"

At that moment, I carefully absorbed everything that happened. I can assume much of The Guild's stance at this war and that is pretty much all I need to know. Cecilia implied it more yesterday, but to see how damaging any provocations to the authority right in front me now is enough for me to reconsider my choice.

Only one man, he said, if that man could be me, I would gladly find a way to turn the tables around. If only Enoch isn't here, I would declare it without hesitation. I glanced at Enoch, sweat dripping and trembling. He has a mother to care for, his only relative. The choice is clear here.

Yes… it's clear.

I raised my hand and loudly declared I am a Lancer recruit.

Everyone's shocked by my sudden declaration. There is dread on other villagers' faces as their chance of getting out of this situation is stolen right in front of them, especially Enoch. His betrayed expression summed what I have done.

"You're kidding… hey, Abe Bey, t-this is just a j-joke right?"

I am afraid it's not.

"You there, who raised his voice, tell me your name!"

Abel Dalga, a name that will be etched on other villagers' memory as the one condemning the men of Safak, I can already see that.

"It is decided, every man except Dalga will be brought into our fold. Now, prepare your belongings and say goodbye to your relatives! You will bring glory, I assure you."

Enoch approached me, trembling and shocked, painted on his face. I can't blame him, but I too want to save my family.

"W-Why did you do that Abel Bey? Hey! Answer me! Why, just why?!"

I can't look at him directly. The only answer I could give was to save my family… and myself.

"You know I live alone with my mother, right? How about others whose mothers you have left alone because of you?!"

I knew the implication, dammit. I knew this would happen should I choose it. Even if I don't want to admit it in front of him I will do everything to protect my family. Even if condemning others to a terrible fate as a last resort I'll do it. I answered his question with my silence. I have nothing to say, any reason I could conjure will not excuse my action to others.

That's what I would say to myself… to place me on the ground. To trip myself into feeling more guilt so I can wipe my relief for doing something selfish. Unfortunately, I don't care about it either. Call me a bad friend, Enoch. I am sorry; let me be selfish for once.

Enoch grabbed my collar. Understandable, hit me now then. I don't mind, it's better you let out your anger now. Before he could punch me Cecilia's slim hand slipped onto Enoch's hand. Stopping him from what he'd probably do.

I didn't flinch one bit. My expression remains the same.

"Enoch Bey, you shouldn't hit your friend, okay. Even if he has to do something desperate, you need to understand his reasons."

"Reason?! Have you heard yourself, Cecilia Hanim?! He turns in everyone, not just me!"

He glared at me again. "You are responsible for what happened here in Safak! Your own home, our home…"

20 years living here never truly gave me attachment to this village. The only thing I had was my family, you, and others who are close to me. Necessity is what drives us to move forward. I know my role here and I do it the way I am capable.

"How could you say that?! I don't know you anymore, Abel. I thought you were simply reserved, but I guess I need to learn more, huh? Fine then, I hope one day when you show your face to me again you will not regret everything here. My last request as a friend, take care of everyone left here."

I can't promise I will do a good job, but I'll try. That's the only thing I can assure you.

"Okay then… " Enoch left, leaving me with Cecilia alone.

"Abel Bey, Cecilia will not judge you. What you did was understandable, but…"

Ralph Bey and Ephraim Bey approach us. Cecilia nodded at them and then said, "…you have to come with us. You must join us, as lancers."

"They've witnessed it, Abel. You have no choice."

"It's troubling, I know, but you have to do this. You'll immediately come after we settle things here."

Do I get to say this?

"I am afraid not. Since Ralph Bey here has done something irreversible, unfortunately."

Ralph looks down for a moment then said,

"Sorry, Abel Bey. If just only I… I don't have any excuse for this, but don't worry. Everything will be fine. We'll get them one day."

Rather than continuing this further, we return home first. I have to prepare to say goodbye, and soak at the waves of guilt that will crush me forever.

I am Sorry.
