Chapter 46:

A Rogues Endeavour (2/3)

The Zypher: The Four Season

Erin woke up to find himself in a bed and all bandaged up, he looked around the room and realised that it was his room, the door opened with Missy entering his room, "knock knock! How's my little soldier?" Erin got up, "feel like crap (groans) what was I thinking?" Missy chuckled, "you always thought like that... That's one of the reasons why I chose you." Missy kissed Erin's cheek, "now you get some rest... Dad wants my help on something." Erin tried to stand up but Missy gave him scary eyes, "okay, okay! I'm in bed." In a scared tone, Erin slept. He looked back into how he met Missy; it was dark and the whole was trying to hide from the authority, Erin found a safe place to hide but stumbled on a couple who were fighting.

"I can not believe that you were sleeping with another girl! Am I not enough for you?!" The guy scoffed, "oh please, the only reason why I even hooked up with you was to get close to your dad.... (Mocking) oh what wrong, did I make daddy's girl cry?!" Erin stepped out from the shadows still bruised, "you may have made her cry... But you made me mad." The guy laughed, "what are you going to do pipe squeak?" Erin punched him in the face, immediately giving him a nosebleed, "oh so that's how you want to play!" The guy tried to punch Erin but he was no use to Erin's wrath, he KO'd him and walked away still bruised but he fell to the ground, realising that he was losing blood more quickly. He woke up in a blank room, where the girl who was crying had helped stop the bleeding, "what the... What is this?" She assured him that it wasn't anything to do with the new company, "it's something that I worked on... Names Viktor but call me Mr M and this is my daughter who you... Protected... Missy."

"Erin is it? I hacked into the database and found your name on Most Wanted... You must hate technology... Well so do I but my father trained me to do so and I quite like the pay I get." Erin tried to get up, "Woah there partner, you can't go standing up, because if you do then I will make it my mission to make you bleed even more!!" Viktor was serious about what he was saying, "I understand... Listen I don't have much Zonium left but..." Mr M didn't want his money, "consider it on the house since saving my daughter." Missy looked at her father and asked, "can I keep him, dad? Please?!" Erin had that shocked look to think that Missy was one of those twisted people that keep others as their pets or treasures, "Missy remember the last one you brought?! He tried to steal Core 166ku."

"This man is different dad, he's my type of man." Missy hugged Erin. Viktor looked at Erin and could tell that he was scared, "don't worry kid, she doesn't want you as her pet... She wants you to be her boyfriend." Erin sighed with relief, "I mean... I'm not that guy that knows how to be a good boyfriend." Missy told him that it was okay, "well I will do my best to make sure that I'm perfect." That awkward line of Erin showed his shy side, Missy kissed him on the lips with Viktor looking disgusted, Erin and Missy stopped kissing, and he was left speechless, it was his first kiss and it was to his mind, awesome.

Erin woke up to find it was already morning and found Missy sleeping next to him, he gently touched her hair after standing up and looking at an odd cube that was in his pocket. He didn't have his before but he knew it meant something, "Hey Erin, if you're going to leave your girlfriend in the bed, at least give her some loving." Erin looked confused about what she meant and just said, "like a snog?" Missy laughed and found Erin coming close to her and giving her a snog, Missy giggled and kissed Erin until Viktor came in the room, "ah good, you're awake... Get dressed and get ready, there's something urgent for you to see." Viktor stormed out leaving Erin and Missy to get dressed, "remind me to never let you meet my uncle... He's worse than my dad when it comes to dating." Mossy left Erin to get dressed leaving him a kiss.

"You're a very lucky man..." Erin almost shrieked to whom he was talking, "but you're dead... You've been dead since after 8 years of the invasion." The stranger chuckled and said, "it's been that long? Wow, 8 years... Yeah, it has been a long... Buts that's not why I am here... I found Memre." Erin stopped in his tracks, "Memre? But he's dead... He has to be right?" The stranger shrugged his shoulder, "well everything is possible... Well, not everything... Let's just say a fraction of it can be possible." Erin carried on getting dressed, "so... Where is he?"

"What do I look like Mr know-it-all? That boy won't be found until you can collect information all by yourself... Now as for me... I should be vanishing." And he did, leaving Erin with the hope that a member of the order was still alive.