Chapter 2:
Virtual Road
“Say Akihito, what weapon will you use?”
“The sword and buckler.”
“As expected of you. You like to play defensively.”
After our casual talk, the person before me has finished and it was my turn to go onto the treadmill.
“Good luck man.”
“If you’re able to hit him, I’ll hook you up with Momoko!”
“Momoko…? Who’s that?”
“I-It’s nothing!”
Damn this Nishimura, she can’t keep a secret… not that I formally told her to keep it a secret.
Though thanks for the motivation. That made me more fired up than usual.
I walked towards the treadmill then removed my shoes and socks.
…Come to think about it, this has already been worn by lots of men!
T-This is actually disgusting! So, this is the reason why they separated the genders! Some might be perverts!
They did say in the guide that it has anti-germ/sweat material, but it still feels uncomfortable mentally.
Ugh, no, I have to concentrate!
I cleared my head and wore the VR goggles and earphones.
Time to start the game…
Based on what I watched from the previous players, he is able to make swings from any directions from any limb. Sword slash, buckler bash, left kick, right kick.
If I focus on all of the limbs, I will distribute 25% of my attention towards all of them. But doing this would not make me able to react as 25% attention will definitely make it too late for me to realize his attack.
Okay first round…
I focused fully on all four limbs… his move is…
A right kick!
I was able to see it coming, but I was unable to react. The kick hit the side of my character. I didn’t feel any impact but the feeling of my body being blown away by the kick was simulated by the cables and found the floor. The AI stabbed my character and it was game over.
Wow… this experience is unbelievable. It felt so real that I got scared before I got stabbed.
I see… with his speed, I can’t put 25% on each limb. have to put 100% attention to one limb in order to be able to react before he makes a move. The best one to focus on is the sword hand, as most of the previous players have been killed by the sword hand.
Second round. I was lucky and it moved the sword hand!
I was moved my buckler to block it! I tried to go for a counter attack, but I was kicked by the left leg…
He’s too fast.
I need to block and attack at the same time so he won’t be able to attack.
Third round, I focused on the sword hand again. I was lucky again and he made a move with his sword hand! After blocking it, I need to focus on attacking at the same time!
I wasn’t able to block it… it came from a different angle than it did. I lost sight of the trajectory of the slash because I focused more on attacking…
Dammit… the attack can come from any angle with that one limb. While I will be able to see the attack, I need to focus on it first before trying to switch my full attention into attacking. Attacking and defending isn’t as easy as it sounds.
Fourth round.
The sword hand again!
I focused on the sword while readying to guard with the bucker, and at the same time, my sword is already positioned to stab him.
I was able to see it coming and was able to block it. In the split second later, I changed my focus made a stabbing motion towards his face.
…but it was blocked by his buckler.
The moment my sword was blocked he kicked me with his right leg and then stabbed me when I fell down.
It was almost perfect, but it was able to block at the last second!
Okay, next round is the next round. This is my last chance, I need to focus more this time. The last thing I needed was speed. I need to look at the trajectory and decide at that instant to focus on attacking. I need perfect execution.
Okay, let’s do this… last round!
I looked at the trajectory and positioned my buckler to block it, before it hit, I already shifted my focus on the target. Okay, what will you block, your head or your chest! I focused on the buckler.
The AI used his buckler to hide his chest… okay, time to go for the head!
I made a stabbing motion to the head…
…He was able to block my attack. In the last second, it was able to quickly block it.
He kicked me down, then stabbed me.
The next moment everything went into darkness with only the red letters of “You Died” showed on screen.
I removed my VR goggles and earphones.
“…Dammit, I lost.”
“I was so close! Gragh!”
“Really? It just looked like a normal performance. After seeing that red-haired girl’s performance, yours just looked dull.”
Nishimura adding those insults to my lost, I felt like I took more damage than I should’ve had.
“…At least I didn’t rage and go unarmed. That’s more shameful than anything I’ve ever done.”
“S-Shut up! It was a strategy!”
Harushi put his hand over my shoulder.
“Heh, I will take revenge for you.”
“Avenge me my brethren!”
We made a fist bump then Harushi stepped up to the treadmill. Me and Nishimura went out of the line and headed for the back for a clearer view of the screen.
“Hey, do you think he an do it? I don’t mean to be rude, but he’s on the heavier side. Wouldn’t he be slower than usual?”
“Don’t worry about that. He may be fat, but he’s not clumsy. If you compare him to an animal, he is not a pig, but a bear.”
“You shouldn’t compare your friend to animals like that…”
On the screen, he was moving his arms around, and looking at his body with an amused and focused face. He made random stabs to the air as if he is delusional like me. Heh, of course he’ll be excited.
Many people have actually done what he’s doing and people have gotten tired of it. Everyone was getting impatient.
“Can that guy start already? he’s taking a while.”
“He’s going to fail anyway… with that large body.”
“Hey, give him some slack. Maybe it’s the first time for the fat piggy virgin to have a muscular body.”
Wow, these people have no chill. It somehow makes my blood boil.
Before I knew it, Nishimura was already headed over those guys!
I chased after her and grabbed her arm.
“Hey, don’t do it! Don’t cause some commotion!”
“Are you really just going to let them badmouth him like that? Doesn’t it piss you off!?”
“*Sigh* what a delinquent. Harushi doesn’t care for those kinds of comments you know?”
“How do you know? He might just be hiding it…”
Ah, what a good girl… but sorry, Harushi really doesn’t care about that. In fact, he knows that they’re messing with him but he doesn’t care about them. He’s a full gamer through and through. He probably only sees them as people who he has the possibility to meet in-game and play with and trash talking is unavoidable in gaming.
“Hey Nishimura, why are you concerned about him anyway?”
“…Well, he risked his friendship just for my sake. I think that’s admirable.”
“Risk his friendship? Bwahahaha!”
“W-What’s so funny!?”
“He has been like that for a long time. Takuma knows that Harushi will never betray him and will only do things for his sake. They understand each other really well. Takuma knows Harushi was somewhat annoyed with his actions, but he also knows that Harushi also did it for his sake.”
“Hmmm… I see.”
“Heh, jealous of the relationship between bros?”
“No, my friends stayed with me even though they thought I liked BL.”
“I see… so you really like BL.”
“I don’t!”
“There is absolutely nothing wrong with girls liking BL, why are you so against it?”
Ignoring the annoyed gyaru, I looked at the screen. Harushi is still making unusual movements, moving his buckler arm in and out for no reason.
“…Hey, do you think he has even a slight chance?”
“Hmmm… I don’t really know. Me, him, and Takuma have different gaming styles. Takuma mostly plays aggressively relying on his on-the-spot decision making and instinct while I play defensively looking at my enemy and thinking for a way to counter it.”
“…And him?”
“Hmmm… he’s more in between of the two.”
“Then, isn’t that just like everybody?”
“No… maybe I worded it wrong. He doesn’t have a playstyle, he adjusts to all of the player’s playstyle. Specifically, he focuses on the habits of the different players and play around it.”
“I-I see…”
I wonder if she understands that vague explanation?
Before long, Harushi was finally able to finish his movements and pushed start. The countdown began.
The first round started. The AI made a slash towards Harushi. Harushi wasn’t able to react, it just slashed him in half from his left shoulder to his right.
Because of this, people around us started making negative comments.
“Ah, see? He wasn’t even able to react.”
“He looks like a full gamer, but his reflexes are slow? Anyone can react at least to that…”
The second round.
The AI made a slash and was blocked by Harushi, and at the same time, made a stab to the neck. It was blocked.
He was kicked down, then stabbed.
“Heh, at least he was able to block that one. But that kind of block won’t matter. He’ll just kick you down when you go for an attack.
Hey, he’s doing fine… even better than most! Are they only ganging up on him because he looks like a fat zombie? These people…
I can see Nishimura gritting her teeth. Calm down, okay!
The third round. The AI made a slash toward’s Harushi’s shoulder, then Harushi—
After doing a fist bump with Akihito, I went up the treadmill and excitedly wore the equipment.
Woah! It really feels like I’m in the game!
I chose the sword and buckler of course… the reason I chose it was because I think this is the best weapon to win with.
But before all of that, I need to get used to this body! Well, I’m actually still using my real body but of course, it’s different dimensions in-game.
I made stabs from different angles for a little while.
…Okay, now that I’ve practiced time for get started to look at how to win.
I need to look at how the muscles move, specifically the upper arms. These characters are ripped, so it’ll be easy to see their movement.
I moved my left hand in a motion that I’m going to shield my head. My upper arm muscles flexed and rose up from my shoulders. Next, I moved my left hand in a motion to protect my chest. The muscles didn’t flex that much and slightly twisted.
Now, how to block the first slash easily.
The enemy is an easy mode bot AI. This means the developers downgraded the hardest difficulty of this battle. This means that they made the AI more predictable.
This was proven when I saw Akihito’s battle. I’m sure he focused his eyes onto the sword arm. I can use this fact in blocking the attack. This means that the developers have actually made “easy mode” into having the part that we are focusing our eyes on to move.
The sword is swung at all directions… but I think that is false. You are able to make the AI move just by looking on the limb. I just have to focus my eyes on more specific parts. Hmmm, the thumb? No… the fingernail of the thumb. That’s a very specific spot.
Okay, time to go for the first round.
I went into position, focused my eyes on the thumb of the fingernail of the sword arm, and pressed start.
The AI swung his sword and it hit me at my left shoulder. Of course, I died.
Okay, so it’s the left shoulder that he hits… I can prove the theory next round. The moment he makes movement, I’ll move the buckler to block on my left shoulder, without thinking about it. If I block it, my theory is proved.
But next is how to have it not block my attack. I noticed with Akihito’s battle that even by attacking at the same time as blocking still fails as the AI just blocks the attack.
If I’m able to move the sword arm by focusing my eyes on it, then it means that it can also block my sword because I’m looking on what to attack on. In fact, I’ve already made this theory before the battle, hence why I looked at how the muscles moved in game.
It recognizes what is the player is looking at… this means I need to look at the buckler arm rather than the target. I should also not look at the buckler itself as it will move to the targets when I attack, changing the focus of my eyes and making it realize where I will attack.
But of course, it only doesn’t rely on sight, but also the movement of my sword. This means it’ll definitely still block based on the movement of my sword. But what if it cannot see where the sword will hit? I think he won’t be able to make an adjustment just by receiving the information that my sword is moving. With my eyes focused somewhere else, it will have an unstable reading.
Next is to hit in a position where I can adjust to hit either his head or his chest… in other words, on the lower neck.
Okay, time to try it.
Second round.
I focused on the fingernail of the thumb. The moment I saw even the slight movement, I moved my buckler towards my left shoulder without any attention. Since I didn’t give it any of my attention and just moved it with my body, I had the ability to focus where I can hit. I aimed for the lower neck with my sword.
Then… it was able to block my sword.
Of course, it would, it’s because I focused my attention it.
But that gave me the information I needed. When it blocked my attack, my attack didn’t center on the buckler, but hit almost the edge of the buckler. Meaning it doesn’t block the attack itself, but it shields by area.
The lower neck area is the edge of the head hitzone and the chest hitzone. Was this because it was the “Easy mode”?
This means if I can change the attack on the last second, I will be able to go through.
I noticed that I was also able to block his first attack… well, I didn’t pay any attention on it but just used my body to move, so it’s only just now that I noticed that I blocked it. But this confirms my theory that focusing my eyes on the thumb fingernail of the sword arm makes it swing to my left shoulder.
Okay… with this information, let’s start the third round.
Round Three.
I focused my eyes on the finger nail of the thumb of the sword arm. The moment it made a slight movement, I changed my focus onto his left upper forearm. Also, in this same time, I made a stab towards the lower neck. Of course, I was not looking at it, but I already have a feel on it’s specific location with the last round.
The left forearm… didn’t flex that much and slightly twisted! This means, it’s going to shield the chest area.
With the last few microseconds before my sword connected to his bucker, I changed the direction by millimeters and aimed towards the head.
Harushi made a stab toward’s the AI. The AI moved his hand and was about to block his stab…
…Or that’s what everyone thought, until the next split second.
The sword moved a very few millimeters upwards and was able to go for the head.
The whole stadium became quiet and the only sound that can be heard… is the sound effect of the blood gushing out.
For the first time in this pre-opening event…
The AI has been defeated.
Everyone looked with their mouths agape at the screen with the player finally being the one left standing.
Harushi’s and his character lifted up their hands…
It was a shout of victory. It wasn’t just roleplaying, happiness was mixed in there.
The moment he shouted, the people inside the venue also started cheering.
“I-I can’t believe it! That fat guy did it! He was able to defeat him!
“At round 3 nonetheless!”
“Who the heck is this guy!? Was that just luck!?”
Everyone who was badmouthing him suddenly praised him with amazed faces.
I also noticed the red-haired girl who always had a serious face finally make an expression. It wasn’t an excited expression, but her eyes narrowed and he gripped her hands into a fist.
“He did it! He did it! Hey Tanaka he did it!”
Nishimura who was beside me jumped in joy with a smile on her face. She was very happy from the bottom of my heart.
Though for some reason, she stopped jumping and stared at my face with curiousity.
“…Hey, Tanaka? Aren’t you happy for him?
“Huh? Of course, I’m happy for him!”
“Then why are you gritting your teeth like that?”
I didn’t notice that I was gritting my teeth… I also didn’t notice that my nails are also burying through my palm.
At… it’s that.
“Hahaha, this is just the usual. I really am happy about him, but at the same time, frustrated. As a gamer, I felt that I was defeated.”
“…Now that you mention it, we’re kind of in a competition on who defeats it first. I didn’t really take it seriously, but I guess you did.”
“Heh, real life gamer buddies don’t only enjoy co-op games, but also competitive games between each other. I’m sure you know it too.”
Don’t get me wrong here. I still don’t accept Harushi or even Takuma to be better than me in games. This is just one of the rare times where Harushi exceled. Heh, it seems that this time… it’s my loss.
For the next two rounds, Harushi was able to kill the AI continuously. This doesn’t only mean that he was able to kill it, but was even able to win the whole match. The golden “You Win” was showed on the screen with the spectators watching with their mouths agape.
This is because all battles were almost the same as if it’s it was choreographed. The only difference was the last blow being at the chest for the fourth round and the head again on the fifth round.
Man, that guy really hates to lose, even in “bonus” events like this.
…Heh, though I’m not to talk…
The pre-opening event has ended after they gave us free lunch.
We are riding on the train back to Chiba. Me and Akihito are standing while Nishimura is sleeping with her head leaning on an adult woman’s shoulder. We pretend that she’s not with us.
“…Heh, I have avenged you, Akihito.”
“Hmpf! I will get my revenge on you someday!”
“I just said I avenged you! Well, I do understand that… then come at me anytime!”
Harushi is quite lively today, of course, why wouldn’t he? He was the only one who was able to beat that AI 3W-2L.
While we were casually talking, someone approached us.
“Excuse me.”
We shifted our attention to the one speaking… it was the red-haired foreigner.
Such a beautiful girl is talking to Harushi!
Is Harushi alright? He’s not panicking, is he?
“What is it?”
And he’s not affected! Huh? Why!?
…Ah. It’s probably because she’s a “player” of the game we just played. This guy almost becomes blind when she comes across people who are potentially going to be playing a game with him.
“…How were you able to defeat the AI?”
Well, I probably have an idea how after being given a long time to think about it, but it’s better to hear it.
“That VR game was the next generation VR, this means that the most advanced equipment is the VR goggles. The focus of the eyes was probably an “input” into the system. Having the AI at easy mode means that the limb that the player can react to will move. I imagine that in harder modes, it will hit onto blind spots.”
“How did that relate to you winning?”
“…Why did the sword arm move more than the other limbs? It’s because the other players mostly focused on the sword arm. I proved it with this guy’s performance as I know how he plays. I looked at a specific part, and it really was the key to have it move how I wanted. This was how I blocked the slash. As for how the sword to go through, it read inputs through the VR goggles meaning it already knows the target if you look at it, but the sword’s trajectory is harder to discern due to the slow change.”
“Then how did you pass through the buckler?”
“I noticed from the previous matches that it only defends areas of its body. On the second round, I tried to focus the one in between the head and the chest, and it confirmed my theory. On the winning rounds, I focused my eyes on the buckler arm’s muscles while aiming for the middle of the two areas with the dagger. I change the direction based on what it will block. Since my eyes aren’t focused on my targets, it read it too late because the sword’s trajectory changing can’t be process instantly while the eyes changing can. That was how I was able to slow down its reaction time.”
The red-haired foreigner just stared at Harushi’s face.
Yeah, I thought so… I already got the idea when I saw his last two matches. This guy is manipulating the AI. He thought of how the AI “sees” and how the developers downgraded it to “Easy Mode”.
I other words, it’s his usual stuff. He looked at the habits of the AI and played around it. To think that it doesn’t only work on people, but also AI… this guy is amazing.
After a few seconds of staring, the red-haired foreigner spoke.
“I see… thank you for sharing.”
She said while walking away.
“Well, see ya at school”
We had arrived back in Chiba and Nishimura had just wave us goodbye. It’s quite an unusual feeling to have a gyaru actually not acting like a gyaru but a normal girl. Could this actually be her real self? Is she only acting like a gyaru for her friends?
Well, anyway, new female friends aren’t bad at all.
We had reached the intersection where we will separate. Before we separated…
“Hey, Akihito.”
While we were on our way home, Harushi suddenly started speaking. His tone was different than usual, so I also asked with a serious face.
“What is it?”
“I decided… I’m going to focus FBVR games… and if possible, set becoming a pro as my goal.”
“R-Really? But didn’t you hate going pro because you can’t play other games as well? Not only that, there still isn’t assurance if there are any games that will have a competitive scene.”
“…When I was inside that game, I was really enjoying it. I felt like my blood boiled as I tried to defeat the AI. That’s only the AI, what more if it’s real people? I think there is a good chance that there will be a competitive scene.”
This was an unbelievable statement from Harushi. Harushi loves playing games, but all in all he only plays for the sake of being good at everything. Competing with his friends… but this is different. Being pro means living for the game.
But then again… we’re still in high school. In all honesty, this is the best time to become pro for the sake of the future. If he’s able to become pro before he graduates, then it’ll be an easy way for him.
So, I support this idea.
“I see… then you’re going to buy a whole-body suit. Want to go to our shop to have it custom made?”
“No… not now.”
For the first time ever, I saw Harushi touch his own stomach.
“I need to become faster physically… I also need my mental condition to be able to keep up with the tiredness of my body… as it they will be the core of FBVR games.”
Harushi walked towards the direction of his hands while raising his hand up the scarlet sunset sky.
“I probably won’t be able to play with you this spring break… see ya.”
In the last week of classes and the whole spring break itself, he was never online in the games we played.
I headed down the stairs towards the living room. Sitting there was my father who was wearing an excessively luxurious robe sitting on a sofa watching on an excessively large TV screen. Standing beside him is a maid in her 30’s.
Thinking about it, I wouldn’t think of these as a luxury or being excessive if I didn’t get involved with fat zombie.
As I walked down the stairs, my father glanced at me with a sharp gaze.
“Today is the first day of school, why are you only going out now?”
“It’s the first day of school, there is no need to go to school in time.”
The first day of school is just the entrance ceremony and introductions in classes. I think it’s just a day that says “spring break is over! Time for torture!”.
“Even if you’re studying in a second-rate school, properly follow the school rules in the Maeda name. What’s with that blonde hair? Dye it black.”
“This is my natural hair color though…”
Your wife is Russian, this is my natural hair. Though most people think it’s blonde because I look like a handsome Japanese with blonde dyed hair and blue eyes.
I call myself handsome, but it’s not like I’m bragging, I’m just stating the facts. Oh, that does sound like bragging!
A few moments later we heard footsteps going down the stairs. Over there was my little sister who was panicking. She has waist length curly blonde hair with a small amount of her hair in a braid with a ribbon on it. Her eyes are big and blue. She is slim and is 150cm tall. She is her first year of high school in high-class all-girls escalator school. She’s the epitome of cuteness.
No, I don’t have a sister complex, I’m just staying the facts.
“Ahhh! I’m late, I’m late! Celestine, why didn’t you wake me up!?”
“Milady, your father told me that I shouldn’t wake you up as a growing child needs to gets her full sleep… and also, I can’t miss this episode.”
“Watching your morning dramas is more important than my school attendance!?”
Celestine tilted her head as if saying “What are you talking about? Of course, it is.” My little sister looked like she popped a vein and she puffed her cheeks. I’ve been with her my whole life but I feel like something in my soul is softening when she makes those kinds of expressions.
No, again this is not sister complex. If you see something cute, of course you will feel soft inside.
What? I’m a guy and it doesn’t fit me to like cute things? I don’t like cute things but there’s no helping it if it’s my little sister because it’s a natural instinct.
“Papa! Why did you not tell her to wake me up!?”
“Maria, there is no need to get to school early in your first day of school. It’s more efficient to have you sleep to prepare for the true start of school tomorrow.”
“What’s with this difference in treatment old man!?”
It’s not like I don’t understand though. My little sister will definitely make anyone feel soft. But I can’t help but voice out my thoughts because of this favoritism with his children.
Maria has an English name because my father was the one who gave her the name. My mother who likes Japanese culture was the one who gave me my name. She’s probably still sleeping until now from watching too much anime last night.
Ignoring me and father, Maria headed off to the door. Father paused what he was watching and turned to Maria. Wait, so that wasn’t morning drama!?
“Maria, where are you going? Hans is waiting for you in the parking lot.”
Hans is the family driver. Maria is always drove to school in a luxurious car. Actually, it’s not like I’m not allowed to use it, but I prefer walking since it’s just a few minutes’ walk and I don’t want to stand out that much.
For some reason, I can hear Fat Zombie retorting “you already stand out!” from somewhere.
“Father… I’ve decided that from now on, I’ll walk to school.”
Father abruptly stood up with a despaired face and the remote fell out of his hand. Celestine casually caught it and placed it on top of the side table.
“That’s not acceptable! What if something happens to you!? people will kidnap you! Animals will bite you! You’ll trip and fall then get wounded! You’ll get wind cut!”
“Your being too Paranoid! Oh, and don’t let any SPs follow me, okay!? I want to have a normal high school life like big brother!”
“T-This can’t be… A-are you also entering your rebelling stage!?”
This difference in treatment is really not fair. Is this how it is to be the eldest sibling?
Modern security system has made the crime rate drop to almost none per day but still, I understand his worries. I’m worried that she’s going to get kidnapped. Even if you remove her being a child of a rich family, people will still get the intention to kidnap her.
And so, I’ll give a suggestion to the old man.
“Father, don’t worry. From now on, I’ll walk with her to school.”
It’s not like I’m worried about her or anything! I-I just want to have some female friends on a high-class all-girls school!
My father looked at me with distrust in his eyes.
“…Is Tanaka and Hayashi going with you?”
“I always go to school with Tanaka as it’s on the way, as for Hayashi, we’ll pass by his house on the way to Maria’s school.”
“Then, it’s fine.”
He trusts them more than me!? That’s kind of annoying!
Okay, I’m going to make him uneasy…
“Wait a minute… did you plan this, Maria? As far as I remembered, you wanted to marry Fat Zombie when you were still a kid.
My father was taken aback and had a pale face.
“What are you talking about, Onii-chan? Well, I did like Haru-nii before, but as I grew up, I didn’t really find him attractive anymore. Well… people may say that looks don’t matter, but I feel like it does.”
“…I always forget that you’re already in highschool.”
Hearing Maria speak in a mature way… it doesn’t fit her!
Anyway, hearing this, the old man seemed like he calmed down.
Maria moved in front of me and made a smile.
“Let’s go, big brother!”
I bit my tongue so I don’t make a creepy grin and just smiled casually. This little sister of mine is dangerous!
Me and Maria headed out of our luxurious looking mansion as I felt the gaze of my father who was biting his thumb in jealousy.
We had met up with Akihito and are headed towards Fat Zombie’s house.
“So… the little princess has decided to leave the castle after seeing the corruption of nobles and started recruiting to start a war. I’m with you all the way, princess!”
“Aki-nii! It’s amazing that you can still act shamefully like that!”
Maria looked at Akihito with admiration and sparkling eyes. She’s not a child, so I’m sure this is an indirect way of insulting him.
Instead of feeling proud, Akihito felt really embarrassed and his eyebrows twitched. Still, he went on with being shameful. I’m so used to it that I don’t even care anymore.
“Say, Fat Zombie really didn’t go online this past spring break. Whenever I messaged him, he always says he’s busy.”
“It’s always like this… when it comes to games, that guy puts in so much effort.”
“Is Haru-nii avoiding you two? well, even though he’s weird, compared to you two, he’s still the closest to normal.”
“Little sister, just how do you see me? In school, I’m the most popular person who gets confessed to two times a month. But even then, I don’t entertain them as Nadeshiko is the only one in my heart!”
“I really think Shiko-nee is wasted on you, big brother.”
“Haha… I think so too.”
“The barbarian prince really becomes soft when it comes to the princess of the moonlight!”
“S-Shut up…”
Maria and Akihito looked at me with annoying teasing eyes.
Yamato, Nadeshiko is the name of the girl who is engaged to me. She also studies at the same school as Maria and is in the same year level. Truth to be told, I feel like I’m wasted on such a perfect girl like her. Well, our relationship started only as engagement but we slowly got closer to each other… though it’s still not what you would call lovers in a relationship’s sense… ah, this is just a story for another time.
We have reached the house that has “Hayashi” on the nameplate. It’s a simple home with two floors. It’s a normal sight but for someone who lives in an unusually excessive mansion, looking at this house feels refreshing somehow… maybe because I know who lives in it.
We rang the doorbell and we heard voices from inside the house.
“Hey, Harushi! Go get the door! If it’s some salesman, sprinkle salt on him!”
“Isn’t it better to use sugar or honey so insects will swarm him?”
Well… though normal, I still feel like people who lives inside this house is unusual.
The house door opened and someone walked towards us who is standing in front of the gates.
…Did he have a brother?
He waved his hand as he walked towards us from inside his house.
As he moved closer… his face became more familiar. No… I know this face. Though, I still can’t believe what I’m seeing… no, I refuse to believe it.
This is just not physically possible!
“Yo, long time no see.”
““Who are you!?!?””
Mine and Akihito's voice resounded in the whole neighborhood.
Author's Notes:
Chapter 1 was very long that I had to put it into two chapters. I might be updating this with long gaps because I like to write longer chapters. I might not even log in that much(unless I would comment or like other novels) since I write on MSWord before transfering it.
If names are hard to remember, I'm very sorry m(*-ω-)m. I just can't picture the school setting in Japan with English names and I also think Japanese names are cool. There are little honorifics in here like -nii because I don't want to replace it with "big bro Haru" or "big bro Aki" cause it sounds... well, usual for me.
This is my first chapter in Honeyfeed, I hoped you liked it.
-Novice Project
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