Chapter 0:

A normal day for Habiki

Habiki is late for school


A hand reaches out from underneath the covers on the bed and hovers over the alarm clock.


The alarm sounds and before it has even finished its first buzz the hand presses the button to turn it off. Habiki sits up in bed. He is handsome with black unkempt hair that falls perfectly around his eyes without obscuring his vision. His eyes are a gentle grey but with a subtle intensity behind them. Despite this, he wears an expression of boredom which dulls the brightness of his eyes. 

He gets up and lumbers towards the bathroom. He is well built, not too skinny and not bulky either. The perfect athletes body. After finishing in the bathroom he heads back to his room. It is relatively small and completely devoid of anything that would bring personality to the room. Habiki gets dressed into his school uniform, heads downstairs, makes himself 2 slices of toast and leaves to go to school, no different to normal. 

Habiki takes the main route to school. Other students pass him, meeting up with their friends on the way and running ahead. But Habiki walks all alone to the school gates with the same bored expression he has worn all morning.