Chapter 1:

Chapter 1

Habiki is late for school

Habiki is in class 1-A, the top class in his grade. His desk is at the far side of the classroom, in the middle, right next to the window. Habiki finds himself watching the daily life of people milling about in the street outside of the school. He was currently in a geography lesson and his teacher was stood talking about economic distributions. Habiki's teacher, who also didn't much like economic distribution, found it frustrating that Habiki thought he could sit and day dream. He decided to quiz him and use this opportunity to set an example for other students as to why they should always be paying attention at all times.

"Habiki", the teacher asked, "from the list I just provided, which Japanese region is the poorest?" 

Without so much as blinking, Habiki responded "Okinawa, Sir".

With a smug look, not expecting Habiki to respond, his teacher continued "you see everyone this is why its so important to pay atten-". It was at that point he realised that not only had Habiki answered the question, but he was right. In an attempt to save face, the teacher tried to correct himself; "ahh... yes... quite right. Make sure you are paying attention at all times because I might ask any of you next".

As everyone's gaze returns to the teacher and his presentation, one pair of eyes remained locked onto Habiki. Minato was a small girl but with large fair hair that would probably be considered silver due to how It always shone in the light. She had big, bright, blue eyes that were soothing like the faint lull of the sea. Minato sat at the back, in the middle row of the class and, whilst due to her size she didn't have a good view of the presentation, she had a perfect view of Habiki. This, in her eyes, was more important. Since the first day of high school, Minato had been captivated by Habiki. In fact she would argue that she was madly in love despite never really actually having a proper conversation. 

It happened on their first day of High school. Everyone had just finished the welcome ceremony and were thronging down the stairs and towards their respective classrooms. Minato had quite a few friends but they were all in a different class to her. She left her friends and made her way across the main courtyard which separated the school. It was at his point that Minato tripped. To this day she is still adamant that someone had left something lying on the ground but in reality she had probably tripped over her own feet. As Minato fell time seemed to slow down and the reality of the situation sunk in. How embarrassing was it to fall flat on your face on your first day in the middle of your classmates? Not only that but this was the school courtyard, most of the other students from all classes and grades were passing through. This was it. Her high school days were over before they even began. Suddenly, she wasn't falling anymore. Confused she looked up into brilliant grey eyes framed with black hair. Minato straightened herself and desperately attempted to thanked the boy. 

With a gentle smile he nodded and then noticed her name tag. "It's your first day too, and we are both in the same class. Why don't we walk together, just try not to fall this time" he said without losing the kind shine to his eyes. Speechless, Minato nodded. The boy turned and started walking with Minato trailing close behind. All Minato could think about since then was that kind face and the name on his name tag; "Habiki".